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#67 Database migration (v8)
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To-om committed Dec 30, 2016
1 parent 6cf83d9 commit 594d7a0
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Showing 11 changed files with 67 additions and 214 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions thehive-backend/app/models/Artifact.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ trait ArtifactAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒
val tags = multiAttribute("tags", F.stringFmt, "Artifact tags")
val ioc = attribute("ioc", F.booleanFmt, "Artifact is an IOC", false)
val status = attribute("status", F.enumFmt(ArtifactStatus), "Status of the artifact", ArtifactStatus.Ok)
val reports = attribute("reports", F.textFmt, "Json object that contains all short reports", "{}", O.unaudited)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion thehive-backend/app/models/Case.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ trait CaseAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒
val title = attribute("title", F.textFmt, "Title of the case")
val description = attribute("description", F.textFmt, "Description of the case")
val severity = attribute("severity", F.numberFmt, "Severity if the case is an incident (0-5)", 3L)
val owner = attribute("owner", F.stringFmt, "Owner of the case")
val startDate = attribute("startDate", F.dateFmt, "Creation date", new Date)
val endDate = optionalAttribute("endDate", F.dateFmt, "Resolution date")
val tags = multiAttribute("tags", F.stringFmt, "Case tags")
val flag = attribute("flag", F.booleanFmt, "Flag of the case", false)
val tlp = attribute("tlp", F.numberFmt, "TLP level", -1L)
val status = attribute("status", F.enumFmt(CaseStatus), "Status of the case", CaseStatus.Open)
val metrics = optionalAttribute("metrics", F.metricsFmt, "List of metrics")
val isIncident = attribute("isIncident", F.booleanFmt, "Indicates if this case is an incident (true positive)", false)
val resolutionStatus = optionalAttribute("resolutionStatus", F.enumFmt(CaseResolutionStatus), "Resolution status of the case")
val impactStatus = optionalAttribute("impactStatus", F.enumFmt(CaseImpactStatus), "Impact status of the case")
val summary = optionalAttribute("summary", F.textFmt, "Summary of the case, to be provided when closing a case")
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237 changes: 33 additions & 204 deletions thehive-backend/app/models/Migration.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,31 +9,25 @@ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.math.BigDecimal.int2bigDecimal
import scala.util.Try

import akka.NotUsed
import{ Sink, Source }

import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json.{ JsArray, JsBoolean, JsDefined }
import play.api.libs.json.{ JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue }
import play.api.libs.json.JsLookupResult.jsLookupResultToJsLookup
import play.api.libs.json.{ JsBoolean, JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue }
import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, Reads }
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue.jsValueToJsLookup
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.libs.json.Json.toJsFieldJsValueWrapper

import org.elastic4play.JsonFormat.dateFormat
import org.elastic4play.models.BaseModelDef
import{ DBLists, DatabaseState, MigrationOperations, Operation }
import org.elastic4play.utils
import org.elastic4play.utils.{ Hasher, RichFuture, RichJson }
import org.elastic4play.utils.RichJson

class Migration @Inject() (
models: ISet[BaseModelDef],
dblists: DBLists,
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
implicit val materializer: Materializer) extends MigrationOperations {
import Operation._
val log = Logger(getClass)
val logger = Logger(getClass)

override def beginMigration(version: Int) = Future.successful(())

