We've reached the planned time of M3 of the DNSSEC key signing suite. As deliverable the GIT repository for the program source code and the repository have been opened up and are visible at:
As this is M3, this is still work-in-progress, as further integration with OpenDNSSEC, testing and fine tuning are set for M4. With M3 we have now arrived where is is possible to "cook" recipies.
The Key Signing Key (KSK) provides the proof that the operational keys are validated by the owner, and as such the most sensitive part of the keyset. Signing the keyset with the KSK in a separate off-line environment ensures ownership of the domain cannot be stolen digitally and can be demonstrated by signing the keyset in a (semi) public ceremony.
The rationale, procedure and information exchange are further described in the documentation repository:
The goal is to have the important key material stored in a off-line environment only. This environment is further on called the bunker. In this bunker the data needed in the operational environment is signed. Enough signed material should be produced such that the operational environment can continue for some time. For DNSSEC this involves creating multiple signed key set, accommodating for key rolls, generating and disposing keys and either importing or exporting key material.
In the bunker all steps should be transparent, simple, without failure or exceptions. No choices in the signing process should be needed and everything should be as simple as possible.
All complications should be done beforehand and only a fixed 'recipe' should be executed with simple steps of which the automation is clear and transparent. A small clean set of software dependencies should be used because system upgrades will be difficult.
The off-line key signing application execution is therefore three process steps:
- The generation of a recipe, based on the current known state and used keys as known from the system with which to integrate. Predict how many signed keysets must be made, defining the preconditions and other initial steps, etcetera. The output is a recipe that comprises simple, self contained steps to be executed one after another. This generation is done beforehand and can be corrected if needed, as no actual change happens. The recipe carried into the bunker can be verified beforehand and even tested in a separate environment if wanted.
- The cooking of the recipe in the bunker. This reads and interprets the recipe steps one by one, performs the action and fills in the result in the recipe. Apart from the sequence, steps are independent from each other and thus the flow and state can be kept simple.
- The augmented recipe with the results can then be carried from the bunker into the operational environment where its result can be used for the day to day activities. Here the right signed keyset need to be picked from the cooked recipe, any new keys decoded and inserted into the local HSM, and so on.
A deliberate choice has been made to base the software on Python, to avoid any complexity of program compilation and make the execution even more transparent. To further simplify, the software is contained within one single Python source file and accompanied by a single configuration file that contains environment specific parameters (and could therefore stay within the bunker). The input AND output is a single recipe file in JSON format that gets deliberately overwritten as it is augmented and otherwise kept as is.
The following software requirements are needed on your system:
- Python 3.7 or better
- The python packages (installed using pip3 install):
- hjson (alternative using json-tricks, or json is possible)
- pyyaml
- python-pkcs11 (/not/ pkcs11)
Completion of the minimal viable product will still include:
- Further explain/document configuration file
- Further explain default generated recipe file in depth, including symmetric key mechanism to exchange files between bunker and operational environment;
- Support for multiple repositories within the same recipe;
- Integration with OpenDNSSEC, mostly based on integration with the signer;
- More verbose output to the user regarding the processing of each step
- further completion of the produce and consumation of the recipes, including multiple ZSK rolls.
- DNSSEC Algorithm support will remain at RSASHA based, not including MD5, nor eliptic curve (though these will not be difficult to add).
- Only a single KSK key roll within a single run will be planned, with the earliest convenient schedule.
- Only double DS based KSK rolls are planned, algorithm roll will not be tested.
- No additional provisioning will be planned for simultaneous KSK and ZSK rolls.
- produced recipes will be per domain/zone.
- the script only provides integration with OpenDNSSEC and contains no explicit extension points.
This program was based on a sample run with SoftHSM, even though any compliant PKCS#11 based solution will work. The steps to install a working SoftHSM into a separate ROOT directory are:
mkdir ROOT
cd ..
wget 'https://dist.opendnssec.org/source/softhsm-2.5.0.tar.gz'
./configure --prefix=$ROOT --sbindir=$ROOT/bin --bindir=$ROOT/bin \
--libexecdir=$ROOT/lib --sysconfdir=$ROOT/etc \
--datarootdir=$ROOT \
--disable-gost --disable-fips --disable-non-paged-memory \
--disable-p11-kit --without-migrate
cd ..
export PATH=$ROOT/bin:$PATH
Also create two tokens, one that acts as the HSM in the Bunker, and one for the operational environment
softhsm2-util --init-token --pin=1234 --so-pin=4321 --label Bunker --free
softhsm2-util --init-token --pin=1234 --so-pin=4321 --label OKS --free
There is an example recipe.json included in the source, Within the bunker this recipe can be processed using the command:
oks cook
Input recipe and produced recipe are present in the source tree as recipe.json and recipe.result (the latter would have overwritten the input file).
Default filenames and locations for the recipe input/output file, configuration file can be overriden using flags that are made clear when invoking oks using the --help flag, or when invoked without arguments.
Even though integration with OpenDNSSEC is not completed, the tool can already generate recipes for new or existing zones, the latter based on signed input zones.
A recipe is produced using:
oks produce nl. 2020-08-01 "First run"
This generates a recipe for the new zone "nl", generating instructions in the recipe to create signed keysets until the 1st of august 2020. The "First run" description will be included in the recipe.
If you have an existing signed zone nl in zonefile "nl.zone" then the generation will take this into account and use those keys and expiration times. You instruct the tool to use this input file using:
oks -i nl.zone produce 2020-08-01 "Second run"
The rolling mechanism is however limited and partially controlled from the key-and-signing-policy parameters in the configuration file.
For a fully working example run with sample configuration and input files including a OpenDNSSEC and SoftHSM setup see the example directory.