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Releases: blazegraph/database

Blazegraph 2.1.6 Release Candidate

03 Feb 17:53
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2.1.6 Release Candidate - work in process.

Notably, the executable jar artifacts work with Java 9+.

Blazegraph 2.1.5 Release

19 Mar 05:43
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Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.1.5 is a maintenance release for 2.1.4 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.1.5.

Starting points:

Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TPF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_5 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_5

Security Reporting

Blazegraph has an updated security reporting procedure. Please see for reporting security related issues. This process is monitored on a daily basis. All security reports are acknowledged within 24 hours. Mitigations for reported security issues are made in a reasonable timeframe, which may be as quickly as 24 hours for high-severity issues.

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_5

** Bug
* [BLZG-2066] - AssertionError in path query with MINUS
* [BLZG-2079] - Wrong results for fully constrained "+" property path
* [BLZG-2082] - one-argument substr produces NPE when combined with GROUP By
* [BLZG-2083] - str() produces NotMaterializedException when using group by/sample
* [BLZG-2084] - Bad join ordering with nested values clause
* [BLZG-2089] - Bad performance with path queries in 2.1.4
* [BLZG-2090] - NPE in service
* [BLZG-2091] - Regression: IF + BOUND produce exception in 2.1.4
* [BLZG-2097] - Service clause breaks query performance
* [BLZG-2098] - Using query as subquery leads to NotMaterializedException
* [BLZG-3644] - StackOverflowError in 2.1.4
* [BLZG-4244] - fix NSS_PROPERTIES handling in the debian version of
* [BLZG-4245] - Add code to allow customization of search endpoint types.
* [BLZG-4246] - Debian formatting
* [BLZG-4247] - Wiki Data -> Wikidata
* [BLZG-4248] - Configuration option enableRawRecordsSupport
* [BLZG-4249] - SUBSTR with starting location less than 1
* [BLZG-4323] - hint:runFirst not considered for Subqueries and Named Subquery Includes
* [BLZG-4403] - Blazegraph Export Option in UI
* [BLZG-4476] - DISTINCT does not eliminate duplicate rows
* [BLZG-5590] - Negated path produces exception
* [BLZG-5736] - Strings with quotes are not properly encoded in federated queries
* [BLZG-7794] - Need a way to ensure POST request is read-only
* [BLZG-8852] - Blazegraph colt component has same jar name as another library
* [BLZG-8864] - Namespace creation vulnerable to XSS injection
* [BLZG-8865] - Sitewide Lack of Clickjacking Protection
* [BLZG-8937] - Reordering Values Clauses
* [BLZG-8963] - Async Channel Used for Blobs is not closed
* [BLZG-8986] - Provide Jetty SSL Configuration Example
* [BLZG-8999] - REGEX() is not affected by timeout
* [BLZG-9000] - Unsupported Operation Exception When Forwarding Key Set
* [BLZG-9153] - Add Aduna BSD-Style License to LEGAL
* [BLZG-9154] - Surefire plugin needs fix for Java8
* [BLZG-9155] - SERVICE SILENT still produces an error
* [BLZG-9157] - SPARQL Update produces "BigdataValue not available" exception on integers
* [BLZG-9159] - PipelinedHashIndexAndSolutionSetJoinOp messes up SERVICE + MINUS

** Improvement
* [BLZG-2078] - Make search endpoint type customizable
* [BLZG-2092] - Make SailBase connection timeout configurable
* [BLZG-7825] - Remove dependency to obsolete concurrent library
* [BLZG-8850] - Please upgrade Jetty version to 9.2.9+ to avoid HttpParse Memory Error
* [BLZG-9001] - Provide Jetty Authentication Configuration Example
* [BLZG-9003] - Add timeout for query parsing phase
* [BLZG-9087] - Document CSRF Mitigation
* [BLZG-9156] - Add support for regex q option
* [BLZG-9158] - Upgrade jetty to 9.4.x
* [BLZG-9161] - Add counter for running queries
* [BLZG-9162] - Add capability to refuse new requests if executor service is overloaded.

Blazegraph 2.1.5 Release Candidate

14 Mar 21:37
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Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_5

