Present: Cornelius, Florian, Frederik, Max, Peter, Stephanie, Tristram
- Document onboarding process (#176)
- Briefing for new board members on OpenRail projects
- Criteria for incubation stage 2:
- Project proposal trainpositioning-lib: #177
- Document onboarding process
- Info is here:
- Peter makes a proposal on the text, Max helps with putting it on the website
- Informing board members about projects
- We need documentation (one opportunity is the annual report) and an opportunity to discuss things more interactively
- Needs might vary for the different projects
- READMEs of the projects are an essential part of the documentation, they should contain the most important information and be suitable to get an overview of the project without any other sources of information, so that it serves the people who only look at the GitHub projects. It can and should provide more detailed information such as the link to a website.
- We will do a review of the project's current READMEs: #186
- For a more systematic approach we will set up a review process: #181 (as already discussed)
- Sorting projects in terms of railway domains would also be useful (see landscape efforts)
- OSRD also has a website, we should link that where useful (at least on the home page)
- publiccode.yaml has fields for website, logo, description and more we can use to collect the most essential information
- We organize a meeting to present OSRD to the new board members (Morocco railway, Infrabel, Entur) (Florian takes care of the organization, Peter sends him the information he already has), the meeting should be for the new board members and who they want to bring, target a one hour meeting
- It also would be useful to have these presentation for a broader audience (e.g. people from other projects in the OpenRail Association, or the DB open source community)
- Project proposal trainpositioning-lib
- Cornelius will follow up with Mathias for the meeting to present it to the TC. If possible we reuse the meeting with SBB which is already planned.
- We will take a decision about the proposal next week at the TC meeting
- Criteria for incubation stage 2
- Release processes can vary quite a bit. We have some minimum requirements. We agree that having a documented release process is mandatory for stage 2. We will sort out more detailed requirements discussing the concrete example of OSRD, so we don't have to create an abstract release process documentation, but can work with the real-world examples we have in our projects.