Find the current repo at
- tag the version
git tag <whatever, e.g. v0.2.2>
- push the tag
git push origin <whatever, e.g. v0.2.2>
- on the server, get to the main repo root e.g.
cd ~/MusicCPRFrontEndDev
- pull on server
git pull
- checkout a new worktree for the recently pushed/fetched/tagged version
git worktree add ../fe-dev-versions/v0.2.2 v0.2.2
- npm i #beware that probably we should not track package-lock.json nor yarn.lock since local and remote are different platforms and we depend on platform-specific tools /-:
- create .env.local and .env.production with content like this (and look at what we're using already on server)
- npm run build
pm2 stop fe-dev
- change the symlink for live in fe-dev to the newly readied version
- cd /home/ec2-user/fe-dev-versions
- ls -al
- rm live
- ln -s /home/ec2-user/fe-dev-versions/<v0.2.2> live
- cd /home/ec2-user/fe-dev-versions/live #WARNING: you must have cd'ed into the current version first because the start script is just running
next start
which expects to find package.json and etc in the current dir. pm2 start npm --name "fe-dev" -- start
pm2 start npm --name "fe-prod" -- start
pm2 save
- package.json needs to specify the different port
- change the
line in package.json to"start": "next start -p 3003"
- change the
- .env files may need to be copied from prior versions