To create Splunk Response Actions to send to TheHive as alerts. Python3 friendly.
Tested with:
- Thehive Version: 3.4.2
- Splunk 8.1.0
This project was largely inspired by (these projects were however not working with Python 3 and recent TheHive versions):
- Via git:
# Go to your Splunk app folder
cd /opt/splunk/etc/apps/ # adapt if /opt is not where you are installing splunk
# Git clone the repo:
git clone
- Via ZIP file: Download the repo as a ZIP file from Github and import the ZIP file in Splunk > Manage Apps > Install app from file.
1/ In TheHive, create a dedicated user with an API key and no permission but: Allow alerts creation.
2/ In Splunk, go to "Manage Apps", click on the set up link for the app "Yet Another Splunk To TheHive Tool" and set:
- The URL of TheHive server (ex.
) - TheHive API Key you just created
- the log level you want to use (default is INFO)
1/ Create an alert, in the Alert Action section, select action "YASTTT Alert Action"
2/ Set the mandatory parameters:
- the Title for the alert you want to create,
- the base description, knowing that the all fields from the searcg will be automatically added to that description,
- the severity
- the Alert type (Splunk, internal, Microsoft, etc)
- the TLP (Traffic Light Protocol)
- (not required) any tags you'd like to appear
3/ Trigger the alert in Splunk
Logs are sent to: SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/yasttt.log
. Don't forget to change the log level to DEBUG in the app configuration if needed.