This repository holds global artifacts for a specific NETWAYS training. For example, layouts, templates and images resides here.
The global resource dir is introduced by using git subtree mechanism. This keeps the training repository clear from special git instructions and let users easily clone and use the repository. In addition, the external code (global) can be patched locally if needed and pinned to a specific version.
$ git remote add global
$ git fetch global
remote: Counting objects: 157, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (122/122), done.
remote: Total 157 (delta 24), reused 154 (delta 21), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (157/157), 27.82 MiB | 913.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (24/24), done.
* [new branch] master -> global/master
$ git subtree add --squash --prefix=global/ global master
git fetch global master
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Added dir 'global'
This is probably easy but we want to achieve that changes in this directory does not influence the source code from our training.
$ mkdir trainer
$ touch trainer/.keep
$ echo 'trainer/' >> .gitignore
$ git add -f trainer/ # Force add to git because it is in .gitignore
$ git commit -m "Add directory for trainer introduction"
After this step you are able to copy files into the directory which are not captured by the git commit staging process.
$ ln -s global/layouts/netways.css
This step seems ugly and we totally agree with you. In order to print and convert the training slides into pdf, this step is absolutely needed to succeed.
"name": "My awesome training",
"subtitle": "Train awesome stuff",
"author": "Colt Seavers & Howie Munson",
"release": "0.9.0",
"favicon": "global/favicon.ico",
"protected": ["presenter", "onepage", "print"],
"user": "netways",
"password": "awesome",
"templates" : {
"default": "global/layouts/netways.tpl"
"sections": [
{"section": "global/pre/netways/title"},
{"section": "global/pre/toc"},
{"section": "trainer"},
{"section": "global/pre/netways/about"},
{"section": "global/pre/hints"},
{"section": "sections/..."},
{"section": "global/post"}
After the file is created you're able to start the slide deck (showoff):
$ showoff serve
$ git fetch global
$ git subtree pull --squash --prefix=global/ global master
Please make sure that no changed files present or staged commits pending.
make image
make image RUNTIME=podman
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/training" -p "9090:9090" netways/showoff:0.20.4
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/training" netways/showoff:0.20.4 \
showoff static print
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/training" \
netways/showoff:0.20.4 \
wkhtmltopdf -s A5 --print-media-type \
--footer-left \[page\] --footer-right '© NETWAYS' \
static/index.html test.pdf
Alternatively you can simply run the NETWAYS training wizard:
$ ./global/
NETWAYS Training Wizard
### LAYOUT ###
[2] OSMC
[3] OSDC
[4] OSBConf
Which Layout? [1-4] (Default: 1):
### MODE ###
[1] serve
[2] print
Which mode? [1-2] (Default: 1): 2
### PRINT ###
[1] Handouts
[2] Handouts & Solutions
[3] Handouts & Exercises & Solutions
[4] Exercises & Solutions
What to print? [1-4] (Default: 2): 1
Which version? (Default: 0.0.1):