- v9.1.2
- v9.1.1
- v9.1.0
- v9.0.3
- v9.0.2
- v9.0.1
- v9.0.0
- v8.0.0
- v7.0.0
- v6.1.4
- v6.1.3
- v6.1.2
- v6.1.1
- v6.1.0
- v6.0.0
- v5.3.0
- v5.2.0
- v5.1.0
- v5.0.0
- v4.6.1
- v4.6.0
- v4.5.0
- v4.4.1
- v4.4.0
- v4.3.1
- v4.3.0
- v4.2.0
- v4.1.0
- v4.0.0
- v3.3.2
- v3.3.1
- v3.3.0
- v3.2.0
- v3.1.0
- v3.0.0
- v2.8.1
- v2.8.0
- v2.7.2
- v2.7.1
- v2.7.0
- v2.6.0
- v2.5.0
- v2.4.0
- v2.3.1
- v2.3.0
- v2.2.0
- v2.1.0
- v2.0.1
- v2.0.0
- v1.3.0
- v1.2.1
- v1.2.0
- v1.1.0
- v1.0.3
- v1.0.2
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
- ios_acls - Fixed issue where cisco.ios.ios_acls module failed to process IPv6 ACL remarks, causing unsupported parameter errors.
- ios_route_maps - Fixes an issue where 'no description value' is an invalid command on the latest devices.
- Added support for FourHundredGigE, FiftyGigE and FourHundredGigabitEthernet.
- Added ios_vrf_interfaces resource module,that helps with configuration of vrfs within interface
- Adds a new module ios_vrf_address_family to manage VRFs address families on Cisco IOS devices.
- Added a test to validate the gathered state for VLAN configuration context, improving reliability.
- Cleaned up unit tests that were passing for the wrong reasons. The updated tests now ensure the right config sections are verified for VLAN configurations.
- Fix overridden state operations to ensure excluded VLANs in the provided configuration are removed, thus overriding the VLAN configuration.
- Fix purged state operation to enable users to completely remove VLAN configurations.
- Fixed an issue with VLAN configuration gathering where pre-filled data was blocking proper fetching of dynamic VLAN details. Now VLAN facts are populated correctly for all cases.
- Fixes an issue with facts gathering failing when an sub interface is in a deleted state.
- Improve documentation to provide clarity on the "shutdown" variable.
- Improve unit tests to align with the changes made.
- Made improvements to ensure VLAN facts are gathered properly, both for specific configurations and general VLAN settings.
- ios_route_maps - Fix removal of ACLs in replaced state to properly remove unspecified ACLs while leaving specified ones intact.
- ios_route_maps - Fix removal of ACLs logic in replaced state to properly remove unspecified ACLs while leaving specified ones intact.
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix parsing of password_options while gathering password configuration from appliance.
- ios_bgp_global - fix parsing of password_options while gathering password configuration from appliance.
- Includes a new support related section in the README.
- Removed the Roadmap section from the README.
- ios_bgp_address_family - Add support for maximum-paths configuration.
- ios_bgp_address_family - Add support for maximum-secondary-paths configuration.
- ios_interfaces - Fixes rendering of FiftyGigabitEthernet as it was wrongly rendering FiftyGigabitEthernet as FiveGigabitEthernet.
- ios_snmp_server - Fixes an issue where enabling the read-only (ro) attribute in communities was not idempotent.
- ios_static_routes - Fix processing of metric_distance as it was wrongly populated under the forward_router_address attribute.
- bgp_global - fix ebgp_multihop recognnition and hop_count settings
- ios_service - Fix a typo causing log timestamps not being configurable
- ios_vlans - Make the module fail when vlan name is longer than 32 characters with configuration as VTPv1 and VTPv2.
- static_routes - add TenGigabitEthernet as valid interface
- ios_facts - update documentation for ansible_net_memtotal_mb, ansible_net_memfree_mb return values as mebibytes (MiB), not megabits (Mb)
Starting from this release, the minimum ansible-core version this collection requires is 2.15.0. The last known version compatible with ansible-core<2.15 is v8.0.0.
