Present: Cornelius, Stephanie, Florian, Adrian, Max; Excused: Peter, Loic
- Criteria for stage 2 of the incubation process (#78) (follow-up from last week, #83)
- REUSE (see also #80 (comment))
- Switch on DCO bot for TC repo
- Onboarding of liblrs
- Apply for github teams plan for nonprofit organization:
- REUSE (see also #80 (comment))
- New version of REUSE was published which comes with a new way of defining licenses for multiple file using a toml file
- Criteria for stage 2:
- Be REUSE compliant, the declaration with the toml file is a valid option
- Check REUSE compliance automatically (use standard GitHub action)
- Recommendation to add license headers to all files where technically possible
- Switch on DCO bot for TC repo
- We add the GitHub action on the technical-committee repo so we meet our own standards and learn how it works in practice
- Add documentation how to set it up with git for contributors (in the project-handbook in the TC repo)
- Onboarding of liblrs
- Next step: Florian invites maintainers to next meeting
- Apply for github teams plan for nonprofit organization:
- Cornelius will apply for the plan