CloudAppi is one leader in APIs in global word. See the CloudAPPi Services
Madrid Digital is a public administration in Spain. See the Comunidad de Madrid website
Openapi2postman creates automatic tests from Openapi 3.0 using postman format. Also, it creates environments files, depending of configuration. Those collections can be importend in postan application. The tests includes tests for 2xx, 4xx... and tests to validate output formats.
- Structure and submodules
- Build and run
- Contribute
- Documentation
- Advanced Functionality
- Additional resources
- docs - This module contents the guides to configurate and run the product.
- example - Integration and system tests for SoapUI.
- src – Source code
- test - Testing folder
You need node v10 or later.
Please review the s2p_config_file.json before to execute the command Execute node index.js --configuration s2p_config_file.json --file example/swagger_provincias.yml
The output files are the following (in example folder):
- SWAGGER_API_TestSuite_DEV.postman_collection.json
- SWAGGER_API_TestSuiteEnv_DEV.postman_environment.json
- SWAGGER_API_TestSuite_PROD.postman_collection.json
- SWAGGER_API_TestSuiteEnv_PROD.postman_environment.json
In postman:
import generated postman collection file in postman
import generated postman environment file in postman
update variables in the envirnoment to test all cases
To get the source code, run git clone
in the folder where you want to clone the root folder of the Openapi2postman project.
Collections and environments to generate can be configured using a JSON configuration file. Collection and environment name can be specified, as well as the target folder for resulting files, the authorizations collection to be used and some other characteristics. This configuration file has an specification and examples that can be read on the following document:
Configuration file openapi2postman. This document is only available in spanish by now. it will be soon translated to english.
an example configuration file is included in file structure.
Node.js and npm package manager are required to run the tool. Its adviced to use preconfigured installation tools provided by the manufacturer: