JavaScript module for finding railway connections prices using the Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV, Hungarian State Railways) API. Inofficial, using an endpoint by Magyar Államvasutak. Please ask them for permission before using this module in production.
Currently only supports international railway connections from/to Hungary.
npm install mav-prices
returns a Promise
that will resolve with a list of offers.
import { queryPrices } from 'mav-prices';
queryPrices(from, to, [date], [opt]).then(…)
and to
must be MAV station IDs like "008099970"
must be a Date
object; if empty, the current datetime will be used.
With opt
, you can override the default options, which look like this:
class: 2, // 1 or 2 for first or second class
seatReservation: false,
directConnection: false,
duration: 480, // search for connections within n minutes after departure date (default: undefined; note: 1 API request per 480 minutes will be sent)
longerTransferTime: false, // >=10 minutes transfer time guaranteed
isArrivalDate: false, // specify whether date parameter is arrival or departure date; ignored if duration is set
intermediateStations: [ // 0-3 objects for intermediate stations (sample object is not set as default)
stationCode: "008062648", // station ID
durationOfStay: 5 // in minutes (max: 59 (officially), but more seems to work as well);
// set to 0 if train should at least pass through station
travellers: [ // one or more objects; up to six people and six dogs/bicycles
type: '8', // passengerType
discounts: [], // discount IDs
The following passenger and discount types are available for international journeys:
passengerTypes: [
{ '0': 'Child (0-4 years)' },
{ '1': 'Child (4-6 years)' },
{ '2': 'Child (6-12 years)' },
{ '3': 'Child (12-14 years)' },
{ '4': 'Youth (14-15 years)' },
{ '5': 'Youth (15-16 years)' },
{ '6': 'Teenager (16-18 years)' },
{ '7': 'Young adult (18-26 years)' },
{ '8': 'Adult (26+ years)' },
{ '9': 'Dog' },
{ '10': 'Bicylce' },
discounts: [
{ '1': 'BahnCard 25' },
{ '3': 'BahnCard 50' },
{ '5': 'BahnCard 100' },
{ '8': 'Vorteilscard' },
{ '9': 'Generalabonnement' },
{ '10': 'Halbtaxabonnement' },
{ '11': 'Klimaticket' },
The result will be a list of Friendly Public Transport Format journey
With from = '008099970'
, to = '005501362'
and date = new Date('2023-01-09T09:30:00.000Z')
, the result looked like this:
type: 'journey',
id: 181926962,
legs: [
mode: 'train',
origin: { type: 'station', id: '008001071', name: 'Hamburg Hbf' },
destination: { type: 'station', id: '008022534', name: 'Würzburg Hbf' },
departure: '2023-01-09T12:01:00+01:00',
departureDelay: 0,
departurePlatform: undefined,
arrival: '2023-01-09T15:28:00+01:00',
arrivalDelay: 0,
arrivalPlatform: undefined,
line: {
type: 'line',
id: '6528402',
name: 'ICE 789',
mode: 'train',
product: 'ICE',
schedule: '683163',
mode: 'train',
origin: { type: 'station', id: '008022534', name: 'Würzburg Hbf' },
destination: { type: 'station', id: '008101073', name: 'Linz Hbf' },
departure: '2023-01-09T15:35:00+01:00',
departureDelay: 0,
departurePlatform: undefined,
arrival: '2023-01-09T19:26:00+01:00',
arrivalDelay: 0,
arrivalPlatform: undefined,
line: {
type: 'line',
id: '6525223',
name: 'ICE 29',
mode: 'train',
product: 'ICE',
schedule: '690816',
mode: 'train',
origin: { type: 'station', id: '008101073', name: 'Linz Hbf' },
destination: { type: 'station', id: '005501362', name: 'Hegyeshalom' },
departure: '2023-01-09T20:17:00+01:00',
departureDelay: 0,
departurePlatform: undefined,
arrival: '2023-01-09T22:25:00+01:00',
arrivalDelay: 0,
arrivalPlatform: undefined,
line: {
type: 'line',
id: '6493390',
name: 'RJX 261',
mode: 'train',
product: 'RJX',
schedule: '658654',
price: { amount: 115, currency: 'EUR', name: 'START Europa DE' },
// ...
– A list of MAV stations.db-prices
– Find journey prices using the DB Sparpreise API.
If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.