Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to import file from Cortex report #982
- Remove metrics module #975
- Upgrade frontend libraries #966
- Cortex AddArtifactToCase AssignCase #922
- Communication to ElasticSearch via HTTP API 9200 #913
- Add Cortex AssignCase #924 (zpriddy)
- Support Elasticsearch 6.x clusters #623
Fixed bugs:
- Donut dashboard metric values are not transformed to searches #972
- Bulk merge of alerts does not merge the tags #994
- Java 11 build crash #990
- Failure to load datatypes #988
- Fix search page base filter #983
- Authentication Error when using Hive API (Patch) #951
Closed issues:
- bintray repo for deb packages not signed #976
- Set alert to status "Ignored" via API does not work #955
Merged pull requests: