This is a motion simulator that can be used with flight / car / space simulations. It offers 2DOF movement with a relatively cheap build.
Building progress is documented on my YouTube channel (it's in Turkish, but auto subs work quite good)
Here is a nice tutorial to setup the electronics and the software. I also designed a simple arduino shield PCB (included in this repo). If you get that manufactured it will make the wiring a lot easier. You can easily get it produced with a service like Jlcpcb
You will need 2 motors to move the simulator. Their specs should be:
- 12-24V
- 200-300W
- 40-70 rpm
For reference, I have used these motors .
You can open the source files in Solidworks. assembly_chair.SLDASM includes the fully assembled chair.
Sheet metals to be laser cut: mafsal_mount_base, mafsal_mount_top, motor_mount, motor_mafsal_baglantisi should be at least 8-10mm steel. The rest can be aluminum.
STL files can be 3d printed with any material (I used PLA)
("Mafsal" is a shift rod universal joint, sorry for the weird naming)
If you will use VR you will need motion compensation. I use a Quest 3 headset and the easiest way to do motion compensation with it is Infuse VR
Here is a tutorial video to set it up.