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To-om committed Sep 25, 2018
2 parents 7f8c812 + f53bee5 commit a19feb3
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,803 additions and 1,697 deletions.
43 changes: 37 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,57 @@
# Change Log

## [3.1.0]( (2018-09-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add MarkAlertAsRead action to responders [\#729](
- AddCustomField responder operation [\#724](
- 3.1.0RC3: Browsing to negative case ids is possible [\#713](

**Fixed bugs:**

- TheHive Hyperlinking [\#723](
- Multiple responder actions does not seem to be handled [\#722](
- API allows alert creation with duplicate artifacts [\#720](
- 3.0.1RC3: certificate based authentication failes as attributes are not correctly lowercased [\#714](
- Fix PAP labels [\#711](
- Observables not being displayed [\#655](

**Closed issues:**

- TheHive:Alerts don't send observables to Responders [\#725](
- Cortex Connector [\#721](
- Markdown syntex not rendered correctly [\#718](
- 3.1.0RC3: Search produces errors on screen [\#712](

**Merged pull requests:**

- CloseTask responder operation [\#728]( ([srilumpa](
- Add AddTagToArtifact action to responders [\#717]( ([srilumpa](

## [3.1.0-RC3]( (2018-09-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Extend Case Description Field [\#81](
- Display task description via a collapsible row [\#709](
- Allow task group auto complete in case template admin section [\#707](
- Display task group in global task lists [\#705](
- Make task group input optional [\#696](
- Related Cases: See \(x\) more links [\#690](
- Search section: Search for a string over all types of objects [\#689](
- Filter on computedHandlingDuration in SearchDialog fails [\#688](
- Extend Case Description Field [\#81](
- Change layout of observable creation form [\#706]( ([srilumpa](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Adding new observables to an alert retrospectively is impossible [\#511](
- .sbt build of current git version fails with x-pack-transport error [\#710](
- PKI authentication fails if user name in certificate has the wrong case [\#700](
- Error handling deletion and re creation of file observables [\#699](
- Start waiting tasks when adding task logs [\#695](
- Adding new observables to an alert retrospectively is impossible [\#511](

## [3.1.0-RC2]( (2018-08-27)
[Full Changelog](
Expand All @@ -35,20 +65,21 @@
- TheHive 3.1RC1: Slow reaction if Cortex is \(unclear\) unreachable [\#664](
- TheHive 3.1RC1: Add status to cases and tasks in new search page [\#663](
- TheHive 3.1RC1: Add Username that executes an active response to json data field of responder [\#662](
- Application.conf needs clarifications [\#606](
- Ability to set custom fields as mandatory [\#652](
- Application.conf needs clarifications [\#606](
- Observable type boxes doesn't line break on alert preview pane [\#593](
- On branch betterDescriptions [\#660]( ([secdecompiled](

**Fixed bugs:**

- The hive docker image has no latest tag [\#670](
- case metrics unordered in cases [\#419](
- 3.1.0-RC1- Tasks list is limited to 10 items. [\#679](
- WebUI inaccessible after upgrading to 3.1.0-0-RC1 \(elastic4play and Play exceptions\) [\#674](
- play.crypto.secret is depecrated [\#671](
- The hive docker image has no latest tag [\#670](
- 'Tagged as' displayed in Related Cases even if cases are untagged [\#594](
- Horizontal Scrolling and Word-Wrap options for Logs [\#573](
- case metrics unordered in cases [\#419](
- Dashboard visualizations do not work with custom fields [\#478](

**Closed issues:**

Expand All @@ -58,9 +89,9 @@

**Merged pull requests:**

- Move input group addons from right to left for better usage [\#672]( ([srilumpa](
- Update Cortex reference.conf [\#668]( ([ErnHem](
- Fix some minor typos [\#658]( ([srilumpa](
- Move input group addons from right to left for better usage [\#672]( ([srilumpa](

## [3.1.0-RC1]( (2018-07-31)
[Full Changelog](
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project/Common.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ object Common {
licenses += "AGPL-V3" url(""),
organizationHomepage := Some(url("")),
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("thehive-project", "maven"),
resolvers += "elasticsearch-releases" at "",
scalaVersion := Dependencies.scalaVersion,
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
"-deprecation", // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project/Dependencies.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ object Dependencies {

val reflections = "org.reflections" % "reflections" % "0.9.11"
val zip4j = "net.lingala.zip4j" % "zip4j" % "1.3.2"
val elastic4play = "org.thehive-project" %% "elastic4play" % "1.6.1"
val elastic4play = "org.thehive-project" %% "elastic4play" % "1.6.2"
val akkaCluster = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster" % "2.5.11"
val akkaClusterTools = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % "2.5.11"
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions thehive-backend/app/services/AlertSrv.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package services

