Releases: MartinLangbecker/wokubot
Add custom images to media entries
In addition to the functionality described in release v0.2.0-alpha (see below), it is now possible to use custom images when creating or editing a media entry. When in edit mode, simply tap on the "+" or the already existing image. You will then be taken to the image gallery of your device where you can select any image up to 1920x1080 resolution. When the entry is saved, the selected image will be copied to the local document folder of the app.
Preview of app with media capabilities
This release contains some major changes as to how media is created, edited, and stored. The app is now backed by a database which holds information about the media, though (currently) not the media itself. It is possible to create new entries containing an image, a name, and a description. It is also possible to edit existing entries as well as delete them.
When launching the app for the first time, a database file will be generated on your device. It will contain an empty database.
To add an entry, tap the "+" icon in the top right corner of your screen. Enter a name and a description and press the "save" icon in the top right corner. The entry will be saved to the database. Currently, a default image will be added to the entry. You may then proceed to edit or delete it on the same page using the corresponding icons. Once you're done, you can return to the media list where the new entry will be shown.
To edit an existing entry, simply tap on it and a detailed view will open. You may edit or delete it using the corresponding icons. After returning, your actions will be reflected in the media list.
You may also delete all entries from the media list. Use this functionality with caution as deleted entries cannot be restored automatically.
In case any of your recent changes do not show up in the media list, tap the refresh button.
App with media capabilities
This release contains many new features regarding media usage. The most prominent features will be outlined below. You can download the Android app from the Assets section below.
Initial media entries
When starting the app for the first time, a set of images, audio, and video files will be displayed in the app. Those media files reflect some general and most common use cases. The corresponding media files will be placed in the internal device storage and can be accessed from within as well as outside of the app.
Adding, editing, and deleting entries
Adding entries
New media entries can be added from the media list by tapping on the "+" icon on the right side of the app bar. In the new dialog, a media file from the device file system can be selected and a name and description added. Once you're done, tap on the "save" icon on the right side of the app bar to save the entry. Depending on the media type, the new entry will show up in the correct tab. Most modern media file formats can be added to the app.
Editing entries
To edit an entry, simply tap on it. The editing dialog is identical to the new entry dialog, the previously saved data displayed in the appropriate fields being the only exception. Then, tap on the "edit" icon on the right side of the app bar. You can now change the name and description of the entry as well as the associated media file. Once you're done, tap on the "save" icon on the right side of the app bar to save the entry. Depending on the media type, the updated entry will show up in the correct tab.
Deleting entries
To delete an entry, tap on it in the media list. Then, tap on the "delete" icon on the right side of the app bar. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the file. If you do, the dialog will be cleared and the entry removed from the app. For now, the corresponding media file will remain in the file system of your device.
Local preview
When scrolling through media lists, it is possible to get a preview of any entry by pressing on the corresponding "Play" button. A fullscreen dialog containing the appropriate preview will open. Depending on the file type, this may be an image, an audio player, or a video player. It is possible to play and pause audio and video files by tapping on them. It is also possible to jump to a specific timestamp by scrolling the progress bar at the bottom of the player.
Add all audio and video files to media entries
In addition to the functionality described in releases v0.2.0-alpha and v0.2.0-beta (see below), it is now possible to use custom audio and video files when creating or editing a media entry. When in edit mode, simply tap on the "+" or the edit icon on the already existing media file. You will then be taken to the file system of your device where you can select any image, audio, or video file. When the entry is saved, the selected file will be copied to the local documents folder of the app.
Additionally, both audio and video files can be played in their respective details screens. To play or pause a media file, simply tap on the player. Once it has finished, tap on it once more to restart it.
Finally, when starting the app for the first time, a set of images, audio, and video files will be added to the database to give the user a starting point.
Fix crash on startup
This hotfix should prevent the app from crashing on startup.
Interactive app prototype
This is a first and very rough version of the Wokubot app. It should give you an idea of what the final app will look like. No functionality is included, only UI.