An instance of CryptoDrink is hosted at !
This is a complete rework of the previous Discord Bot CryptoDrink. CryptoDrink allows anybody to create a local CryptoHack scoreboard with friends. The scoreboards then can be linked to some Discord WebHooks, in order to receive automatic announcements when any user in the scoreboard solves a new challenge. Whereas CryptoDrink was previously a Discord Bot, it will now also be a proxy and a website.
CryptoDrink now features a proxy over CryptoHack's api, featuring many additional endpoints.
lists all known challenges of a category/api/challenge
lists all known flaggers of a challenge in a scoreboard/api/scoreboard
allows the creation of a scoreboard, the registration of users in a scoreboard and the connection of a scoreboard to a Discord webhook/api/user
lists all known data about a user, as well as his completion progress for each category
The proxy is entirely coded in Java with Maven + Quarkus in the folder src
, following the traditional layered architecture.
It uses a postgres database named cryptodrink
which can be configured in the resources.
The backend should be started with maven.
mvn clean package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
java -jar target/CryptoDrink2-1.0-runner.jar
Flag announcement is now managed thanks to webhooks. This is directly implemented in the backend: when the data regarding a user is updated, all new solved challenges are announced through all webhooks of all scoreboards the user belongs to.

A frontend features a convenient visualization of scoreboards and user data. The frontend is coded using Vite/React/TypeScript, and should be started with npm.
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
Create a scoreboard at, then register the CryptoHack users you want to appear on the scoreboard.