A Sbt plugin to support the OpenAPI generator project.
Add to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.openapitools" % "sbt-openapi-generator" % "7.12.0")
Configuration based on project module is recommended way to separate specifications by modules.
You must define one of the settings openApiInputSpec
or openApiConfigFile
to able run plugin to generate.
Settings will be picked up from openApiConfigFile
first if defined and then will be overwritten with module specified
settings if provided
With the next example module generated
will be defined as:
lazy val generated = project.in(file("generated"))
openApiInputSpec := "openapi.yaml",
openApiConfigFile := "config.yaml"
There is a helpers to have boolean settings more readable. Instead of Some(true)
it possible to do next:
openApiValidateSpec := SettingDisabled,
openApiGenerateModelTests := SettingEnabled,
To print all available languages use
sbt openApiGenerators
To run template generation process
sbt openApiGenerate
or per defined module
sbt generated/openApiGenerate
Setting | Type | Description |
openApiGeneratorName * | String |
The name of the generator which will handle codegen. (see "openApiGenerators" task) Required. Can be provided as generatorName option of openApiConfigFile json config |
openApiInputSpec * | String |
The Open API 2.0/3.x specification location (file or url) Required. Can be provided as inputSpec option of openApiConfigFile json config |
openApiOutputDir | String |
The output target directory into which code will be generated |
openApiConfigFile ** | String |
Path to json configuration file This setting is required with generatorName and inputSpec settings provided if sbt settings openApiGeneratorName and openApiInputSpec are absent |
openApiAdditionalProperties | Map[String, String] |
Sets additional properties that can be referenced by the mustache templates in the format of name=value,name=value. You can also have multiple occurrences of this option |
openApiGlobalProperties | Map[String, String] |
Sets specified system properties |
openApiVerbose | Option[Boolean] |
The verbosity of generation |
openApiValidateSpec | Option[Boolean] |
Whether or not an input specification should be validated upon generation |
openApiTemplateDir | String |
The template directory holding a custom template |
openApiAuth | String |
Adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI definitions remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma separating multiple values |
openApiSkipOverwrite | Option[Boolean] |
Specifies if the existing files should be overwritten during the generation |
openApiPackageName | String |
Package for generated classes (where supported) |
openApiApiPackage | String |
Package for generated api classes |
openApiModelPackage | String |
Package for generated models |
openApiModelNamePrefix | String |
Prefix that will be prepended to all model names |
openApiModelNameSuffix | String |
Suffix that will be appended to all model names |
openApiInstantiationTypes | Map[String, String] |
Sets instantiation type mappings |
openApiTypeMappings | Map[String, String] |
Sets mappings between OpenAPI spec types and generated code types |
openApiServerVariables | Map[String, String] |
Sets server variable for server URL template substitution, in the format of name=value,name=value. You can also have multiple occurrences of this option |
openApiLanguageSpecificPrimitives | List[String] |
Specifies additional language specific primitive types in the format of type1,type2,type3,type3. For example: String,boolean,Boolean,Double |
openApiImportMappings | Map[String, String] |
Specifies mappings between a given class and the import that should be used for that class |
openApiInvokerPackage | String |
Root package for generated code |
openApiGroupId | String |
groupId in generated pom.xml/build.sbt |
openApiId | String |
artifactId in generated pom.xml/build.sbt. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename |
openApiLibrary | String |
library template (sub-template) |
openApiGitHost | String |
Git host, e.g. gitlab.com |
openApiGitUserId | String |
Git user ID, e.g. openapitools |
openApiGitRepoId | String |
Git repo ID, e.g. openapi-generator |
openApiReleaseNote | String |
Release note, default to 'Minor update' |
openApiHttpUserAgent | String |
HTTP user agent, e.g. codegen_csharp_api_client, default to 'OpenAPI-Generator/{packageVersion}}/{language}' |
openApiReservedWordsMappings | Map[String, String] |
]("Specifies how a reserved name should be escaped to |
openApiIgnoreFileOverride | String |
Specifies an override location for the .openapi-generator-ignore file. Most useful on initial generation. |
openApiRemoveOperationIdPrefix | Option[Boolean] |
Remove prefix of operationId, e.g. config_getId => getId |
openApiApiFilesConstrainedTo | List[String] |
Defines which API-related files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all) |
openApiModelFilesConstrainedTo | List[String] |
Defines which model-related files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all) |
openApiSupportingFilesConstrainedTo | List[String] |
Defines which supporting files should be generated. This allows you to create a subset of generated files (or none at all |
openApiGenerateModelTests | Option[Boolean] |
Specifies that model tests are to be generated |
openApiGenerateModelDocumentation | Option[Boolean] |
Defines whether or not model-related documentation files should be generated |
openApiGenerateApiTests | Option[Boolean] |
Specifies that api tests are to be generated |
openApiGenerateApiDocumentation | Option[Boolean] |
Defines whether or not api-related documentation files should be generated |
openApiWithXml | Option[Boolean] |
A special-case setting which configures some generators with XML support. In some cases, this forces json OR xml, so the default here is false |
openApiLogToStderr | Option[Boolean] |
To write all log messages (not just errors) to STDOUT |
openApiEnablePostProcessFile | Option[Boolean] |
Enable post-processing file using environment variables |
openApiSkipValidateSpec | Option[Boolean] |
To skip spec validation. When true, we will skip the default behavior of validating a spec before generation |
openApiGenerateAliasAsModel | Option[Boolean] |
Generate model implementation for aliases to map and array schemas |
openApiGenerateMetadata | Option[Boolean] |
Generate metadata files used by OpenAPI Generator. This includes .openapi-generator-ignore and any files within .openapi-generator . |
Please see an sbt-test configuration for examples of using the plugin. Do not run those examples directly, please copy them to separate place first.
Write plugin integration tests under src/sbt-test
Execute next command to run tests:
sbt scripted
More information about how to write and execute tests is here