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Merge branch 'hotfix/4.0.3' into feature-action-required
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To-om committed Dec 21, 2020
2 parents 31d55d4 + fd948c5 commit d2e131c
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Showing 71 changed files with 1,189 additions and 664 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions
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@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@

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[TheHive]( is a scalable 3-in-1 open source and free Security Incident Response Platform designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, CERTs and any information security practitioner dealing with security incidents that need to be investigated and acted upon swiftly. It is the perfect companion to [MISP]( You can synchronize it with one or multiple MISP instances to start investigations out of MISP events. You can also export an investigation's results as a MISP event to help your peers detect and react to attacks you've dealt with. Additionally, when TheHive is used in conjunction with [Cortex](, security analysts and researchers can easily analyze tens if not hundred of observables.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +114,7 @@ Information, news and updates are regularly posted on [TheHive Project Twitter a
Please see our [Code of conduct]( We welcome your contributions. Please feel free to fork the code, play with it, make some patches and send us pull requests via [issues](

# Support
Please [open an issue on GitHub]( if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature. We are also available on [Gitter]( to help you out.
Please [open an issue on GitHub]( if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature. We are also available on [Discord]( to help you out.

If you need to contact the project team, send an email to <[email protected]>.

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions cortex/connector/src/main/resources/play/reference-overrides.conf
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
akka {
actor {
serializers {
cortex-schema-updater = "org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models.SchemaUpdaterSerializer"
cortex-jobs = ""

serialization-bindings {
"org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models.SchemaUpdaterMessage" = cortex-schema-updater
"" = cortex-jobs
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cortex/connector/src/main/resources/reference.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ cortex = {
// # HTTP client configuration (SSL and proxy)
// # ws {}
// }]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.controllers.v0


import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}
import org.thp.scalligraph.controllers.{Entrypoint, FieldsParser}
import org.thp.scalligraph.models.{Database, UMapping}
Expand All @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import
import org.thp.thehive.controllers.v0.Conversion._
import org.thp.thehive.controllers.v0.{OutputParam, PublicData, QueryCtrl}
import org.thp.thehive.models.{Permissions, RichCase, RichObservable}
import org.thp.thehive.models.{Observable, Permissions, RichCase, RichObservable}
import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, Results}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +94,9 @@ class PublicJob @Inject() (jobSrv: JobSrv) extends PublicData with JobRenderer {
override val outputQuery: Query = Query.outputWithContext[RichJob, Traversal.V[Job]]((jobSteps, authContext) => jobSteps.richJob(authContext))
override val extraQueries: Seq[ParamQuery[_]] = Seq(
Query[Traversal.V[Observable], Traversal.V[Job]]("jobs", (jobTraversal, _) =>
override val publicProperties: PublicProperties = PublicPropertyListBuilder[Job]
.property("analyzerId", UMapping.string)(_.rename("workerId").readonly)
.property("cortexId", UMapping.string.optional)(_.field.readonly)
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
package org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models

import java.util.Date

import org.thp.scalligraph.models.Entity
import org.thp.scalligraph.{BuildEdgeEntity, BuildVertexEntity, EntityId}
import org.thp.thehive.models.{Observable, RichObservable}
import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsObject, Json}

import java.util.Date

object JobStatus extends Enumeration {
val InProgress, Success, Failure, Waiting, Deleted = Value

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,22 +4,20 @@ import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, PoisonPill, Props}
import akka.cluster.singleton.{ClusterSingletonManager, ClusterSingletonManagerSettings, ClusterSingletonProxy, ClusterSingletonProxySettings}
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import javax.inject.{Inject, Named, Provider, Singleton}
import org.thp.scalligraph.models.Database
import play.api.Logger

import javax.inject.{Inject, Named, Provider, Singleton}
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.util.Try

class DatabaseProvider @Inject() (
cortexSchema: CortexSchemaDefinition,
@Named("with-thehive-schema") database: Database,
actorSystem: ActorSystem
) extends Provider[Database] {
import SchemaUpdaterActor._
lazy val schemaUpdaterActor: ActorRef = {
val singletonManager =
Expand All @@ -42,43 +40,37 @@ class DatabaseProvider @Inject() (

override def get(): Database = {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(5.minutes)
Await.result(schemaUpdaterActor ? RequestDBStatus, timeout.duration) match {
case DBStatus(status) =>
Await.result(schemaUpdaterActor ? RequestDB, timeout.duration) match {
case DBReady => database

