Releases: OneBusAway/onebusaway-ios
Releases · OneBusAway/onebusaway-ios
What's Changed
- Plausible Analytics by @aaronbrethorst in #787
- Replaced http with https in regions by @wkulesza in #791
- Adds support for multiple Package.resolved files by @aaronbrethorst in #793
- Temporarily turn off donations by @aaronbrethorst in #794
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v24.4.0...v25.1.0
What's Changed
- iOS 18 compatible OBA Widget Extension by @manu-r12 in #753
- Release polishing by @aaronbrethorst in #758
- Support for dark, tinted app icon by @manu-r12 in #759
- Fix warnings by @aaronbrethorst in #772
- Fix deprecation warnings for onChange(of:perform:) in iOS 17.0 by @aaronbrethorst in #774
- Fix some warnings by @aaronbrethorst in #775
- Fix deprecation: init(destination:isActive:label:)' was deprecated in iOS 16.0 by @manu-r12 in #776
- Fix Widget Kit Refreshing Bug by @manu-r12 in #778
- More fixes by @aaronbrethorst in #780
- Fixes several deprecation warnings by @aaronbrethorst in #783
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v24.3.1...v24.4.0
What's Changed
- Properly separate optional features into config files by @aaronbrethorst in #710
- MTA demo app by @aaronbrethorst in #711
- Add app store compatible logo for bus time demo by @aaronbrethorst in #712
- Fix Credits Dark Mode Issues and refactor webview code by @hilmyveradin in #721
- Issue 719: Add Custom Region URL by @hilmyveradin in #723
- Make iOS Analytics Consistent with Android by @aaronbrethorst in #731
- Update by @aaronbrethorst in #736
- Update Package.resolved, which somehow was missed in my last commit by @aaronbrethorst in #738
- Dependencies by @aaronbrethorst in #747
- Make ridiculous changes to how we ask for location services to placat… by @aaronbrethorst in #749
- Adds a couple new
fields to the enum and app by @aaronbrethorst in #756
New Contributors
- @hilmyveradin made their first contribution in #721
Full Changelog: v24.1.0...v24.3.1
- Fixes wildly inaccurate arrival-departure times
- Drops support for iOS 15; fixes some fit and finish issues with iOS 17
- Improves debug mode (thank you Angel!)
- Adds support for collecting donations from our beloved users (don't worry; folks who can't donate will still get all of the same features.)
Regarding our donation experience: the Open Transit Software Foundation, which owns and publishes OneBusAway, is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit that has received Silver Transparency status on Candid:
What's Changed
- Run
against codebase by @aaronbrethorst in #665 - More Localization by @aaronbrethorst in #667
- Reload TripConvertible from remote in TripViewController by @ualch9 in #670
- Update app version to 23.2.4 by @ualch9 in #671
Full Changelog: v23.2.3...v23.2.4