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About application

  1. This application shows how can we integrate our android application with Face-Book API.
  2. This sample shows how can we get our Face-Book friends with their online presence.

Running Sample

  1. First off all download Face-book SDk from [here ] (
  2. Create a Face-Book application [here ] ( to get an Facebook APP ID for your application.
  3. You need to create a key hash of your signature from android debug.keystore (for the develop stage).
  4. For this First download OpenSSL from here and extract to a folder (in my case, c:\openssl) and follow these steps.
A. To create key hash, you need to navigate to your JAVA jdk folder, where the keytool.exe is. (in my case, in windows 
    is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin)
B. This also requires path of your debug.keystore (in my case, in windows is: C:\Users\MyUsername\.android).
C. Now open your command prompt and navigate to the jdk bin folder and run following command.
   keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "<debug.keystore path>" > C:\openssl\bin\debug.txt
D. Navigate to "C:\openssl\bin\" using command prompt and run following commands.
   openssl sha1 -binary debug.txt >debug_sha.txt
   openssl base64 -in debug_sha.txt >debug_base64.txt
E. debug_base64.txt contains the key hash.
F. Copy this key hash to your Facebook Application that you made in step 2.
   (Edit Settings -> Native Android App -> Key Hashes:) and also enable Facebook login and save it.
G. Now your application is authenticated with Face-Book.

5.  Download the project from [here] ( and import it in the eclipse.
6.  Import Face-Book SDK project in you eclipse and make it library project.
7.  Add this library project into your sample android application.
8.  Open file and change FB_APP_ID variable value with your FB APP ID.
9.  Build your android application and install on your android device.

Design Details:

Authorization With Face-Book: To use Face-book API in your android application you have to authorize application. as sample I have authorized my application in file. In this method you have to pass three parameters :

  1. Your host Activity on which you have to get callback from Facebook API.
  2. All Facebook API permissions required for your application in form of String array.(in this sample I request for friends_online_presence).
  3. This is called only first time after installation with Face-Book.
  4. Once your application is authorize , you can use face-Book API directly.
   public void fetchFacebookProfile(final FriendList hostActivity)
       if(mUIThreadHandler == null){
    		mUIThreadHandler = new Handler();
    	facebook.authorize(hostActivity, new
        		String[] {
        		, new DialogListener() {
            public void onComplete(Bundle values) {
            	if(mPrefs == null){
            		mPrefs = appContext.getSharedPreferences("MyGamePreferences", android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
                SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();
                UserContext.accessToken= facebook.getAccessToken();
                editor.putString("access_token", facebook.getAccessToken());
                editor.putLong("access_expires", facebook.getAccessExpires());

            public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {

            public void onError(DialogError e) {

            public void onCancel() {

Authorization callback : After authorization step you have to authorize callback as an acknowledgement in onActivityResult method of your host Activity. This is done in file.

   protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
		// super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
		super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
		if (!UserContext.authorized) {
					resultCode, data);
			UserContext.authorized = true;

Get Face-Book Profile: You can get your Facebook profile after getting authorization (in onComplete() describe above). This is done in file.

   public void getFacebookProfile(FriendList callingActivity)
        Bundle params = new Bundle();
        params.putString("fields", "name, picture");       
        mAsyncRunner.request("me", params, new FacebookRequestListener(callingActivity));

Get Face-Book Friends: You can get your Facebook friends by writting your own query or can refer following code , written in file.

  public void getFacebookFriends(FacebookFriendListRequester caller){
       if(mUIThreadHandler == null){
    		mUIThreadHandler = new Handler();
        Bundle params = new Bundle();
    	params.putString("query","SELECT name,uid,pic,online_presence FROM user WHERE uid IN 
    	( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) ORDER BY name" ); 
    	mAsyncRunner.request(params, new FacebookFriendListRequest(caller));








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