Expand All @@ -47,213 +41,48 @@ class Migration @Inject() (

override val operations: PartialFunction[DatabaseState, Seq[Operation]] = {
case previousState @ DatabaseState(1)
// replace content-type by full metadata (from apache tika) in entity that contain attachment
mapEntity("event_artifact", "task_log") { entity =>
(entity \ "hash").asOpt[String] match {
case Some(hash) => entity - "contentType" + ("metadata" -> dataStore.getMetadata(hash, (entity \ "attachmentName").as[String]))
case None => entity
// remove sensitive information (attributes that start with @) in audit details
case previousState @ DatabaseState(7)
mapAttribute("audit", "details") {
case JsString(details)
case JsObject(fields) JsObject(fields.filterNot(_._1.startsWith("@")))
case a: JsValue a
}).getOrElse(JsObject(Seq("value" JsString(details))))
case details JsObject(Seq("value" details))
// don't use document version to store sequence value
// Operation((req: String => Source[JsObject, NotUsed]) => {
// case tableName @ "sequence" =>
// for {
// s <- req(tableName)
// id <- (s \ "id").asOpt[String]
// previousValue = previousState.getEntity(tableName, id).await
// version <- previousValue \ "version" toOption
// } yield s - "dummy" + ("value" -> version)
// case other => req(other)
// }),
renameAttribute("reportTemplate", "analyzerId", "analyzers"), // reportTemplate refers only one analyzer
renameAttribute("reportTemplate", "reportType", "flavor"), // rename flavor into reportType

// rename entities
mapAttribute("sequence", "id") {
case JsString("event") JsString("case")
case x x
renameEntity("event", "case"),
renameAttribute("case", "caseId", "eventId"),
renameEntity("event_artifact", "case_artifact"),
renameEntity("artifact_job", "case_artifact_job"),
renameEntity("job_log", "case_artifact_job_log"),
renameEntity("event_task", "case_task"),
renameEntity("task_log", "case_task_log"),
renameAttribute("user", "name", "full-name"),
// Tag key as private and rootId as non-private
renameAttribute("user", "@key", "key"),
renameAttribute("audit", "rootId", "@rootId"),
// Use user login as entity id
mapEntity("user") { user
user \ "login" match {
case JsDefined(login: JsString) user - "id" - "login" + ("id" login)
case _ user
removeAttribute("case", "isIncident"), // this information is now stored in resolutionStatus
mapEntity("case") { c // add case owner
val owner = (c \ "createdBy")
c + ("owner" owner)
// replace user id by user login in Audit
mapEntity("audit") { audit
val userMapping = previousState.source("user")
.mapConcat { user
(for {
id (user \ "id").asOpt[String]
login (user \ "login").asOpt[String]
} yield id login).toList

(for {
objectType (audit \ "objectType").asOpt[String]
if objectType == "user"
id (audit \ "objectId").asOpt[String]
login userMapping.get(id)
} yield audit + ("objectId" JsString(login))) getOrElse audit
removeEntity("analyzer")(_ false), // analyzer is now stored in cortex

case previousState @ DatabaseState(2)
// Add flag in task
addAttribute("case_task", "flag" JsBoolean(false)),
// Add flag in Case
addAttribute("case", "flag" JsBoolean(false)),
// Set TLP if attribute is not present in Artifact
addAttributeIfAbsent("case_artifact", "tlp" JsNumber(-1)),
// Add IOC and Label in Artifact
addAttribute("case_artifact", "ioc" JsBoolean(false), "labels" JsArray(Nil)),
// Rename command by @command in analyzer
renameAttribute("analyzer", "@command", "command"),
// Fix attribute type in job reports
mapEntity("case_artifact_job") { job
val analyzerId = (job \ "analyzerId").asOpt[String].getOrElse {
//log.error("Job entity has invalid attributes : analyzerId is missing : " + job)
rename(job, "error_message", "report" :: analyzerId :: "value" :: Nil)
// Transform comma separated list by array
mapAttribute("user", "roles") {
case JsString(roles) JsArray(roles.split(",")
case x x
mapAttribute("case", "tags") {
case JsString(tags) JsArray(tags.split(",")
case x x
case previousState @ DatabaseState(3)
// artifact data convert from textFmt into stringFmt (become not analyzed)
// no operation required
case previousState @ DatabaseState(4)
// saved filesize from datastore in order to insert it in artifacts & logs
var attachmentSizes = Map.empty[String, Long]
addAttribute("case_artifact", "reports" JsString("{}")), // add short reports in artifact

