Mail Header Detective is an email header analysis tool written in Python. It's designed to assist in the investigation of security incidents related to emails by making the analysis and gathering of information from email headers easier.
Mail Header Detective is able to:
- Analyze an email header and extract pertinent information.
- Check the reputation of the IPs found in the headers by querying various APIs such as VirusTotal, Hybrid-Analysis, Maltiverse, and PhishTank.
- Identify delays between each hop in an email's delivery by analyzing the timestamp data in the email header. This can help identify any abnormal delays or potential issues in the email delivery process.
- Trace the origin of an email. By carefully analyzing the "Received" fields in the email header, the tool is capable of identifying the IP address and consequently the server from which the email originated.
- Identify the country of origin of an email by mapping the IP address to its country. This can be particularly useful for identifying spam emails or in digital forensics investigations.
- Operate on a user interface to facilitate usage.
- Perform API integrations. MHD can identify IP addresses, email addresses, and URLs in the email metadata and send them to services such as VirusTotal,, Maltiverse, CheckPhish, Phishtank, and others for a detailed analysis.
In essence, the "Mail Header Detective" is a powerful tool that can aid in dissecting complex email headers, providing useful insights and valuable information about the email's journey from the sender to the recipient.
To run the Mail Header Detective, you need:
- Python 3.8+
- Python Packages: httpx, os, python-dotenv, concurrent.futures, dnspython, extract_msg, Flask, geoip2, IPy, maltiverse, pygal, python_dateutil, and gunicorn
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies:
cd MailHeaderDetective
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the main script:
python -d
Access the application:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd MailHeaderDetective
Start the container with the command:
docker-compose up -d
Access the application:
For a complete execution, it is necessary to create the .env file to store the API keys:
touch .env
The file should be placed inside the mhd/modules
directory and should have the following structure:
ABUSEIPDB = <your_API_key>
VIRUSTOTAL = <your_API_key>
MALTIVERSE = <your_API_key>
This project was created with the intention of improving and continuing the development of the email-header-analyzer
project, available at:
To use Mail Header Detective, you need to provide the .msg or .eml file of the email you wish to analyze.
Contributions to the Mail Header Detective are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a Pull Request.
Mail Header Detective is licensed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out through GitHub!