4 commits
to master
since this release
- #3514 [IPSum] Connector needs improvements
Bug Fixes:
- #3580 [PAN Cortex XSOAR] Update not working and missing attributes / TLPs
- #3528 CrowdStrike connector's message size incompatible with RabbitMQ 4.0
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency Jinja2 to v3.1.6 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #3569
- [IPSum] Connector needs improvements by @romain-filigran in #3517
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.37.7 by @renovate in #3560
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.163.0 by @renovate in #3576
- Update opencti/connector-bambenek Docker tag to v6.5.4 by @renovate in #3577
Full Changelog: 6.5.4...6.5.5