v1.5.5 skipped due to issue with publishing tool.
Allow datasets to specify HED versions or individual files as validation schema
Fix type column checking in *_channels.tsv files.
Add EthicsApprovals to dataset_description schema.
Validate optional fractional seconds in AcquisitionTime in scans.tsv
Add _recording matches to continuous measurement extensions where applicable in file_level_rules.json.
Introduce common schema for shared JSON fields, make schemas stricter.
Implement HED value-taking strings.
Simplify dataset_description schema, enhance phsyio schema.
Fix cross-talk and fine-calibration extensions.
Allow top level sbref, json for dwi modality.
json schema: PowerLineFrequency must be number > 0
add participants.json to valid_dataset testing data
Cast dataset desc author values as string when testing for commas.
Update top level file regex to allow modality metadata files with no required entities.
Update how we generate filenames of potential sidecars.
Extend validator for crosstalk+finecalib for FIF
Update link to contributors
Allow string n/a for PowerLineFrequency in EEG,MEG,iEEG
Update contact in Code of Conduct to @franklin-feingold
Make beh and func file level rules consistent with spec.
Check continuous recording datafiles have matching json.
Allow optional UTC specifier Z in aqc_time.
Bump elliptic from 6.5.0 to 6.5.3
Bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.7.6
Bump codecov from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1
Bump lodash from 4.17.14 to 4.17.19
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