import java.nio.file.Files
import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton }

import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
Expand All @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import org.elastic4play.database.ModifyConfig
import{ groupByField, parent, selectCount, withId }
import org.elastic4play.utils.Collection

trait AlertTransformer {
def createCase(alert: Alert, customCaseTemplate: Option[String])(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Case]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +104,14 @@ class AlertSrv(
case a Future.successful(a)
artifactsFields.flatMap { af
createSrv[AlertModel, Alert](alertModel, fields.set("artifacts", JsArray(af)))
/* remove duplicate artifacts */
val distinctArtifacts = Collection.distinctBy(af) { a
val data = (a \ "data").asOpt[String]
val attachment = (a \ "attachment" \ "id").asOpt[String]
val dataType = (a \ "dataType").asOpt[String]
data.orElse(attachment).map(_ -> dataType).getOrElse(a)
createSrv[AlertModel, Alert](alertModel, fields.set("artifacts", JsArray(distinctArtifacts)))

Expand Down
127 changes: 108 additions & 19 deletions thehive-cortex/app/connectors/cortex/services/ActionOperation.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,22 @@ package

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }

import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json._

import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton }
import models.{ Alert, Case }
import services.CaseSrv
import javax.inject.{ Inject, Provider, Singleton }
import models._
import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException
import services.{ AlertSrv, ArtifactSrv, CaseSrv, TaskSrv }

import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields
import org.elastic4play.database.ModifyConfig
import org.elastic4play.models.{ BaseEntity, ChildModelDef, HiveEnumeration }
import{ AuthContext, FindSrv }
import org.elastic4play.utils.RetryOnError
import org.elastic4play.utils.Retry
import org.elastic4play.{ BadRequestError, InternalError }

object ActionOperationStatus extends Enumeration with HiveEnumeration {
Expand All @@ -34,34 +36,72 @@ case class AddTagToCase(tag: String, status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = Action
def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): AddTagToCase = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

case class AddTagToArtifact(tag: String, status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = ActionOperationStatus.Waiting, message: String = "") extends ActionOperation {
def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): AddTagToArtifact = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

case class CreateTask(fields: JsObject, status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = ActionOperationStatus.Waiting, message: String = "") extends ActionOperation {
def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): CreateTask = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

case class AddCustomFields(name: String, tpe: String, value: JsValue, status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = ActionOperationStatus.Waiting, message: String = "") extends ActionOperation {
override def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): AddCustomFields = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

case class CloseTask(status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = ActionOperationStatus.Waiting, message: String = "") extends ActionOperation {
def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): CloseTask = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

case class MarkAlertAsRead(status: ActionOperationStatus.Type = ActionOperationStatus.Waiting, message: String = "") extends ActionOperation {
def updateStatus(newStatus: ActionOperationStatus.Type, newMessage: String): MarkAlertAsRead = copy(status = newStatus, message = newMessage)

object ActionOperation {
val addTagToCaseWrites = Json.writes[AddTagToCase]
val addTagToArtifactWrites = Json.writes[AddTagToArtifact]
val createTaskWrites = Json.writes[CreateTask]
val addCustomFieldsWrites = Json.writes[AddCustomFields]
val closeTaskWrites = Json.writes[CloseTask]
val markAlertAsReadWrites = Json.writes[MarkAlertAsRead]
implicit val actionOperationReads: Reads[ActionOperation] = Reads[ActionOperation](json
(json \ "type").asOpt[String].fold[JsResult[ActionOperation]](JsError("type is missing in action operation")) {
case "AddTagToCase" (json \ "tag").validate[String].map(tag AddTagToCase(tag))
case "CreateTask" JsSuccess(CreateTask([JsObject] - "type"))
case other JsError(s"Unknown operation $other")
case "AddTagToCase" (json \ "tag").validate[String].map(tag AddTagToCase(tag))
case "AddTagToArtifact" (json \ "tag").validate[String].map(tag AddTagToArtifact(tag))
case "CreateTask" JsSuccess(CreateTask([JsObject] - "type"))
case "AddCustomFields" for {
name (json \ "name").validate[String]
tpe (json \ "tpe").validate[String]
value (json \ "value").validate[JsValue]
} yield AddCustomFields(name, tpe, value)
case "CloseTask" JsSuccess(CloseTask())
case "MarkAlertAsRead" JsSuccess(MarkAlertAsRead())
case other JsError(s"Unknown operation $other")
implicit val actionOperationWrites: Writes[ActionOperation] = Writes[ActionOperation] {
case a: AddTagToCase addTagToCaseWrites.writes(a)
case a: CreateTask createTaskWrites.writes(a)
case a Json.obj("unsupported operation" a.toString)
case a: AddTagToCase addTagToCaseWrites.writes(a)
case a: AddTagToArtifact addTagToArtifactWrites.writes(a)
case a: CreateTask createTaskWrites.writes(a)
case a: AddCustomFields addCustomFieldsWrites.writes(a)
case a: CloseTask closeTaskWrites.writes(a)
case a: MarkAlertAsRead markAlertAsReadWrites.writes(a)
case a Json.obj("unsupported operation" a.toString)