- Bumping requires_ansible to >=2.15.0, since previous ansible-core versions are EoL now.
- Add ios_vrf_global resource module in favor of ios_vrf module (fixes - #1055)
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecated attribute password in favour of password_options within neigbhors.
- ios_bgp_global - deprecated attributes aggregate_address, bestpath, inject_map, ipv4_with_subnet, ipv6_with_subnet, nopeerup_delay, distribute_list, address, tag, ipv6_addresses, password, route_map, route_server_context and scope
- ios_linkagg - deprecate legacy module ios_linkagg
- ios_lldp - deprecate legacy module ios_lldp
- ios_acls - fix incorrect mapping of port 135/udp to msrpc.
- ios_l3_interfaces - Fix gathering wrong facts for source interface in ipv4.
- ios_service - Add tcp_small_servers and udp_small_servers attributes, to generate configuration.
- ios_service - Fix timestamps attribute, to generate right configuration.
- ios_static_routes - Fix gathering facts by properly distinguising routes.
- l2_interfaces - If a large number of VLANs are affected, the configuration will now be correctly split into several commands.
- snmp_server - Fix configuration command for snmp-server host.
- snmp_server - Fix wrong syntax of snmp-server host command generation.
- logging_global - update documentation for severity attribute within buffered.
- Update the netcommon base version 6.1.0 to support cli_restore plugin.
- Add support for cli_restore functionality.
- Please refer the PR to know more about core changes (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#618).
- cli_restore module is part of netcommon.
- ios_ntp - Remove deprecated ntp legacy module
- Deprecated ios_ntp module in favor of ios_ntp_global.
- ios_acls - update module to apply remarks entry with sequence numbers.
- ios_bgp_address_family - description attribute, evalutated as complex object casted to string.
- ios_bgp_global - description attribute, evalutated as complex object casted to string.
- ios_interfaces - description attribute, evalutated as complex object casted to string.
- ios_prefix_lists - description attribute, evalutated as complex object casted to string.
- ios_route_maps - description attribute, evalutated as complex object casted to string.
- ios_acls - Adds back existing remarks for an ace entry when updated with replaced or overridden state, as all remarks for a specific sequence gets removed when ace entry is updated.
- ios_bgp_global - Shutdown attributes generates negate command on set as false.
- ios_vrf - Update and add missing argspec keys that define the attributes.
- ios_vrf - Update and add missing documentation for ios_vrf module.
- ios_acls - Fix replaced state to consider remarks and ace entries while comparing configuration.
- ios_acls - correctly match the different line for ACL without sequence number
- ios_acls - take correctly in case where we want to push an ACL from a different type
- ios_ospfv2 - Fix improper rendering of admin_distance attribute.
- ios_snmp_server - fixed config issue with snmp user password update being idempotent on consecutive runs.
- ios_user - Fix configuration of hashed passwords and secrets.
- Prevents module_defaults from were being incorrectly applied to the platform action, instead of the concerned module.
- ios_vlans - fixes behaviour of shutdown attribute with action states.
- ios_bgp_global - added 'bgp.default.ipv4_unicast' and 'bgp.default.route_target.filter' key
- ios_l3_interfaces - added 'autostate', 'mac_address', 'ipv4.source_interface', and 'ipv6.enable' key
- ios_vlans - Add purged state to deal with toplevel vlan and vlan configuration config.
- ios_bgp_global - fix template attribute to generate configuration commands.
- ios_l3_interfaces - remove validation from ipv6 address parameter.
- ios_snmp_server - fix group and user IPv6 ACL commands.
- ios_user - fix configuration of user with hashed password.
- ios_user - fixed configuration removal of ssh users using purge.
- ios_vlans - Make behaviour of the action states consistent.
- ios_vlans - Top level configuration attribute is not required, the module works with vlan and vlan configuration both.
Starting from this release, the minimum ansible-core version this collection requires is 2.14.0. The last known version compatible with ansible-core<2.14 is v5.3.0.
