A Flarum extension. Progressive Web App support for Flarum. Configure a progressive web app for your flarum installation, all from your admin dashboard! Also now supports push notifications!
Please see resources like https://medium.com/pynk/what-is-a-pwa-and-how-to-install-add-to-home-screen-progressive-web-apps-e6e8087d9ad0 for more information on how to install this.
Thank you to Billy Wilcosky (https://github.com/zerosonesfun) for starting PWA support for Flarum. This extension uses his original ServiceWorker and offline html page code.
His original Discuss thread has been linked here: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/21487-pwa-progressive-web-app
- Verify Support for subdirectory installations
- Caching and expanded offline support
- Support configuration of ALL webmanifest attributes, especially:
- Related Applications
- Categories
- Language
- Bugfixes and minor improvements
Use Bazaar or install manually with composer:
composer require askvortsov/flarum-pwa
composer update askvortsov/flarum-pwa