Overview | Installation | Usage | Tutorial | License
NO-ROOT-DOCKER-RUN is a repository containing scripts that support Docker-based software development used by the TOYOTA Frontier Research Center robotics research group. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use reproduction of our study results and facilitate further research. Although this package works as a standalone library, this design is particularly intended for TRI-VIDAR and SGInit-VO, where the Makefile-and-docker builds the environmental setup.
Please note that we cannot guarantee future monitoring and official support while we strive to provide assistance or maintenance.
Given the pre-built docker image, the scripts provide a root-independent wrapper image and its run's configurations by:
- Create a new user
, sharing the samegroup/user ID
of the localhost. - Make a directory that is editable and shareable with a localhost.
Assuming the Makefile style of TRI-Ml/PackNet-SfM, add the following new commands to your Makefile:
# Mount destination dir (call -v) to save the log file, weight, etc.
DOCKER_OPTS := -v ${CKPT_MNT}:/data/checkpoints \
# Set a proper path to this repository
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# ---------- FRC NO-ROOT-TOOLS COMMAND PART ----------
python3 ${PATH2NRT}/run_setup.py ${DOCKER_IMAGE}
python3 ${PATH2NRT}/mk_writable.py --dirs ${CKPT_MNT}
noroot-build: docker-build initialize-scripts
docker build \
-f ${PATH2NRT}/dist/Dockerfile.no_root \
noroot-interactive: mkdir-writable
docker run --gpus all ${DOCKER_OPTS} \
--name ${PROJECT}-${USER} ${DOCKER_IMAGE}-${USER} bash
# ----------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
For a complete example, please refer to this Makefile, or that of SGInit-VO: where this NO-ROOT-TOOLS is integrated as the git submodule and associated with the PATH2NRT configuration, i.e. PATH2NRT ?= thirdparty/no_root_docker_run
: Create docker builder scripts, including host information (username, uid, gid) from templates atsrc
. -
: Create user-editable directories to be mounted into a docker container. -
: Build a root-independent wrapper image from the pre-build image. -
: Enter the container as the non-root user who shares all the permission with the local host.
Once the target docker image intended for root-user is built, build the "wrapper" version based on it that has another username by:
make noroot-build
make noroot-interactive
We provide a tutorial for your development, demonstrating that:
Build non-root wrapper image,
(Please refer to Dockerfile and Makefile) -
Configuration for permission-stress-free read/write, assuming log files are generated at your Host's
. -
Coexistence with
, by allowing the created user to edit the~/.tmux
of localhost.
Hence, please try the command (described in the Usage) to provide the actual behavior.
This repository is released under the MIT license.