- Bumping requires_ansible to >=2.14.0, since previous ansible-core versions are EoL now.
- Removed previously deprecated ios_bgp module in favor of ios_bgp_global and ios_bgp_address_family.
- Added ios_evpn_evi resource module.
- Added ios_evpn_global resource module.
- Added ios_vxlan_vtep resource module.
- Fixed ios_evpn_evi resource module integration test failure - code to remove VLAN config.
- ios_bgp_address_family - Fixed an issue with inherit peer-policy CLI
- ios_bgp_address_family - added 'advertise' key
- ios_vlans - added vlan config CLI feature.
- ios_vrf - added MDT related keys
- Updated the ios_ping ping module to support size param.
- ios_acls - make sequence optional for rendering of standard acls.
- ios_bgp_global - Explicitly add neighbor address to every parser.
- ios_bgp_global - remote_as not mendatory for neighbors.
- ios_vrf - added MDT related keys
- ios_evpn_evi - Resource module to configure L2VPN EVPN EVI.
- ios_evpn_global - Resource module to configure L2VPN EVPN.
- ios_vxlan_vtep - Resource module to configure VXLAN VTEP interface.
- ios_acls - make remarks ordered and to be applied per ace basis.
- ios_acls - remarks in replaced and overridden state to be negated once per ace.
- ios_config - Relax restrictions on I(src) parameter so it can be used more like I(lines).
- ios_snmp_server - Fix an issue with cbgp2 to take in count correctly the bgp traps
- ios_snmp_server - Update the module to manage correctly a lot of traps not take in count
- ios_snmp_server - deprecate with traps.envmon.fan_enable
- ios_snmp_server - deprecate traps.mpls_vpn with traps.mpls
- Fix invalid password length not being recognized by the error parser.
- Fixe an issue with some files that doesn't pass the PEP8 sanity check because type(<obj>) == <type> is not allowed. We need to use isinstance(<obj>,<type>) function in place
- ios_snmp_user - update the user part to compare correctly the auth and privacy parts.
- ospfv2 - added more tests to improve coverage for the rm_template
- ospfv2 - aliased passive_interface to passive_interfaces that supports a list of interfaces
- ospfv2 - fix area ranges rendering
- ospfv2 - fix passive interfaces rendering
- ospfv2 - optimized all the regex to perform better
- ospfv2 - optimized the config side code for quicker comparison and execution
- ospfv2 - removed passive_interface to passive_interfaces that supports a list of interfaces
- The regex looking for errors in the terminal output was matching anything with 'S+ Error:'. Caused issues with 'show runnning-config' if this string appeared in the output. Updated the regex to require the % anchor.
- bgp_address_family - fix deleted string with int concat issue in bgp_address_family.
- ios_acls - Fix protocol_options rendering corrects processing of overridden/ replaced state.
- ios_acls - Fix standard acls rendering.
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix rendering of remote_as configuration with period.
- ios_logging_global - fix configuration order to configure discriminator before buffer.
- ios_prefix_lists - fix deleted state to remove exisiting prefix lists from configuration.
- ios_service - Put condition to add private_config_encryption in default services
- Fix prefix_lists docs.
- Update examples for ospf_interfaces
- Update examples for ospfv2
- Update examples for ospfv3
- ios_acls - update examples and use YAML output in them for better readibility.
- ios_command - Fix formatting of examples.
- This release removes a previously deprecated modules, and a few attributes from this collection. Refer to Removed Features section for details.
- ios_facts - Add CPU utilization. (#779)
- Deprecated ios_logging module in favor of ios_logging_global.
- Deprecated next_hop_self attribute for bgp_address_family with nexthop_self.
- ios_facts - Fix facts gathering when memory statistics head is not hexadecimal. (#776)
- ios_snmp_server - Fixes error handling for snmp user when snmp agent is not enabled
- ios_static_routes - Fix non vlan entries to have unique group identifier.
- ios_static_routes - Fix parsers to parse interface attribute correctly.
