Busify-Android is a mobile application developed as a part of Busify. The app was built to help ease out the process of verifying the passengers boarding the bus and managing them.
- Lifecycle: Observe Fragment lifecycles and handle UI states upon the lifecycle changes.
- ViewModel: Caches state and persists through configuration changes. ViewModel also handles events and delegates them to other layers of the hierarchy.
- DataBinding: Binds UI components in your layouts to data sources in your app using a declarative format rather than programmatically.
Dagger-Hilt: Handles dependency injection.
- MVVM Architecture: Implemented using the DataBinding library released by Google. All modules are independent which improves the testability of each layer.
- Model: Responsible for the abstraction of the data sources, also contains the business logic.
- View: This layer informs the ViewModel about the user’s action.
- ViewModel: Exposes those data streams which are relevant to the View. Acts as a connection between the View and the business logic.
- MVVM Architecture: Implemented using the DataBinding library released by Google. All modules are independent which improves the testability of each layer.
- Browse through a list of scheduled buses
- Tap on a CardView to open the corresponding passenger list
- Scan a passengers ticket to confirm their boarding
- Toggle passengers name to check who's present
To summarize, the plan involves developing a user-friendly client app alongside the Busify project to revamp the entire bus ticket booking system.
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/bsoc-bitbyte/busify-android.git
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the app on your connected device using Android Studio.
Note: Make sure you have the necessary dependencies and Android SDK installed to build and run Android apps.