My name is Kennedy Tedesco. I was born in Brazil 🇧🇷, and I'm also an Italian 🇮🇹 citizen. I primarily work with PHP (a Laravel specialist), but I have a real crush on Rust, system-level programming, interpreters, parsers, and more.
📫 How to reach me:
- Website:
- X: @KennedyTedesco
- Mastodon: @KennedyTedesco
- Email: [email protected]
I'm available for consulting, freelance work, and open-source contributions. If you have a project that you need help with, feel free to reach out to me.
I've been contributing to Laravel since 2013 and am proudly the 18th most active contributor to the framework.
Latest features contributions I've made:
- [11.x] Add
#52688 - [11.x] add
#52696 - [11.x] Add
middleware for Queue Jobs #52697 - [11.x] Add
to the Queueable trait #51555
You can find all my Laravel contributions here.
The Monkey Programming Language & Interpreter written in PHP.
Monkey is just a C-like language and its interpreter that I built to learn and understand how lexers and parsers work.
I'm one of the contributors to the PHP TUI library.
Latest features contributions I've made:
- Add paragraph word wrap support #219
- Feature: Add the ability to parse text into spans #140
- Add new methods to Padding #165
You can find all my PHP TUI contributions here.
I was one of the contributors to Ara Lang. I contributed to this project to work with Rust and deepen my understanding of parsers.
Ara was a powerful, statically typed programming language that compiled directly to PHP. It was designed to be easy to use and efficient.
I contributed to the project by adding new features, fixing bugs, and improving the overall codebase, primarily working on the parser written in Rust.
You can find all my Ara Parser contributions here.