- ios_facts - Add ansible_net_cpu_utilization.
- ios_l3_interfaces - account for secondary/primary when comparing ipv4 addresses. (#826)
- ios_lag_interfaces - Fix empty facts to be a list.
- ios_ospf_interface - Fix configuration rendering for ipv4 and ipv6 configurations.
- ios_ospf_interface - Fix replaced and overridden state, action to negate superfluous configuration.
- ios_snmp_server - Add default versions to version 3 users.
- snmp_server - update module to get snmp_server user configuration.
- Lint examples as per ansible-lint.
- ios_interfaces - Add template attribute to provide support for cisco ios templates.
- ios_service - Create module to manage service configuration on IOS switches
- ios_facts - fix calculation of memory from bytes to megabytes; grab correct output element for free memory (#763)
- ospfv2 - Fixed rendering of capability command with vrf_lite.
- ospfv3 - Fixed rendering of capability command with vrf_lite.
- ios_bgp_address_family - Fixed examples formatting.
- ios_bgp_global - Fixed examples formatting.
- ios_interfaces - Corrected inteface names in documentation.
- ios_interfaces - Fixed module documentation and examples.
- ios_l2_interfaces - Fixed module documentation and examples.
- ios_l3_interfaces - Fixed module documentation and examples.
- ios_l3_interfaces - Fixed module examples, update tasks to generate address and not network interface.
- ios_static_routes - Corrected static routes before state in documentation.
- ios_static_routes - Fixed examples formatting.
- ios_service - Resource module to configure service.
- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.include_connected when redistributing OSPF in IPv6 AFI
- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.match.externals.type_1 to allow
- ios_bgp_address_family - add option redistribute.ospf.match.externals.type_2 to allow
- specification of OSPF E1 routes
- specification of OSPF E2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.external with redistribute.ospf.match.externals which enables attributes for OSPF type E1 and E2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_external with redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_externals which enables attributes for OSPF type N1 and N2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.type_1 with redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_externals.type_1
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate redistribute.ospf.match.type_2 with redistribute.ospf.match.nssa_externals.type_2
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix issue where no commands are generated when redistributing OSPFv2 and OSPFv3
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix missing negations in overridden and replaced states when redistributing OSPF
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix option and syntax for OSPF E1 and E2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix option and syntax for OSPF N1 and N2 routes
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix order of generated OSPF redistribution command options to achieve idempotency
- ios_bgp_global - fix configuration of timers under neighbor. (#794)
- ios_l3_interfaces - prevent configuration line generation when enable is false.
- ios_logging_global - logging history configuration command fixed for supported appliance versions.
- Update examples for bgp_address family.
- bgp_global - Updated documentation with examples and task output.
- Fix parser to read groups in snmp-server.
- Fix parser to read transceiver in snmp-server.
- ios_acls - fix processing of source information on extended acls entries.
- ios_acls - prevent rendering of mac access-lists in facts.
- ios_static_routes - fix configure generation order for ipv4 and ipv6 routes.
- ios_static_routes - fix module to be idempotent with replaced and overridden state.
- ios_banner - Enhance example with comment.
- ios_facts - Add ip value to ansible_net_neighbors dictionary for cdp neighbours. (#748)
- ios_facts - Add ip value to ansible_net_neighbors dictionary for lldp neighbours. (#760)
- ios_interfaces - Add mode attribute in ios_interfaces, which supports layer2 and layer3 as options.
- ios_acls - fix rendering of object-groups in source and destination at ace level.
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix facts generation of default originate option.
- ios_bgp_global - fix neighbor shutdown command on set value being false.
- ios_command - Run & evaluate commands at least once even when retries is set to 0 (ansible-collections/cisco.nxos#607).
- ios_ospf_interfaces - fix dead-interval rendering wrong facts when hello-multiplier is configured.
- ospfv2 - fix documentation for ospfv2 module (networks parameter).
- ios_bgp_address_family - Reorder parsers to generate correct oder of configuration lines.