object SchemaUpdaterActor {
case object RequestDBStatus
case class DBStatus(status: Try[Unit])
sealed trait SchemaUpdaterMessage
case object RequestDB extends SchemaUpdaterMessage
case object DBReady extends SchemaUpdaterMessage

class SchemaUpdaterActor @Inject() (cortexSchema: CortexSchemaDefinition, database: Database) extends Actor {
import SchemaUpdaterActor._
lazy val logger: Logger = Logger(getClass)

def update(): Try[Unit] =
def update(): Unit = {
.recover {
case error => logger.error(s"Database with CortexSchema schema update failure", error)

override def receive: Receive = {
case RequestDBStatus =>
val status = update()
sender ! DBStatus(status)
case RequestDB =>
sender ! DBReady

def receive(status: Try[Unit]): Receive = {
case RequestDBStatus =>
status.fold({ _ =>
val newStatus = update()
sender ! DBStatus(newStatus)
}, _ => sender ! DBStatus(status))
def databaseUpToDate: Receive = {
case RequestDB =>
sender ! DBReady
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models

import akka.serialization.Serializer


class SchemaUpdaterSerializer extends Serializer {
override def identifier: Int = -639734235

override def includeManifest: Boolean = false

override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] =
o match {
case RequestDB => Array(0)
case DBReady => Array(1)
case _ => throw new NotSerializableException

override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: Option[Class[_]]): AnyRef =
bytes(0) match {
case 0 => RequestDB
case 1 => DBReady
case _ => throw new NotSerializableException
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ActionOperationSrv @Inject() (
case AddLogToTask(content, _) =>
for {
t <- relatedTask.fold[Try[Task with Entity]](Failure(InternalError("Unable to apply action AddLogToTask without task")))(Success(_))
_ <- logSrv.create(Log(content, new Date(), deleted = false), t)
_ <- logSrv.create(Log(content, new Date(), deleted = false), t, None)
} yield updateOperation(operation)

case AddArtifactToCase(_, dataType, dataMessage) =>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.controllers.v0.Conversion._
import org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models._
import org.thp.thehive.controllers.v0.Conversion._
import org.thp.thehive.models._
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,37 @@

import java.util.Date

import akka.pattern.pipe
import javax.inject.Inject
import org.thp.client.ApplicationError
import org.thp.cortex.dto.v0.{JobStatus, JobType, OutputJob => CortexJob}
import org.thp.cortex.dto.v0.{JobStatus, JobType, OutputJob}
import org.thp.scalligraph.EntityId
import org.thp.scalligraph.auth.AuthContext
import play.api.Logger

import java.util.Date
import javax.inject.Inject
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object CortexActor {
final case class CheckJob(
jobId: Option[EntityId],
cortexJobId: String,
actionId: Option[EntityId],
cortexId: String,
authContext: AuthContext

final private case object CheckJobs
final private case object CheckJobsKey
final private case object FirstCheckJobs

sealed trait CortexActorMessage
case class RemoteJob(job: OutputJob) extends CortexActorMessage
case class CheckJob(
jobId: Option[EntityId],
cortexJobId: String,
actionId: Option[EntityId],
cortexId: String,
authContext: AuthContext
) extends CortexActorMessage

private case object CheckJobs extends CortexActorMessage
private case object CheckJobsKey
private case object FirstCheckJobs extends CortexActorMessage
// FIXME Add serializer
* This actor is primarily used to check Job statuses on regular
* ticks using the provided client for each job
class CortexActor @Inject() (connector: Connector, jobSrv: JobSrv, actionSrv: ActionSrv) extends Actor with Timers {
import CortexActor._
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = context.dispatcher
lazy val logger: Logger = Logger(getClass)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,35 +64,36 @@ class CortexActor @Inject() (connector: Connector, jobSrv: JobSrv, actionSrv: Ac
.getReport(cortexJobId, 1.second)
.recover { // this is a workaround for a timeout bug in Cortex
case ApplicationError(500, body) if (body \ "type").asOpt[String].contains("akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException") =>
CortexJob(cortexJobId, "", "", "", new Date, None, None, JobStatus.InProgress, None, None, "", "", None, JobType.analyzer)
OutputJob(cortexJobId, "", "", "", new Date, None, None, JobStatus.InProgress, None, None, "", "", None, JobType.analyzer)