removeEntity("data") { data
(for {
fileSize (data \ "fileSize").asOpt[Long]
id (data \ "id").asOpt[String]
} yield {
addAttribute("case_task", "order" JsNumber(0)), // add task order

attachmentSizes += id fileSize
}) getOrElse (true)
// attachment is now an object (no more attributes for metadata nor hash)
mapEntity("case_artifact", "case_task_log") { obj
(obj \ "hash").asOpt[String].fold(obj) { hash
val attachmentSize = attachmentSizes.getOrElse(hash, 0L)
val attachmentName = (obj \ "attachmentName").asOpt[String].getOrElse("noname")
val contentType = (obj \ "metadata" \ "Content-Type").asOpt[String].getOrElse("application/octet-stream")
obj - "hash" - "metadata" - "attachmentName" + (
"attachment" Json.obj(
"id" hash,
"hashes" JsArray(Nil),
"name" attachmentName,
"size" attachmentSize,
"contentType" contentType))
// convert dblist format
// before 1 entry for each dblist, after 1 entry for each dblist item
Operation((f: String Source[JsObject, NotUsed]) {
case table @ "dblist" f(table).mapConcat { list
for {
listName (list \ "id").asOpt[String].toList
items (list \ listName).asOpt[Seq[JsValue]].toList
item items
id = Hasher("MD5").fromString(item.toString).head.toString
} yield JsObject(Seq("id" JsString(id), "dblist" JsString(listName), "value" JsString(item.toString)))
case other f(other)
// Add resolutionStatus and summary attributes to Case entity
addAttribute("case", "resolutionStatus" JsString("Unknown"), "summary" JsString("")),
// Set case TLP to AMBER(2) by default instead of not specified(-1)
mapAttribute("case", "tlp") {
case JsNumber(x) if x == -1 JsNumber(2)
case x x
// Set observable TLP to AMBER(2) by default instead of not specified(-1)
mapAttribute("case_artifact", "tlp") {
case JsNumber(x) if x == -1 JsNumber(2)
case x x

case previousState @ DatabaseState(5)
renameAttribute("case_artifact", "tags", "labels"),
renameAttribute("user", "password", "@password"),
renameAttribute("user", "key", "@key"),
renameAttribute("data", "binary", "data"),
removeAttribute("data", "chunkCount", "fileSize"),
renameAttribute("sequence", "counter", "value"),
removeAttribute(_ true, "$routing"),
removeAttribute("case", "ioc"),
mapAttribute("case", "resolutionStatus") {
case JsString("Unknown") JsString("Indeterminate")
case JsString("NotIncident") JsString("Other")
case x x
mapAttribute("case_artifact_job", "report") { report JsString(report.toString) },
removeAttribute("analyzer", "@baseConfig", "@command", "@config", "@report"),
renameEntity("template", "caseTemplate"),
renameAttribute("caseTemplate", "metricNames", "metrics"),

case previousState @ DatabaseState(6)
mapEntity(_ true, e {
val createdAt = (e \ "startDate")
.getOrElse(Json.toJson(new Date))
val createdBy = (e \ "user")
e +
("createdAt" createdAt) +
("createdBy" createdBy)
mapAttribute(Seq("case", "case_task", "case_task_log", "case_artifact", "audit", "case_artifact_job"), "startDate")(convertDate),
mapAttribute(Seq("case", "case_task", "case_artifact_job"), "endDate")(convertDate),
mapAttribute("misp", "date")(convertDate),
mapAttribute("misp", "publishDate")(convertDate),
mapAttribute(_ true, "createdBy", convertDate),
mapAttribute(_ true, "updatedBy", convertDate))

private val requestCounter = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)
def getRequestId = { + ":mig:" + requestCounter.incrementAndGet()