- ios_route_maps - added 32-bit number support (#692)
- ios_acls - fix parsers to accept precedence value in correct format.
- ios_acls - fix precedence attribute to take a string value as input.
- ios_route_maos - fix replaced state support. (#680)
- ios_route_maps - fix idempotency for set community operations. (#635)
- ios_vrf - fix issue where assigning interfaces to existing vrfs doesn't work (#707)
- cliconf - Added support for commit confirm functionality and rollback based on timeout.
- ios_facts - default facts to show operating state data autonomous or controller mode.
- ios_l2_interfaces - more options for modes attribute added.
- ios_acls - fix acl commands order on replaced and overridden state.
- ios_acls - fix eq to process protocol number as protocol name.
- ios_acls - fix object group for extended acls.
- ios_l2_interfaces - fix command to remove allowed_vlans and pruning_vlans from configuration.
- ios_l2_interfaces - fix dynamic option for mode attribute.
- ios_l2_interfaces - fix state operation for existing vlans.
- ios_l3_interfaces - fix command generation on attribute value being false.
- ios_vlans - Added support for private VLAN configuration
- ios_command - add examples for complex variables while using command module.
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate neighbors.address/tag/ipv6_adddress with neighbor_address which enables common attributes for facts rendering
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate neighbors.password with password_options which allows encryption and password
- ios_bgp_address_family - deprecate slow_peer with slow_peer_options which supports a dict attribute
- ios_bgp_address_family - aliased aggregate_address to aggregate_addresses that supports a list of dict attributes
- ios_bgp_address_family - aliased neighbor to neighbors that supports a list of dict attributes
- ios_bgp_address_family - aliased network to networks that supports a list of dict attributes
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix facts rendering with optimal parsers
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix fliter_list rendering
- ios_bgp_address_family - fix path_attribute to support float parameter
- ios_lag_interfaces - fix deleted state to delete only sub attribute values.
- ios_route_maps - fix idempotency issues with as-path prepend (#678)
- ios_route_maps - fix idempotency issues with set community none (#679
- ios_route_maps - fix merge issues with route-maps where wanted config is not deployed if route map has existing sequence numbers (#641)
- ios_acls - fix documentation with proper description.
- Only valid connection types for this collection is network_cli.
- This release drops support for connection: local and provider dictionary.
- ios_interface - use ios_interfaces instead.
- ios_l2_interface - use ios_l2_interfaces instead.
- ios_l3_interface - use ios_l3_interfaces instead.
- ios_static_route - use ios_static_routes instead.
- ios_vlan - use ios_vlans instead.
- facts - fix operstatus having a white space after value.
- ios_static_routes - fix vrf for ipv6 static routes (#660).
- Update supported IOSXE version for modules.
- cliconf - get_device_info now tries to exit config mode if necessary before requesting device info. (#654)
- prefix_lists - fix prefix list facts generation to handle empty configuration correctly.
- l2_interfaces - vlan_tag options fix.
- snmp_server - add envmon options for traps.
- ios_l2_interfaces - Add vlan_name attribute to access.
- ios_l2_interfaces - Add vlan_name, vlan_tag attribute to voice.
- ios_acls - Fix regex to parse echo-reply command.
- ios_route_maps - Fix route maps failing on config parsed with tailing space.
- ios_snmp_server - Fix parsers for views and host + acl doc
- ios_ping - Add ipv6 options.
- ios_interfaces - Fix enable attribute.
- Also collect a list of serial numbers comprised in a vss system as virtual_switch_serialnums
- Fixing Detection of Virtual Switch System to facts (#471)
- ios_interfaces - Add purged state to ios_interfaces.
- Deprecated ios_linkagg_module in favor of ios_lag_interfaces.
- ios_acl - Handle ACL config parsing when match/matches are present.
- ios_bgp_global - Parse local_as commands correctly.
- ios_interfaces - Parse interface shutdown config correctly.
- ios_lag_interfaces - Fix commands generation on action states.