case cortexJob: CortexJob if cortexJob.status == JobStatus.Success || cortexJob.status == JobStatus.Failure =>
checkedJobs.find(_.cortexJobId == match {
case Some(CheckJob(Some(jobId), cortexJobId, _, cortexId, authContext)) if cortexJob.`type` == JobType.analyzer =>"Job $cortexJobId in cortex $cortexId has finished with status ${cortexJob.status}, updating job $jobId")
jobSrv.finished(cortexId, jobId, cortexJob)(authContext)
context.become(receive(checkedJobs.filterNot(_.cortexJobId ==, failuresCount))
case RemoteJob(job) if job.status == JobStatus.Success || job.status == JobStatus.Failure =>
checkedJobs.find(_.cortexJobId == match {
case Some(CheckJob(Some(jobId), cortexJobId, _, cortexId, authContext)) if job.`type` == JobType.analyzer =>"Job $cortexJobId in cortex $cortexId has finished with status ${job.status}, updating job $jobId")
jobSrv.finished(cortexId, jobId, job)(authContext)
context.become(receive(checkedJobs.filterNot(_.cortexJobId ==, failuresCount))

case Some(CheckJob(_, cortexJobId, Some(actionId), cortexId, authContext)) if cortexJob.`type` == JobType.responder =>"Job $cortexJobId in cortex $cortexId has finished with status ${cortexJob.status}, updating action $actionId")
actionSrv.finished(actionId, cortexJob)(authContext)
context.become(receive(checkedJobs.filterNot(_.cortexJobId ==, failuresCount))
case Some(CheckJob(_, cortexJobId, Some(actionId), cortexId, authContext)) if job.`type` == JobType.responder =>"Job $cortexJobId in cortex $cortexId has finished with status ${job.status}, updating action $actionId")
actionSrv.finished(actionId, job)(authContext)
context.become(receive(checkedJobs.filterNot(_.cortexJobId ==, failuresCount))

case Some(_) =>
logger.error(s"CortexActor received job output $cortexJob but with unknown type ${cortexJob.`type`}")
logger.error(s"CortexActor received job output $job but with unknown type ${job.`type`}")

case None =>
logger.error(s"CortexActor received job output $cortexJob but did not have it in state $checkedJobs")
logger.error(s"CortexActor received job output $job but did not have it in state $checkedJobs")
case cortexJob: CortexJob if cortexJob.status == JobStatus.InProgress || cortexJob.status == JobStatus.Waiting =>"CortexActor received ${cortexJob.status} from client, retrying in ${connector.refreshDelay}")
case RemoteJob(job) if job.status == JobStatus.InProgress || job.status == JobStatus.Waiting =>"CortexActor received ${job.status} from client, retrying in ${connector.refreshDelay}")

case _: CortexJob =>
case _: RemoteJob =>
logger.warn(s"CortexActor received JobStatus.Unknown from client, retrying in ${connector.refreshDelay}")

case Status.Failure(e) if failuresCount < connector.maxRetryOnError =>
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@

import akka.serialization.Serializer
import org.thp.cortex.dto.v0.OutputJob
import org.thp.scalligraph.EntityIdOrName
import org.thp.scalligraph.auth.{AuthContext, AuthContextImpl, Permission}
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._


object CortexSerializer {
implicit val authContextReads: Reads[AuthContext] =
((JsPath \ "userId").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "userName").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "organisation").read[String].map(EntityIdOrName.apply) and
(JsPath \ "requestId").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "permissions").read[Set[String]].map(Permission.apply))(AuthContextImpl.apply _)

implicit val authContextWrites: Writes[AuthContext] = Writes[AuthContext] { authContext =>
"userId" -> authContext.userId,
"userName" -> authContext.userName,
"organisation" -> authContext.organisation.toString,
"requestId" -> authContext.requestId,
"permissions" -> authContext.permissions
implicit val format: OFormat[CheckJob] = Json.format[CheckJob]

class CortexSerializer extends Serializer {
import CortexSerializer._
override def identifier: Int = -414525848

override def includeManifest: Boolean = false

override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] =
o match {
case CheckJobs => Array(0)
case FirstCheckJobs => Array(1)
case RemoteJob(job) => 2.toByte +: Json.toJson(job).toString.getBytes
case cj: CheckJob => 3.toByte +: Json.toJson(cj).toString().getBytes
case _ => throw new NotSerializableException

override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: Option[Class[_]]): AnyRef =
bytes(0) match {
case 0 => CheckJobs
case 1 => FirstCheckJobs
case 2 => RemoteJob(Json.parse(bytes.tail).as[OutputJob])
case 3 => Json.parse(bytes.tail).as[CheckJob]
case _ => throw new NotSerializableException
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import org.thp.scalligraph.{EntityId, EntityIdOrName, NotFoundError}
import org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.controllers.v0.Conversion._
import org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.models._
import org.thp.thehive.controllers.v0.Conversion._
import org.thp.thehive.models._
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