useMatchMedia react hook for responsive components.
There are cases that is needed to set conditions outside the render/return of the component. For that another way to set a condition depending on the media query, is using a hook.
- Install
yarn add @ag-media/use-match-media-hook
ornpm i --save @ag-media/use-match-media-hook
- queries : array of media queries following the spec.
- defaultValues : default values in case you want to control SSR default value, defaults to
import useMatchMedia from '@ag-media/use-match-media-hook'
const queries = [
'(max-width: 400px)',
'(min-width: 800px)'
const Component = () => {
const [mobile, desktop] = useMatchMedia(queries)
if(mobile) return <MobileComponent />
return desktop ? <ComponentOne /> : <ComponentTwo />
The following example will render true in the server (if window doesn't exists).
import useMatchMedia from '@ag-media/use-match-media-hook'
const queries = [
'(min-width: 600px)'
const Component = () => {
const [desktop] = useMatchMedia(queries)
return desktop ? <ComponentOne /> : <ComponentTwo />
Since there is not a reliable-simple way to know the client window, the library doesn't make any assuptions, but it lets you decide which is your SSR strategy.
The second argument is the initial value that is used in the SSR, so depending of the strategy you might want to set it as false or true.
import useMatchMedia from '@ag-media/use-match-media-hook'
const queries = [
'(min-width: 600px)'
const Component = () => {
const [desktop] = useMatchMedia(queries, [true]) // it receives a second argument with the SSR value, false by default
return desktop ? <ComponentOne /> : <ComponentTwo />