- ios_lag_interfaces - Module functionality not restricted to GigabitEthernet.
- ios_logging_global - Parse monitor and buffered config correctly.
- ios_ntp - Handle regex matching server attributes gracefully.
- ios_snmp_server - Render group and views commands correctly when having common names.
- Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
- Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
- facts - default value for gather_subset is changed to min instead of !config.
- Fix become raises error when exec prompt timestamp is configured.
- acl_interfaces - optimization and bugfixes.
- acls parser didn't only checked if the proto_options variable existed without validating that it was a dictionary before trying to use it as one.
- ios_l3_interface - config code to generate proper ordering of commands on action states.
- ios_logging_global - Added alias to render host under hosts not hostname.
- Deprecates lldp module.
- Add symlink of modules under plugins/action.
- ios_acls - Fix commands sequencing for replaced state.
- ios_acls - Fix remarks breaking idempotent behavior.
- ios_bgp_address_family - Fix multiple bgp_address_family issues. Add set option in send_community to allow backwards compatibility with older configs. Add set option in redistribute.connected to allow ospf redistribution. Fix issue with ipv6 and peer-group neighbor identification. Add ability to pull redistribute information for address families to conform to argspec. Fix issue with not pulling local_as when defined for neighbors.
- ios_facts - Fix Line protocol parser for legacy facts where state information per interface is present.
- ios_route_maps - Fix parsers for correct rendering of as_number as list.
- ios_snmp_server - Fix parsers for views facts collection.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate aggregate_address with aggregate_address which supports list of dict attributes.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate bestpath with bestpath_options which supports a dict attribute.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate distribute_list with distributes which supports list of dict attributes.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate inject_map with inject_maps which supports list of dict attributes.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate listen.ipv4_with_subnet/ipv6_with_subnet with host_with_subnet which enables common attribute for facts rendering.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.address/tag/ipv6_adddress with neighbor_address which enables common attribute for facts rendering.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.password with password_options which allows encryption and password.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.route_map with route_maps which supports list of dict attributes.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecate nopeerup_delay with nopeerup_delay_options which supports a dict attribute.
- ios_bgp_global - Deprecates route_server_context, scope, template as they were not implemented with the scope of the module.
- ios_bgp_global - Added bmp.server_options.
- ios_bgp_global - Added capability of configure network options.
- ios_bgp_global - Added community and local_preference for route_reflector_client.
- ios_bgp_global - Added update_source for neighbors.
- ios_bgp_global - Correct misspelled attributes with alternates/alias.
- ios_bgp_global - Facts and config code optimized for using rm_templates.
- ios_bgp_global - Parsers added for non-implemented attributes.
- ios_bgp_global - client_to_client.cluster_id corrected to take string input.
- ios_bgp_global - neighbors.path_attribute to support float format.
- ios_static_routes - Consider only config containing routes to render facts.
- 'ios_acls'- filters out dynamically generated reflexive type acls.
Re-releasing 2.7.0 due to Automation Hub uploading issue.
- ios_acls - Added enable_fragment attribute to enable fragments under ace.
- ios_hostname - New Resource module added.
- ios_snmp_server - Enables configuration of v3 auth and encryption password for each user.
- ios_acls - Deprecated fragment attribute added boolean alternate as enable_fragment.
- ios_acls - Fixes protocol_options not rendering command properly when range is specified.
- ios_acls - Fixes standard acls getting wrongly parsed in v2.6.0
- ios_l2_interfaces - fix unable to identify FiveGigabitEthernet names on facts gathering.
- ios_snmp_server - Change key from users to views in rm template to fix failure when collecting snmp server facts from devices that have a view defined in the configuration (#491).
- ios_static_routes - Fixes static routes unable to identify interface names when supplied with destination attribute.
- ios_vlans - fix parsing of VLAN names with spaces.
- ios_vlans - fix parsing of VLAN ranges under remote span.
- fixes fqcn in older module documentation.
- ios_acls - Documentation updated with commands used for fetching remarks data under aces.
