Releases: Hideousmon/SPLayout
Releases · Hideousmon/SPLayout
- Able to get eigenmode distribution from mode monitor.
- Enhance reliability for executing simulations.
- Figures can be shown when it is required in the inverse design regions.
- Able to get magnetic field intensity from field regions.
- Able to get power of the sources with specific wavelengths.
- Fix a bug for mesh region error in FDTDSimulation.
- Add draw function for CirclePixelsRegion&RectanglePixelsRegion.
- load_file param for FDTDSimulation & MODESimulation.
- Fix a bug for mismatching axises in pixelsregion.
- Fix a bug for wrong data-pass with Scientific notation.
- Able to set amplitude and phase for mode source.
- New Function for fdtdapi: reset_source_amplitude and reset_source_phase.
- Fix a bug for wrong SelfMadeComponent rotation.
- add_index_region, add_field_region, add_mesh_region can be defined by z_min&z_max.
- Support Fundamental TE mode for add_mode_expansion in fdtdapi.
- Fix a bug for get_transmission error.
- Fix bugs for MAKE_COMPONENT rotation errors.
- Microring add_heater should generate conductor layer on the heater layer.
- More functions for MODE varFDTD simulation tools.
- Rename a function in fdtdapi: add_source -> add_mode_source.
- Function for removing cells.
- Function for renaming all drawing on Lumerical CAD.
- ASBend & SBend bugs fixed for 'z_start' attribute missing.
- AQuarBend & QuarBend bugs fixed for unacceptable 'tuple' parameters.
- DoubleBendConnector bugs fixed for wrong type definition.
- Component drawing functions on fdtd_engine with z_start, z_end and material. .
- Tuple support for definitions.
- Float index to define material in fdtd (object defined dielectric).
- Lumerical script eval for fdtd.
- ArbitraryAngleWaveguide class.
- Example for DBS.
- Width property for waveguides.
- Fix a bug for unexpected rotation in SelfDefineComponent.
- Self.start_point -> self.start_point_for_return in func:get_start_point of SelfDefineComponent.
- Able to get backward transmission from mode expansion monitor.
- Able to derive phase information from monitor.
- Able to create rectangle&circle pixels with fdtd functions.
- README.rst for pypi ducumentation.
- Support numpy array for Polygon definition.
- Annotation for DBS run.
- Support cell flatten.
- Fix a bug: initial_solution in DirectBianrySearchAlgorithm can not be properly defined.
- FDTD API added.
- Binary Bat Algorithm & Direct Binary Search Algorithm for inverse design.