class ActionOperationSrv @Inject() (
caseSrv: CaseSrv,
taskSrv: TaskSrv,
alertSrvProvider: Provider[AlertSrv],
findSrv: FindSrv,
artifactSrv: ArtifactSrv,
implicit val system: ActorSystem,
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
implicit val mat: Materializer) {

lazy val logger = Logger(getClass)
lazy val alertSrv: AlertSrv = alertSrvProvider.get

def findCaseEntity(entity: BaseEntity): Future[Case] = {

Expand All @@ -70,25 +110,74 @@ class ActionOperationSrv @Inject() (
case (a: Alert, _) a.caze().fold(Future.failed[Case](BadRequestError("Alert hasn't been imported to case")))(caseSrv.get)
case (_, model: ChildModelDef[_, _, _, _])
findSrv(model.parentModel, "_id" ~= entity.parentId.getOrElse(throw InternalError(s"Child entity $entity has no parent ID")), Some("0-1"), Nil)
._1.runWith(Sink.head).flatMap(findCaseEntity _)
case _ Future.failed(BadRequestError("Case not found"))

def findTaskEntity(entity: BaseEntity): Future[Task] = {

(entity, entity.model) match {
case (a: Task, _) Future.successful(a)
case (_, model: ChildModelDef[_, _, _, _])
findSrv(model.parentModel, "_id" ~= entity.parentId.getOrElse(throw InternalError(s"Child entity $entity has no parent ID")), Some("0-1"), Nil)
._1.runWith(Sink.head).flatMap(findTaskEntity _)
case _ Future.failed(BadRequestError("Task not found"))

def execute(entity: BaseEntity, operation: ActionOperation)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[ActionOperation] = {
if (operation.status == ActionOperationStatus.Waiting) {
val updatedOperation = operation match {
case AddTagToCase(tag, _, _)
RetryOnError() { // FIXME find the right exception
Retry()(classOf[VersionConflictEngineException]) {
operation match {
case AddTagToCase(tag, _, _)
for {
caze findCaseEntity(entity)
initialCase findCaseEntity(entity)
caze caseSrv.get(
_ caseSrv.update(caze, Fields.empty.set("tags", Json.toJson((caze.tags() :+ tag).distinct)), ModifyConfig(retryOnConflict = 0, version = Some(caze.version)))
} yield operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, "")
case _ Future.successful(operation)
case AddTagToArtifact(tag, _, _)
entity match {
case initialArtifact: Artifact
for {
artifact artifactSrv.get(initialArtifact.artifactId())
_ artifactSrv.update(artifact.artifactId(), Fields.empty.set("tags", Json.toJson((artifact.tags() :+ tag).distinct)), ModifyConfig(retryOnConflict = 0, version = Some(artifact.version)))
} yield operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, "")
case _ Future.failed(BadRequestError("Artifact not found"))
case CreateTask(fields, _, _)
for {
caze findCaseEntity(entity)
_ taskSrv.create(caze, Fields(fields))
} yield operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, "")
case AddCustomFields(name, tpe, value, _, _)
for {
initialCase findCaseEntity(entity)
caze caseSrv.get(
customFields = caze.customFields().asOpt[JsObject].getOrElse(JsObject.empty) ++ Json.obj(name -> Json.obj(tpe -> value))
_ caseSrv.update(caze, Fields.empty.set("customFields", customFields), ModifyConfig(retryOnConflict = 0, version = Some(caze.version)))
} yield operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, "")
case CloseTask(_, _)
for {
initialTask findTaskEntity(entity)
task taskSrv.get(
_ taskSrv.update(task, Fields.empty.set("status", TaskStatus.Completed.toString).set("flag", JsFalse), ModifyConfig(retryOnConflict = 0, version = Some(task.version)))
} yield operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, "")
case MarkAlertAsRead(_, _)
entity match {
case alert: Alert alertSrv.markAsRead(alert).map(_ operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Success, ""))
case _ Future.failed(BadRequestError("Alert not found"))
case o Future.successful(operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Failure, s"Operation $o not supported"))
updatedOperation.recover { case error operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Failure, error.getMessage) }
.recover {
case error
logger.error("Operation execution fails", error)
operation.updateStatus(ActionOperationStatus.Failure, error.getMessage)
else Future.successful(operation)

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