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front: update column styles in time stops table
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Signed-off-by: Alice Khoudli <[email protected]>
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Synar committed Oct 23, 2024
1 parent 12f6851 commit c832944
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Showing 5 changed files with 114 additions and 31 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion front/public/locales/en/timesStops.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,38 @@
"arrivalTime": "requested arrival time",
"arrivalTime1": "requested ",
"arrivalTime2": "arrival time",
"calculatedArrivalTime": "calculated arrival time",
"calculatedArrivalTime1": "calculated ",
"calculatedArrivalTime2": "arrival time",
"calculatedDepartureTime": "calculated departure time",
"calculatedDepartureTime1": "calculated ",
"calculatedDepartureTime2": "departure time",
"dayCounter": "D+{{count}}",
"departureTime": "requested departure time",
"departureTime1": "requested ",
"departureTime2": "departure time",
"diffMargins": "margins diff. (s)",
"diffMargins1": "margins ",
"diffMargins2": "diff. (s)",
"name": "CI",
"ch": "ch",
"ch": "CH",
"noPathLoaded": "No path loaded",
"realMargin": "real margin (s)",
"realMargin1": "real ",
"realMargin2": "margin (s)",
"receptionOnClosedSignal": "reception on closed signal",
"receptionOnClosedSignal1": "reception on ",
"receptionOnClosedSignal2": "closed signal",
"stopTime": "stopping time (s)",
"stopTime1": "stopping ",
"stopTime2": "time (s)",
"theoreticalMargin": "theoretical margin",
"theoreticalMargin1": "theoretical ",
"theoreticalMargin2": "margin",
"theoreticalMarginPlaceholder": "% or min/100km",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds": "linear theoretical margin (s)",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds1": "linear theoretical ",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds2": "margin (s)",
"waypoint": "Waypoint {{id}}"
26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions front/public/locales/fr/timesStops.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,38 @@
"arrivalTime": "arrivée demandée",
"arrivalTime1": "arrivée ",
"arrivalTime2": "demandée",
"calculatedArrivalTime": "arrivée calculée",
"calculatedArrivalTime1": "arrivée ",
"calculatedArrivalTime2": "calculée",
"calculatedDepartureTime": "départ calculé",
"calculatedDepartureTime1": "départ ",
"calculatedDepartureTime2": "calculé",
"dayCounter": "J+{{count}}",
"departureTime": "départ demandé",
"departureTime1": "départ ",
"departureTime2": "demandé",
"diffMargins": "diff. marges (s)",
"diffMargins1": "diff. ",
"diffMargins2": "marges (s)",
"name": "CI",
"ch": "ch",
"ch": "CH",
"noPathLoaded": "Aucun chemin chargé",
"realMargin": "marge réelle (s)",
"realMargin1": "marge ",
"realMargin2": "réelle (s)",
"receptionOnClosedSignal": "réception sur signal fermé",
"stopTime": "temps d'arrêt (s)",
"receptionOnClosedSignal1": "réception sur ",
"receptionOnClosedSignal2": "signal fermé",
"stopTime": "temps d'arrêt (s)",
"stopTime1": "temps ",
"stopTime2": "d'arrêt (s)",
"theoreticalMargin": "marge théorique",
"theoreticalMargin1": "marge ",
"theoreticalMargin2": "théorique",
"theoreticalMarginPlaceholder": "% ou min/100km",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds": "marge théorique linéaire (s)",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds": "marge linéaire théorique (s)",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds1": "marge linéaire ",
"theoreticalMarginSeconds2": "théorique (s)",
"waypoint": "Via {{id}}"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion front/src/modules/timesStops/TimesStopsOutput.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ const TimesStopsOutput = ({
cellClassName={({ rowData: rowData_ }) => {
cellClassName={({ rowData: rowData_, columnId }) => {
const rowData = rowData_ as TimeStopsRow;
const arrivalScheduleNotRespected = rowData.arrival?.time
? rowData.calculatedArrival !== rowData.arrival.time
Expand All @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ const TimesStopsOutput = ({
return cx({
'warning-schedule': arrivalScheduleNotRespected,
'warning-margin': negativeDiffMargins,
'cell-index': columnId === 'ch',
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,14 +24,26 @@ const timeColumn = (isOutputTable: boolean) =>
isCellEmpty: ({ rowData }) => !rowData,
}) as Partial<Column<TimeExtraDays | undefined, string, string>>;

