Goopal is a command line search program. The purpose of Goopal is to allow developers to perform a search within their current working terminal as opposed to leaving the terminal and opening a browser.
Goopal is built with Node, Cheerio, Request and Chalk. It is a command line utility for searching the web.
This repo is a fork of Goo, the original project that I contributed to. I wanted to expand the search options to include a Drupal-specific search, among others, so I've used Goo as a foundation for building this project on.
Currently, Terminal-Search searches Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, and Drupal.
Make sure you have npm
and node
installed, then run:
npm install -g terminal-search
The npm package can be found here.
goopal [query] yields an answer from Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, or Drupal
goopal again yields last answer
goopal more yields:
- the next top answer (Stack Overflow)
- the next paragraph chunk (Wikipedia)
- the next comment (Drupal)
man goopal yields the manual for goopal
Example query: goopal git reset last commit
Example query: goopal sloths
Example query: goopal drupal how to use focal point with file entity browser