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front: refacto old e2e tests
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Signed-off-by: maymanaf <[email protected]>

front: add op simulation settings e2e test

Signed-off-by: maymanaf <[email protected]>
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Maymanaf committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 093d78f commit a43ce7c
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Showing 51 changed files with 2,555 additions and 2,616 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export default function BreadCrumbs({ project, study, scenario }: Props) {

{project && study && (
<div className="text-truncate" title={}>
<div data-testid="project-breadcrumbs" className="text-truncate" title={}>
<Link to={`/operational-studies/projects/${}`}> {}</Link>
<span className="text-muted">
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ const Project = () => {
<div className="project-details-title-name">
onClick={() =>
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion front/src/common/BootstrapSNCF/CardSNCF/CardSNCF.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ const Card = ({ link, img, title, disabledLink = false, openInNewTab = false }:
<img className="card-img-top" alt={title} src={img} />
<div className="card-body text-center">
<h5 className="card-title mb-0 text-base font-weight-normal">{title}</h5>
<h5 data-testid="page-title" className="card-title mb-0 text-base font-weight-normal">
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion front/src/common/BootstrapSNCF/ChipsSNCF.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ export default function ChipsSNCF({
return (
<div role="list" key={nextId()}>
<div className="chips-group" role="listitem">
<span className={`chips chips-label pr-1 ${chipColor}`}>{label}</span>
className={`chips chips-label pr-1 ${chipColor}`}
className={`chips chips-btn chips-only-icon ${chipColor}`}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion front/src/common/BootstrapSNCF/NavBarSNCF.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const LegacyNavBarSNCF = ({ appName, logo = getLogo() }: Props) => {
<div className="mastheader">
<div className="mastheader-logo flex-grow-0">
<Link to="/">
<img src={logo} alt="OSRD Logo" />
<img src={logo} data-testid="osrd-logo" alt="OSRD Logo" />
<header role="banner" className="mastheader-title d-flex flex-grow-1">
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export default function InfraSelectorModalBodyStandard({
<div className="text-center small text-muted infras-count">
{infrasList && t('infraManagement:infrasFound', { count: infrasList.length })}
<div className="infraslist" data-testid="infraslist">
<div className="infraslist" data-testid="infra-list">
{ => (
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ const AddOrEditScenarioModal = ({ editionMode = false, scenario }: AddOrEditScen
<div className="d-flex justify-content-end w-100 mt-3">
{editionMode && (
className="btn btn-sm btn-outline-danger mr-auto"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export default function StudyCard() {

return (
className="scenario-card empty"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';

import { LIST_VALUES, CHART_AXES } from 'modules/simulationResult/consts';

import simulationTrain from '../../../../../../tests/assets/operationStudies/simulationTrain';
import train from '../../../../../../tests/assets/operationStudies/trainExample';
import simulationTrain from '../../../../../assets/operationStudies/simulationTrain';
import train from '../../../../../assets/operationStudies/trainExample';
import { interpolateOnTime, getAxis } from '../ChartHelpers';

describe('interpolateOnTime', () => {
Expand Down
68 changes: 33 additions & 35 deletions front/tests/001-home-page.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,63 +1,61 @@
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

import HomePage from './pages/home-page-model';
import enTranslations from '../public/locales/en/home/home.json';
import frTranslations from '../public/locales/fr/home/home.json';

// Describe the test suite for the home page of OSRD
test.describe('Home page OSRD', () => {
let homePage: HomePage;

test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Create an instance of the HomePage class
let OSRDLanguage: string;
test.beforeEach('Navigate to the home page', async ({ page }) => {
homePage = new HomePage(page);
// Go to the home page of OSRD
await homePage.goToHomePage();
OSRDLanguage = await homePage.getOSRDLanguage();

test.afterEach(async () => {
// Navigate back to the home page of OSRD
test.afterEach('Returns to the home page', async () => {
await homePage.backToHomePage();

// Test that the home page of OSRD displays links to other pages
test('should display links in the home page', async () => {
await homePage.getDisplayLinks();
/** *************** Test 1 **************** */
test('Verify the links for different pages in Home Page', async () => {
// Determine the correct translations based on the selected language
const translations = OSRDLanguage === 'English' ? enTranslations : frTranslations;