- ios_hostname - hostname resource module
- ios_acls - feature: Remarks can be configured for ACLs.
- ios_snmp_server - New Resource module added.
- 'ios_banner' - Bugfix for presence of multiple delimitation chars in the banner's declaration and idempotence improvement.
- Fix ntp_global - remove no_log for key_id under peer and server attributes.
- Fix ntp_global - to handle when attribute value is false.
- ios_acls - bugfixes and optimization for ACLs.
- ios_l2_interfaces - fix unable to set switchport mode properly.
- ios_logging_global - fix host ipv6 commands not parsed correctly.
- ios_logging_global - fix wrong ordering of commands fired on replaced state.
- Added connection network_cli in note for missing modules.
- Fixed ios_commands module example as per documentation.
- ios_snmp_server - snmp_server resource module
- Added ios_ntp_global resource module.
- Terminal plugin to support IOS device running in SD-WAN mode.
- Deprecated ios_ntp modules.
- Fixed bgp_address_family, for rendering multiple neighbors when available in config.
- fixed become functionality on privilege level not 15.
- ios_facts - fix for devices which have no support for VLANs, such as L3 devices.
- ios_vlans - for playbook execution module fails with an error when target device does not support VLANs, The offline states rendered and parsed will work as expected.
- Doc fix for ios_acl_interfaces.
- Doc fix for ios_logging_global.
- ios_ntp_global - ntp_global resource module
- Add support for VRF configuration under NTP server.
- Deprecated ios_bgp in favor of ios_bgp_global and ios_bgp_address_family.
- Remove testing with provider for ansible-test integration jobs. This helps prepare us to move to network-ee integration tests.
- Logging command template fixed supporting Jinja version for centos-8 EEs.
- Updated ios_l3_interface as the newer Resource Module implementation and added features.
- Sample commands added for l3_interfaces.
- Updated ios_logging_global Resource Module documentation with proper examples.
- Updated ios_command module doc example section with appropriate punctuation.
- ios_user fails to add password when configured in separate task with update_password.
- Broken link in documentation fixed.
- Deprecated next_hop_self type bool and introduced nexthop_self as dict under bgp_address_family.
- Move ios_config idempotent warning message with the task response under warnings key if changed is True
- PR adds the implementation of object group param to acls source and destination parameters (#339).
- PR to fix the bgp global activate rendering and fix bgp address family round trip failure (#353).
- To add ospfv2 passive_interfaces param with added functionality (#336).
- To add updated prefix lists and route maps params to Bgp AF RM (#267).
- To update prefix list and acls merge behaviour and update prefix list description position in model (#345).
- Add support for autoconfig and dhcp keywords for IPv6 addresses in l3_interfaces (#269).
- Reordering names of interface for proper value assignment
- fixes Serial interface configuration for l3_interfaces module and Unit Test cases added.
- fixes banner module with new attribute introduced
- fixes soft_reconfiguration and prefix_list command formation.
- Add ios_logging_global module.
- IOS Prefix list resource module.
- Fix IOS bgp global RM tracback while there's no bestpath/nopeerup_delay configured.
- Fix logging commands for v12 versions (#207).
- To fix IOS vlans RM where traceback was thrown if show vlan wasn't supported on the device and also fix replace and overridden state behaviour.
- To fix Spelling glitch.
- To fix ios acls overridden and replaced state of their inconsistent behaviour (#250).
- To fix ios_bgp_address_family neighbor next_hop_self param (#319).
- ios_logging_global - Logging resource module.
- ios_prefix_lists - Prefix Lists resource module.
- Add ios_route_maps Resource Module (#297).
- Add support for ansible_network_resources key allows to fetch the available resources for a platform (#292).
- To fix Cisco IOS no log issue and add ignore txt for 2.12 (#304).
- To fix the wrong arg being passed in acls template function (#305).
- ios_route_maps - Route Maps resource module.
- Remove tests/sanity/requirements.txt (#261).
- Doc update to update users WRT to idempotence issue in ios_logging when logging is ON (#287).