def convertDate(json: JsValue): JsValue = {
val datePattern = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ"
val dateReads = Reads.dateReads(datePattern).orElse(Reads.DefaultDateReads)
val date = dateReads.reads(json).getOrElse {
logger.warn(s"""Invalid date format : "$json" setting now""")
new Date

def removeDot[A <: JsValue](json: A): A = json match {
case obj: JsObject {
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions thehive-backend/app/models/ReportTemplate.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package models

import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton }

import play.api.libs.json.JsObject

import org.elastic4play.models.{ AttributeDef, AttributeFormat F, EntityDef, ModelDef }

trait ReportTemplateAttributes { _: AttributeDef
val content = attribute("content", F.textFmt, "Content of the template")
val reportType = attribute("reportType", F.stringFmt, "Flavor of the report (short or long)")
val analyzerId = multiAttribute("analyzerId", F.stringFmt, "Id of analyzers")

class ReportTemplateModel @Inject() extends ModelDef[ReportTemplateModel, ReportTemplate]("reportTemplate") with ReportTemplateAttributes
class ReportTemplate(model: ReportTemplateModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[ReportTemplateModel, ReportTemplate](model, attributes) with ReportTemplateAttributes
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions thehive-backend/app/models/Task.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ trait TaskAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒
val flag = attribute("flag", F.booleanFmt, "Flag of the task", false)
val startDate = optionalAttribute("startDate", F.dateFmt, "Timestamp of the comment start")
val endDate = optionalAttribute("endDate", F.dateFmt, "Timestamp of the comment end")
val order = attribute("order", F.numberFmt, "Order of the task", 0L)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion thehive-backend/app/models/package.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

package object models {
val version = 7
val version = 8
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion thehive-backend/app/services/CaseMergeSrv.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ class CaseMergeSrv @Inject() (
.set("tlp", JsNumber(
.set("status", JsString(CaseStatus.Open.toString))
.set("metrics", mergeMetrics(cases))
.set("isIncident", JsBoolean( || _)))
.set("resolutionStatus", mergeResolutionStatus(cases))
.set("impactStatus", mergeImpactStatus(cases))
.set("summary", mergeSummary(cases))
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion thehive-backend/app/services/CaseSrv.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ class CaseSrv @Inject() (
lazy val log = Logger(getClass)

def create(fields: Fields)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Case] = {
createSrv[CaseModel, Case](caseModel, fields.unset("tasks"))
val fieldsWithOwner = fields.get("owner") match {
case None fields.set("owner", authContext.userId)
case Some(_) fields
createSrv[CaseModel, Case](caseModel, fieldsWithOwner.unset("tasks"))
.flatMap { caze
val taskFields = fields.getValues("tasks").collect {
case task: JsObject Fields(task)
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions ui/app/scripts/directives/updatableDate.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,12 @@
weekStart: 1,
startView: 1,
todayBtn: true,
language: 'fr',
autoclose: true
scope.dateNow = false;
scope.timeUpdater = undefined;
if (angular.isString(scope.value)) {
var m = moment(scope.value, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZZ');
if (angular.isNumber(scope.value)) {
var m = moment(scope.value);
if (m.isValid()) {
scope.humanDate = m.format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm');
Expand All @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
if (angular.isString(scope.humanDate)) {
var m = moment(scope.humanDate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm');
if (m.isValid()) {
scope.value = m.format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZZ');
scope.value = m.valueOf();
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion ui/app/scripts/filters/shortDate.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
'use strict';
angular.module('theHiveFilters').filter('shortDate', function() {
return function(str) {
var format = ' MM/DD/YY H:mm';
if (angular.isString(str) && str.length > 0) {
return moment(str, ['YYYYMMDDTHHmmZZ', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm']).format(' MM/DD/YY H:mm');
return moment(str, ['YYYYMMDDTHHmmZZ', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm']).format(format);
} else if (angular.isNumber(str)) {
return moment(str).format(format);
} else {
return '';
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