// List of expected links on the home page
const expectedLinks = [

// Verify that the displayed links match the expected ones
await expect(homePage.linksTitle).toHaveText(expectedLinks);

test('should be correctly redirected to the "Operational Studies" page after clicking on the link', async () => {
// Navigate to the "Operational Studies" page
/** *************** Test 2 **************** */
test('Verify redirection to to the Operational Studies page', async () => {
await homePage.goToOperationalStudiesPage();
// Check that the URL of the page matches the expected pattern
await expect(*\/operational-studies/);
await expect(*\/operational-studies/); // Check the URL

test('should be correctly redirected to the "Map" page after clicking on the link', async () => {
// Navigate to the "Map" page
/** *************** Test 3 **************** */
test('Verify redirection toto the Map page', async () => {
await homePage.goToCartoPage();

// Check that the URL of the page matches the expected pattern
await expect(*\/map/);

test('should be correctly redirected to the "Editor" page after clicking on the link', async () => {
// Navigate to the "Editor" page
/** *************** Test 4 **************** */
test('Verify redirection to to the Infrastructure editor page', async () => {
await homePage.goToEditorPage();

// Check that the URL of the page matches the expected pattern
await expect(*\/editor\/*/);

test('should be correctly redirected to the "STDCM" page after clicking on the link', async ({
}) => {
// Start waiting for new page before clicking. Note no await.
const pagePromise = context.waitForEvent('page');

// Navigate to the "STDCM" page
await homePage.goToSTDCMPage();

const newPage = await pagePromise;

// Check that the URL of the page matches the expected pattern
await expect(newPage).toHaveURL(/.*\/stdcm/);
/** *************** Test 5 **************** */
test('Verify redirection to to the STDCM page', async ({ context }) => {
const stdcmPage = await homePage.goToSTDCMPage(context);
await expect(stdcmPage).toHaveURL(/.*\/stdcm/);
181 changes: 68 additions & 113 deletions front/tests/002-project-management.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,145 +1,100 @@
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

import type { Project } from 'common/api/osrdEditoastApi';

import projectData from './assets/operationStudies/project.json';
import CommonPage from './pages/common-page-model';
import HomePage from './pages/home-page-model';
import ProjectPage from './pages/project-page-model';
import { deleteApiRequest, getApiRequest, postApiRequest } from './utils/api-setup';
import { generateUniqueName } from './utils';
import { createProject } from './utils/setup-utils';
import { deleteProject } from './utils/teardown-utils';

let project: Project;
test.describe('Validate the Operational Study Project workflow', () => {
let project: Project;

test.beforeEach(async () => {
project = await postApiRequest('/api/projects/', {
name: `${} ${uuidv4()}`,
budget: 1234567890,
test.beforeEach('Navigate to the Operational Studies projects page', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/operational-studies/projects');

test.afterEach(async () => {
await deleteApiRequest(`/api/projects/${}/`);

test.describe('Test if project workflow is working properly', () => {
/** *************** Test 1 **************** */
test('Create a new project', async ({ page }) => {
const homePage = new HomePage(page);
const projectPage = new ProjectPage(page);
const commonPage = new CommonPage(page);

await homePage.goToHomePage();
await homePage.goToOperationalStudiesPage();
await expect(projectPage.getAddProjectBtn).toBeVisible();
await projectPage.openProjectModalCreation();

// Define a unique project name for the test
const projectName = `${} ${uuidv4()}`;
await projectPage.setProjectName(projectName);

await projectPage.setProjectDescription(projectData.description);

await projectPage.setProjectObjectives(projectData.objectives);

await projectPage.setProjectFunder(projectData.funders);

await projectPage.setProjectBudget(projectData.budget);

await commonPage.setTag(projectData.tags[0]);
await commonPage.setTag(projectData.tags[1]);
await commonPage.setTag(projectData.tags[2]);

const createButton ='createProject');
expect(await projectPage.getProjectName.textContent()).toContain(projectName);
expect(await projectPage.getProjectDescription.textContent()).toContain(
const objectives = await projectPage.getProjectObjectives.textContent();
if (objectives !== null)
expect(objectives.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '')).toContain(
(project.objectives ?? '').replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '')
expect(await projectPage.getProjectFinancialsInfos.textContent()).toContain(
const budget = await projectPage.getProjectFinancialsAmount.textContent();
if (budget !== null) expect(budget.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')).toContain(projectData.budget);
const tags = await projectPage.getProjectTags.textContent();

const projects = await getApiRequest('/api/projects/');
const actualTestProject = projects.results.find((p: Project) => === projectName);

const deleteProject = await deleteApiRequest(`/api/projects/${}/`);

