Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to add a log in responder operation #795
- Add responder actions in dashboard #794
- Show observable description on mouseover observables #793
- Update Play #791
- Show tags of observables in Alert preview #778
- Observable Value gets cleared when changing its type (importing it from an analyser result) #763
- Add confirmation dialogs when running a responder #762
- Whitelist of tags for MISP alerts #481
Fixed bugs:
- MISP synchronization fails if event contains attachment with invalid name #801
- Observable creation doesn't allow multiline observables #790
- A user with "write" permission can delete a case using API #773
- Basic authentication method should be disabled by default #772
- Case search from dashboard clic "invalid filters error" #761
- Intermittently losing Cortex #739
Merged pull requests: