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Moobie is an KDrama streaming web app which have clean UI/UX mostly runs on server side.


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Why I created Moobie? 🤓

My main motive was to learn server-side rendering in Next.js and how it differs from client-side rendering. Creating a clean UI/UX web application is my hobby, and what I wanted was to provide content to users without any annoying ads and pop-ups.

    Open for new ideas. 🫡

Workflow of moobie.

There is a backend that is scraping a website for the desired details; most of the complexity is working behind the UI. The backend is merged with a consumetApi to retrieve streaming links and show them to the user.

  • Backend

    • Scraping a website to retrieve desired details such as image source, title, etc.
    • Collecting them into an array of objects.
    • Creating a route that returns those details.
    • Creating the backend was a new experience for me, but it felt kind of easy, though not entirely.
    • The main issue I encountered was during deployment 😅.
  • Frontend

    • Yellow theming, as I am not a great UI designer, but I still managed to make it look aesthetic and clean with full screen responsiveness.
    • A good-looking landing page for new users to understand briefly why I created Moobie.
    • I personally love to add the toggle theming from dark to light, with the default being system.
    • I mostly used SSR, which conveniently hides the API calls in the network section. Somehow, I loved this.


  • Clone the moobie repo through terminal.

    git clone
  • Get into the folder.

    cd moobie
  • Install the required dependencies.

    npm install or yard add
  • Run the project.

    npm run dev


Feature that i have yet to implement.
  • Beautiful landing or marketing page.
  • Navbar
    • Theme selector.
    • Search functionality.
    • Resposive hamburger.
      • As there are currently not many pages, I have not yet made it work.
  • Skeleton loader.
    • Skeleton loader for home page.
    • Loader for info page.
    • Loader for Watch page.
    • Loader for search page.
  • Authentication.
  • SEO implementation.
  • Moobie player.
    • Add desired theme UI.
    • Next and Previous button to navigate episodes.
    • Add the datails into currently watching.

Have an issue?

Error may can arise if it does so please do open an issue here. I will probably get in touch within 5 - 6hrs.