// Create a new project using the project page model and json data
await projectPage.createOrUpdateProject({
name: projectName,
description: projectData.description,
objectives: projectData.objectives,
funders: projectData.funders,
budget: projectData.budget,
tags: projectData.tags,

// Validate that the project was created with the correct data
await projectPage.validateProjectData({
name: projectName,
description: projectData.description,
objectives: projectData.objectives,
funders: projectData.funders,
budget: projectData.budget,
tags: projectData.tags,

// Delete the created project
await deleteProject(projectName);

test(' update a project', async ({ page }) => {
/** *************** Test 2 **************** */
test('Update an existing project', async ({ page }) => {
// Create a project
project = await createProject(generateUniqueName('project_test_e2e'));

const homePage = new HomePage(page);
const projectPage = new ProjectPage(page);
const commonPage = new CommonPage(page);

await page.goto('/operational-studies/projects');

// Open the created project by name using the project page model
await projectPage.openProjectByTestId(;

await projectPage.openProjectModalUpdate();

await projectPage.setProjectName(`${} (updated)`);

await projectPage.setProjectDescription(`${project.description} (updated)`);

await projectPage.setProjectObjectives(`updated`);

await projectPage.setProjectFunder(`${project.funders} (updated)`);

await projectPage.setProjectBudget('123456789');

await commonPage.setTag('update-tag');

await projectPage.clickProjectUpdateConfirmBtn();

// Update the project data and save it
await projectPage.createOrUpdateProject({
name: `${} (updated)`,
description: `${project.description} (updated)`,
objectives: `${projectData.objectives} (updated)`,
funders: `${project.funders} (updated)`,
budget: '123456789',
tags: ['update-tag'],
isUpdate: true, // Indicate that this is an update

// Navigate back to the Operational Studies page via the home page
await homePage.goToHomePage();
await homePage.goToOperationalStudiesPage();

// Reopen the updated project and validate the updated data
await projectPage.openProjectByTestId(`${} (updated)`);

expect(await projectPage.getProjectName.innerText()).toContain(`${} (updated)`);
expect(await projectPage.getProjectDescription.textContent()).toContain(
`${project.description} (updated)`
expect(await projectPage.getProjectObjectives.textContent()).toContain('updated');
expect(await projectPage.getProjectFinancialsInfos.textContent()).toContain(
`${project.funders} (updated)`
const budget = await projectPage.getProjectFinancialsAmount.textContent();
if (budget !== null) expect(budget.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')).toContain('123456789');
expect(await projectPage.getProjectTags.textContent()).toContain(

const deleteProject = await deleteApiRequest(`/api/projects/${}/`);
await projectPage.validateProjectData({
name: `${} (updated)`,
description: `${project.description} (updated)`,
objectives: `${projectData.objectives} (updated)`,
funders: `${project.funders} (updated)`,
budget: '123456789',
tags: ['update-tag'],
// Delete the created project
await deleteProject(`${} (updated)`);

/** *************** Test 3 **************** */
test('Delete a project', async ({ page }) => {
const projectPage = new ProjectPage(page);

await page.goto('/operational-studies/projects');
// Create a project
project = await createProject(generateUniqueName('project_test_e2e'));

const projectPage = new ProjectPage(page);
// Find the project by name and delete it using the page model
await projectPage.clickProjectByName(;
await projectPage.checkLabelProjectSelected();
await expect(projectPage.getProjectDeleteBtn).not.toBeEmpty();
await projectPage.clickProjectDeleteBtn();
await expect(projectPage.getProjectDeleteConfirmBtn).toBeVisible();
await projectPage.clickProjectDeleteConfirmBtn();
await expect(projectPage.getProjectDeleteConfirmBtn).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(projectPage.getProjectDeleteBtn).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(projectPage.getProjectByName(;
await projectPage.deleteProject(;

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