Repository for the NLP class of the Big Data and Analytics Master.
In this repository you will find all the technical materials related to this course (notebooks, scripts, files,...).
Please read carefully the following instructions to setup the environment needed for the practices
On your computer, create the directory on which you want to work. In my case, it's called natural_language_processing
In this step you will connect your local directory to this repository. In this way you will download the data initially included here, as well as the new materials that I will be uploading regularly.
The first thing you need to do is to open a terminal and go to the folder that you previously created (please note that the following is where I have the directory, change the path with yours)
cd /
Clone the repository
git clone
After cloning you should see all the materials in your local folder (and your local folder will be connected to this repo).
I will be regularly updating the materials, so, please, before each practical class make sure that you have the latest version of the repo (Guide. for pulling data from a repo)
I strongly recommend you to use Anaconda to manage your Python environments. Link to download Anaconda
environments are the playgrounds on which we’ll work in Python. There are other tools to create environments too, but conda
is included and installed when installing the
Anaconda suite and is one the industry’s standards.
- Open a terminal and go the folder you previously created
cd /
- Create the environment with a name of your choice:
conda create --name nlp python=3.8
After the parameter --name
we define the name of our environment. In my case, it’s nlp
. Also you can choose the python version (3.8 for us).
- Activate your environment:
conda activate nlp
In order to have a smooth and stable environment, it’s common to have a requirements.txt
file that includes all the libraries that are used in your projects.
That way, whenever you join a new project, it’s easy to start working without worrying about missing libraries or modules.
Installing the required libraries in our environment it’s as easy as follows (the requirements.txt is the file included in this repository):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before opening a Jupyter session, we have to make sure that our environments will be included. In order to solve this, run the following command:
conda install nb_conda_kernels
Once this is installed, we are ready to open a Jupyter session by using the following command:
jupyter lab
or if you prefer the old notebooks use:
jupyter notebook
A new tab of your browser will open with the Jupyter session, showing all the available environments. To create a Notebook with your current environment, select it from the Notebooks list.
And now you’re ready to start!