- Feature 1: Register Feature
- Feature 2: Login Feature
- Feature 3: Email Verification Feature
- Feature 4: Dynamic User Navbar
- Feature 5: User Profile
- Feature 6: Signout Feature
- Feature 7: Admin Dashboard
- Feature 8: Search Feature
- Feature 9: Pagination Feature
- Feature 10: Dynamic Navbar
List of all the technologies, languages, frameworks, libraries etc. used in the project.
- Language: Javascript
- Framework: React.js, express.js
- State Management: Redux
- Database: Firebase
- Authentication: Firebase Auth
- UI: Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, Flowbite, LucideReact, React Icons, Material UI
- Email-Service: Firebase Auth Email Service
Note the given installation videos has a few commands that do not work as expected make sure to follow the commands written here instead
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js
## Clone this repo
#### Note: You can put this into any directory you want
git clone https://github.com/Software-Engineering-Projects/SoftEng1.git
## Create a new Firebase project
## Create a new Webapp
### Setup .env file for frontend folder
#### Upon registering your app you will be prompt with .env files for your firebase SDK
#### Copy those files into your .env file
#### Note your environment files will be different from mine so do not copy what is in the video
## Create Service Account Key File
cd into backend/functions Create new file serviceAccountKey.json
## Find your service account key
Go to the firebase console Inside project settings Service accounts tab Generate new private key Copy contents and paste into newly created serviceAccountKey.json
## Install Firebase Tools
cd to backend/functions npm install -g firebase-tools npm i
## Setup backend development server
## Login to the firebase CLI
firebase login
## Run the backend server
npm run serve
## Setup frontend development server
cd to frontend npm install npm run dev
#### Note: Occasionaly pull latest changes from main
git pull origin main
## NOTE: Make sure you install firebase in the backend/functions directory along with its dependencies
## Installation Video
- **Video 1**: Installing and Setting Up
- **Video 2**: Starting the backend server
- **Video 3**: Starting dev server
- **Video 4**: Creating firestore database
- **Video 5**: Testing the API Endpoints
- **Video 6**: Setting Up Stripe(optional)
NOTE: Needed for testing checkout routes, order route as ordes will respond to certain events thrown by stripe webhook, (Check Stripe Docs regarding these webhook events)
- **Video 7**: Setting Up Resend(for email verification)