const fixedWidth = (width: number) => ({ minWidth: width, maxWidth: width });
function putHeadersOnTwoLines(headerLine1: string, headerLine2: string) {
return (
<span className="flex justify-end ml-2 mr-4">
<br />

export const useTimeStopsColumns = <T extends TimeStopsRow>(
tableType: TableType,
allWaypoints: T[] = []
) => {
const { t } = useTranslation('timesStops');

const fixedWidth = (width: number) => ({ minWidth: width, maxWidth: width });

const columns = useMemo<Column<T>[]>(() => {
const isOutputTable = tableType === TableType.Output;
const extraOutputColumns = (
Expand All @@ -41,25 +53,31 @@ export const useTimeStopsColumns = <T extends TimeStopsRow>(
...disabledTextColumn('theoreticalMarginSeconds', t('theoreticalMarginSeconds'), {
alignRight: true,
...disabledTextColumn('calculatedMargin', t('realMargin'), {
alignRight: true,
...disabledTextColumn('diffMargins', t('diffMargins'), { alignRight: true }),
...disabledTextColumn('diffMargins', t('diffMargins'), {
alignRight: true,
...disabledTextColumn('calculatedArrival', t('calculatedArrivalTime')),
...disabledTextColumn('calculatedArrival', t('calculatedArrivalTime'), {
alignRight: true,
...disabledTextColumn('calculatedDeparture', t('calculatedDepartureTime')),
...disabledTextColumn('calculatedDeparture', t('calculatedDepartureTime'), {
alignRight: true,
: []
Expand All @@ -69,30 +87,40 @@ export const useTimeStopsColumns = <T extends TimeStopsRow>(
...keyColumn('name', createTextColumn()),
title: t('name'),
component: isOutputTable
? ({ rowData }) => (
className="ml-1 whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden"
style={{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}
: undefined,
disabled: true,
minWidth: isOutputTable ? 180 : 300,
minWidth: isOutputTable ? undefined : 300,
maxWidth: isOutputTable ? 560 : undefined,
...keyColumn('ch', createTextColumn()),
alignRight: true,
title: t('ch'),
disabled: true,
maxWidth: 45,
...keyColumn('arrival', timeColumn(isOutputTable)),
alignRight: true,
title: t('arrivalTime'),
title: putHeadersOnTwoLines(t('arrivalTime1'), t('arrivalTime2')),

// We should not be able to edit the arrival time of the origin
disabled: ({ rowIndex }) => isOutputTable || rowIndex === 0,
...keyColumn('departure', timeColumn(isOutputTable)),
title: t('departureTime'),

// We should not be able to edit the departure time of the origin
disabled: ({ rowIndex }) => isOutputTable || rowIndex === 0,
Expand All @@ -101,18 +129,26 @@ export const useTimeStopsColumns = <T extends TimeStopsRow>(
alignRight: true,
title: t('stopTime'),
title: putHeadersOnTwoLines(t('stopTime1'), t('stopTime2')),
disabled: isOutputTable,
maxWidth: isOutputTable ? 90 : undefined,
maxWidth: isOutputTable ? 100 : undefined,
grow: 0.6,
...keyColumn('departure', timeColumn(isOutputTable)),
title: putHeadersOnTwoLines(t('departureTime1'), t('departureTime2')),

// We should not be able to edit the departure time of the origin
disabled: ({ rowIndex }) => isOutputTable || rowIndex === 0,
...keyColumn('onStopSignal', checkboxColumn as Partial<Column<boolean | undefined>>),
title: t('receptionOnClosedSignal'),

// We should not be able to edit the reception on close signal if stopFor is not filled
// except for the destination
disabled: ({ rowData, rowIndex }) =>
isOutputTable || (rowIndex !== allWaypoints.length - 1 && !rowData.stopFor),
Expand All @@ -134,9 +170,10 @@ export const useTimeStopsColumns = <T extends TimeStopsRow>(
cellClassName: ({ rowData }) =>
cx({ invalidCell: !isOutputTable && !rowData.isMarginValid }),
title: t('theoreticalMargin'),
title: putHeadersOnTwoLines(t('theoreticalMargin1'), t('theoreticalMargin2')),
minWidth: 100,
maxWidth: 145,
disabled: ({ rowIndex }) => isOutputTable || rowIndex === allWaypoints.length - 1,
] as Column<T>[];
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,16 @@
.activeRow {
font-weight: bold;
color: var(--black100);
.dsg-cell-gutter {
.cell-index {
font-weight: normal;

.cell-index {
color: var(--grey50);

.invalidCell {
color: red !important;
Expand Down

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