- php-fpm (7.x)
- php-cli (7.x)
- composer
- nginx
- systemd
- Clone the repo somewhere.
cd /opt ; git clone https://github.com/anjaraeu/server-landing.git
- Install composer requirements
cd /opt/server-landing/socket-server; composer install
- Link the systemd service of the server-socket app.
ln -s /opt/server-landing/systemd/socket-server.service /etc/systemd/system/
- Reload the daemons and enable the service.
systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl enable socket-server
- Start the service.
systemctl start socket-server
- Link the web files.
ln -s /opt/server-landing/www /var/www/server-landing
- Copy the nginx configuration.
cp /opt/server-landing/nginx/server-landing.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
- Edit the configuration (replace all the domain.tld and check the php block if you are not using php-fpm7.3).
echo -e "Please type your (sub)domain"; read -r domain
sed -i "s|domain.tld|$domain|" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/server-landing.conf
nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/server-landing.conf
- Reload nginx
nginx -s reload
- (optional) Add a gif.
If your server hostname is srv-app-1
for exemple, your gif name must be srv-app-1.gif
Put your gif file in /opt/server-landing/www/