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Dockerfiles to compose a complete development/testing environment for intelmq certbund mailgen

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IntelMQ development environment

Use Docker-Compose to build up a complete development and test environment for IntelMQ, Manager, fody, mailgen and webinput




This repository contains docker environments for building packages and using a full IntelMQ setup with different scenarios.

The following scenarios are supported:

  1. Test-Setup with services build from source with a given revision (default is master)
  2. Development-Setup with mounted source code for easy editing
  3. Test-Setup with services build from package (file system)
  4. Test-Setup with services build from package (repository)

Building packages

Currently the build process supports Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy only and builds the following packages:

  • intelmq-fody
  • intelmq-fody-backend
  • intelmq-mailgen
  • intelmq-certbund-contact
  • intelmq-webinput-csv
  • intelmq-webinput-csv-backend

To start the build process use ./pkg/ The script takes a couple of parameters given as environment variables.

  • IMQ_BUILD_PACKAGES - List of packages to build
  • IMQ_BUILD_RELEASE - Switch to build a release package (values are "yes" or "no")
  • IMQ_BUILD_DIR - Destination directory for the resulting logs and packages (will be prefixed with current $HOME)

Setup Scenarios

On the first startup, the two containers intelmq-database and intelmq-fody-backend seem to hang. The reason is that the data import for the contactdb takes some time and the fody backend waits for the import to finish.

Ports on the host machine for the applications and APIs:

  • intelmq-manager: 1380 (path /intelmq-manager)
  • intelmq-api: 1381 (not in all scenarios)
  • intelmq-fody: 1382
  • intelmq-fody-backend: 1340 (not in all scenarios)
  • intelmq-webinput-csv: 1383
  • intelmq-webinput-csv-backend: 1341 (not in all scenarios)

Configuration env

The complete stack is mostly configured via the .env-file and has four 'sections'.

The first section configures the paths to development directories containing the source code of required components, which you will need to download in addition to this repository: intelmq, intelmq-api, intelmq-manager, intelmq-fody, intelmq-fody-backend, intelmq-webinput-csv, intelmq-certbund-contact, intelmq-mailgen

# Mounted source directories in dev variant

The second section configures the paths to rules, templates and formats of CERT-BUND bots and mailgen. These paths are mounted in all scenarios. The content can be changed during runtime, but remember to restart bots on change.

# Mounted directories for rule and mailgen development in all variants

In the third section the repository revisions for the default scenario are configured.

# Revisions for source variant

In the fourth section, the IntelMQ unstable repository can be optionally activated (in addition to the default stable repository) to test pre-releases of IntelMQ:

# Set to true for using the IntelMQ unstable repository

The last section defines a switch to integrate a basic but complete CERT-BUND bot and mailgen configuration that applies to all scenarios at build time.

# deactivated:
# Switch on the integration of certbund bot and mailgen configuration:

Scenario 1: From source (default)

This requires local copies of all programs. Correct *_SRC settings in the .env are required for this scenario to work (see configuration section above).

docker compose build --no-cache

Creates the Images using the dockerfiles. The --no-cache flags prevents docker from using old intermediate images.

docker compose up

Creates and starts the containers. Add -d to run in background.

Scenario 2: Development ('dev')

Using the docker containers for development requires a local checkout of fody and fody-backend. Mounting them as volume is specified in the and the path to the source code is defined in the .env file.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build --no-cache

Creates the Images using the dockerfiles. The --no-cache flags prevents docker from using old intermediate images.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up

Creates and starts the containers. Add -d to run in background.

The Fody and Webinput-CSV (frontend) containers start with yarn in development mode. Changes in the code automatically trigger a refresh in the browser. Only if dependencies change a login to the container is required to restart the yarn dev server:

docker exec -ti intelmq-fody-spa /bin/bash
    $ kill `pidof node`
    $ yarn
    $ yarn run dev 2>&1 &

Do not kill the tail process. It keeps the container alive when killing node processes.

Scenario 3: Local packages ('pkg')

Building images and containers with self built intelmq packages (intelmq-certbund-contact, intemq-fody-backend, intemq-fody), it assumed that the packages are available under ./packages. Upstream packages from sebix and Intevation repository are used as backup for all packages not existing locally.

mkdir packages
cp $PATH_TO_PKGS/* packages/
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.pkg.yml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.pkg.yml up

Scenario 4: Repository packages ('full-pkg')

Building a setup of all the applications using the package repositories can be done with

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.pkg.yml -f docker-compose.full-pkg.yml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.pkg.yml -f docker-compose.full-pkg.yml up

The latest packages are used, no versions can be specified in this scenario.


docker-compose down

Stops and removes the containers.

docker-compose stop

Stops the containers.

docker-compose images

Lists all images used for the services.

docker rmi intelmq-base intelmq-database intelmq-database intelmq-fody-backend intelmq-fody-spa

Removes the images.

The containers

docker-compose start

Starts already existing containers

Using the applications

IntelMQ-Manager, Fody and Webinput-CSV need credentials to login. The default user is admin with the password secret. For more users login to the docker container running intelmq-api, intelmq-fody-backend or intelmq-webinput-csv-backend and follow the instructions in the documentation for IntelMQ-Manager, Fody and Webinput-csv.


Using the contactdb depends on data that can change daily. The directory name contains the current date so rebuilding the container with an image on an other date than the image was build leaves the database empty.

Rebuild the image with no cache to get an up to date database.

Starting the setup with a fresh data import for the contactdb will take some time so please be patient.


Run mailgen in the mailgen container:

docker exec -ti mailgen bash

The default entrypoint calls intelmqcbmail every five minutes.

Read the mails by entering the dsmtpd container and run:

docker exec -ti intelmq-dsmtpd bash
mutt -f /opt/mails/incoming


To use intelmqctl you need to set environment variables, which are normally set by docker-compose:

docker exec --env-file=.env -ti --network intelmq-cb-mailgen-docker_intelmq intelmq bash


To enter the database, use

docker exec -ti intelmq-database psql -h localhost contactdb
docker exec -ti intelmq-database psql -h localhost eventdb


To run the tests, call


Please note that this clears

  • all data in the database tables events and directives
  • all data in the redis database

Or execute the tests per container by executing the single commands from this file.

You can activate the debug mode (set -x) by using DEBUG=1. To skip the IntelMQ unittests (which take a while to complete, set INTELMQ_SKIP_UNITTESTS=1 in .env.


The container webinput-csv-intelmq-mailgen is special and not started by default. Only available as dev-version. It combines intelmq, intelmq-api, intelmq-manager, intelmq-certbund-contact, intelmq-mailgen and intelmq-webinput-csv in one container. Everything except fody.


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build webinput-csv-intelmq-mailgen


Dockerfiles to compose a complete development/testing environment for intelmq certbund mailgen






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