- PR to fix ios_l2_interfaces issue where it wasn't working with range of vlans as expected (#264).
- To add support for TwoGigabitEthernet interface option from IOS standpoint (#262).
- To fix ios_acls Nonetype error when aces are empty (#260).
- To fix ios_acls log and log_input params (#265).
- To fix ios_acls resource module acl_name traceback over some switches (#285).
- To fix ios_vlans traceback error when empty line with just Ports information is available in config (#273).
- Please refer to ansible.netcommon changelog for more details.
- Requires ansible.netcommon v2.0.0+ to support ansible_network_single_user_mode and ansible_network_import_modules.
- Add ios_bgp_address_family Resource Module. (#219).
- Adds support for single_user_mode command output caching. (#204).
- To fix ios_acls parsed state example under module doc (#244).
- fix error when comparing two vlan using string instead of the int value (#249).
- ios_bgp_address_family - BGP Address Family resource module.
- Add ios_bgp_global module.
- Add support size and df_bit options for ios_ping (#228).
- IOS resource modules minor doc updates (#233).
- IOS_CONFIG, incorrectly claims success when Command Rejected (#215).
- To fix ios_static_routes facts parsing in presence of interface (#225).
- Update doc to clarify on input config pattern (#220).
- Updating ios acls module to use newer CLI RM approach to resolve all of the ACL related bugs (#211).
- ios_bgp_global - BGP Global resource module
- Add version key to galaxy.yaml to work around ansible-galaxy bug.
- To fix ios_ospf_interfaces resource module authentication param behaviour (#209).
- Add ios_ospf_interfaces module.
- To enable ios ospfv3 integration tests (#165).
- To fix IOS static routes idempotency issue coz of netmask to cidr conversion (#177).
- To fix ios_static_routes where interface ip route-cache config was being parsed and resulted traceback (#176).
- To fix ios_vlans traceback bug when the name had Remote in it and added unit TC for the module (#179).
- To fix the traceback issue for longer vlan name having more than 32 characters (#182).
- ios_ospf_interfaces - OSPF Interfaces resource module
- Add ios_ospfv3 module.
- Add support for interface type Virtual-Template (#154).
- Added support for interface Tunnel (#145).
- Fix element type of ios_command's command parameter (#151).
- To fix the incorrect command displayed under ios_l3_interfaces resource module docs (#149).
- ios_ospfv3 - OSPFv3 resource module
Releasing 1.0.3 with updated readme with changelog link, galaxy description, and bugfix.
- To fix IOS l2 interfaces for traceback error and merge operation not working as expected (#103).
- To fix the issue where ios acls was complaining in absence of protocol option value (#124).
Re-releasing 1.0.1 with updated changelog.
- Removes IOS sanity ignores and sync for argspec and docstring (#114).
- Updated docs.
- Make src, backup and backup_options in ios_config work when module alias is used (#107).
- ios - Use ios cliconf to run command on Cisco IOS platform
- ios_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
- ios_acls - ACLs resource module
- ios_banner - Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS devices
- ios_bgp - Configure global BGP protocol settings on Cisco IOS.
- ios_command - Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS
- ios_config - Manage Cisco IOS configuration sections
- ios_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS
- ios_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on Cisco IOS network devices
- ios_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
- ios_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices.
- ios_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
- ios_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Cisco IOS network devices.
- ios_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
- ios_lacp - LACP resource module
- ios_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
- ios_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
- ios_linkagg - Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco IOS network devices
- ios_lldp - Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco IOS network devices.
- ios_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
- ios_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
- ios_logging - Manage logging on network devices
- ios_ntp - Manages core NTP configuration.
- ios_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
- ios_ping - Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices
- ios_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on Cisco IOS network devices
- ios_static_routes - Static routes resource module
- ios_system - Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS devices
- ios_user - Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS device
- ios_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VLANs on IOS network devices
- ios_vlans - VLANs resource module
- ios_vrf - Manage the collection of VRF definitions on Cisco IOS devices