Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add case search by TTP #1893
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Slow loading of TheHive because of Tags #1869
- [Bug] After migration from 4.0.5 to 4.1.0 old tasklogs are not returned by "/api/v1/query?name=case-task-logs" query #1875
- Dashboards - custom fields #1877
- [Bug] TH 4.1.1 : Filter by "IMPORTED" does not work for alerts imported into existing cases #1891
- [Bug] Fix the S3 configuration options #1892
- [Bug] All attachments in task logs disappeared following upgrade to 4.1.1 #1894
- [Bug] Continued performance issues after upgrade to 4.1.1 #1896
- [Bug] Fix issues dashboard list #1901
- [Bug] Migration tool migrates unsupported elastic index #1907
- [Bug] Folder permissions are not correctly set in docker image #1908