gormon is an utility for monitoring remote Redis instances via SSH.
In the beginning, as usual, run:
$ go get github.com/austinov/gormon
$ cd $GOPATH/github.com/austinov/gormon
$ glide up
$ go build
Before run gormon, configure it using the settings in yaml (default is ./dev.yaml). First of all, you need to configure Redis hosts and directory contains SSH keys. To use custom configuration file path, please flags:
-cfg-dir string
dir with app's config (default ".")
-cfg-name string
app's config base file name (default "dev")
By default, will be printed the following values fields from Redis INFO:
- used_memory
- used_memory_rss
- connected_clients
- blocked_clients
- rejected_connections
- keyspace_hits
- keyspace_misses
- used_cpu_sys
- used_cpu_user
- aof_last_write_status
Additionally, always printed the fields:
- host
- tstamp
- error
To setup fields play with the fields-out setting.
To run the utility:
$ ./gormon
To run the utility as a web-server and update stats via Server-sent events use:
$ ./gormon -server=localhost:3000