** Bug
    * [BLZG-2066] - AssertionError in path query with MINUS
    * [BLZG-2079] - Wrong results for fully constrained "+" property path 
    * [BLZG-2082] - one-argument substr produces NPE when combined with GROUP By
    * [BLZG-2083] - str() produces NotMaterializedException when using group by/sample
    * [BLZG-2084] - Bad join ordering with nested values clause
    * [BLZG-2089] - Bad performance with path queries in 2.1.4
    * [BLZG-2090] - NPE in service
    * [BLZG-2091] - Regression: IF + BOUND produce exception in 2.1.4
    * [BLZG-2097] - Service clause breaks query performance
    * [BLZG-2098] - Using query as subquery leads to NotMaterializedException
    * [BLZG-3644] - StackOverflowError in 2.1.4
    * [BLZG-4244] - fix NSS_PROPERTIES handling in the debian version of
    * [BLZG-4245] - Add code to allow customization of search endpoint types.
    * [BLZG-4246] - Debian formatting
    * [BLZG-4247] - Wiki Data -> Wikidata
    * [BLZG-4248] - Configuration option enableRawRecordsSupport
    * [BLZG-4249] - SUBSTR with starting location less than 1
    * [BLZG-4323] - hint:runFirst not considered for Subqueries and Named Subquery Includes
    * [BLZG-4403] - Blazegraph Export Option in UI
    * [BLZG-4476] - DISTINCT does not eliminate duplicate rows
    * [BLZG-5590] - Negated path produces exception
    * [BLZG-5736] - Strings with quotes are not properly encoded in federated queries
    * [BLZG-7794] - Need a way to ensure POST request is read-only
    * [BLZG-8852] - Blazegraph colt component has same jar name as another library
    * [BLZG-8864] - Namespace creation vulnerable to XSS injection
    * [BLZG-8865] - Sitewide Lack of Clickjacking Protection
    * [BLZG-8937] - Reordering Values Clauses
    * [BLZG-8963] - Async Channel Used for Blobs is not closed
    * [BLZG-8986] - Provide Jetty SSL Configuration Example
    * [BLZG-8999] - REGEX() is not affected by timeout
    * [BLZG-9000] - Unsupported Operation Exception When Forwarding Key Set
    * [BLZG-9153] - Add Aduna BSD-Style License to LEGAL
    * [BLZG-9154] - Surefire plugin needs fix for Java8
    * [BLZG-9155] - SERVICE SILENT still produces an error 
    * [BLZG-9157] - SPARQL Update produces "BigdataValue not available" exception on integers
    * [BLZG-9159] - PipelinedHashIndexAndSolutionSetJoinOp messes up SERVICE + MINUS

** Improvement
    * [BLZG-2078] - Make search endpoint type customizable
    * [BLZG-2092] - Make SailBase connection timeout configurable
    * [BLZG-7825] - Remove dependency to obsolete concurrent library
    * [BLZG-8850] - Please upgrade Jetty version to 9.2.9+ to avoid HttpParse Memory Error 
    * [BLZG-9001] - Provide Jetty Authentication Configuration Example
    * [BLZG-9003] - Add timeout for query parsing phase
    * [BLZG-9087] - Document CSRF Mitigation
    * [BLZG-9156] - Add support for regex q option
    * [BLZG-9158] - Upgrade jetty to 9.4.x
    * [BLZG-9161] - Add counter for running queries
    * [BLZG-9162] - Add capability to refuse new requests if executor service is overloaded.

2.1.4 Release

29 Aug 21:28
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Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture and, now, GPU Acceleration. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.1.4 is a maintenance release for 2.1.2 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.1.4. See

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

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Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_4 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_4

Security Reporting

Blazegraph has an updated security reporting procedure. Please see for reporting security related issues. This process is monitored on a daily basis. All security reports are acknowledged within 24 hours. Mitigations for reported security issues are made in a reasonable timeframe, which may be as quickly as 24 hours for high-severity issues.

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_4

** Bug
* [BLZG-533] - Vector the query engine on the native heap
* [BLZG-2041] - BigdataSail should not locate the AbstractTripleStore until a connection is requested

** Improvement
* [BLZG-2053] - Blazegraph Security Reporting Instructions

** Task
* [BLZG-2050] - Fork Colt Libraries to remove hep.aida
* [BLZG-2065] - Remove Autojar and Unused Ant Scripts
* [BLZG-2074] - Benchmark 2.1.4 Release

** Sub-task
* [BLZG-2023] - com.bigdata.btree.IndexInconsistentError: Index is in error state
* [BLZG-2042] - Using constant BIND slows down query 10x


18 Jun 19:49
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lazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture and, now, GPU Acceleration. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.1.2 is a maintenance release for 2.1.1 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.1.2. See

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

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Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:
Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_2 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_2

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_2

** Bug
* [BLZG-1911] - Blazegraph 2.1 version does not work on Windows (async IO causes file lock errors)
* [BLZG-1954] - Potential Race Condition in Latched Executor
* [BLZG-1957] - PipelinedHashJoin defect in combination with VALUES clause


09 Jun 19:32
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Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture and, now, GPU Acceleration. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.1.1 is a maintenance release for 2.1.0 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.1.1. See

  • Bug fixes for Lucene Text Indexing
  • Geospatial bug fixes
  • Support for inlining Hex-based UUIDs
  • Support for multiple inline URI handlers at a single namespace

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

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Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:
Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_1 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_1

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_1

** Bug
* [BLZG-1202] - Groups with unbound values ignored by aggregate queries
* [BLZG-1395] - Multiple OPTIONAL statements in a UNION fail to retrieve results
* [BLZG-1563] - RemoteRepositoryManager.close() issue
* [BLZG-1760] - having incorrectly says: Non-aggregate variable in select expression:
* [BLZG-1763] - Wildcard projection was not rewritten
* [BLZG-1827] - RemoteRepositoryManager#close() doesn't release resources
* [BLZG-1856] - Create a SampledVertices enum which calls the existing call.
* [BLZG-1857] - Create a new method which returns All for the AllVertices enum.
* [BLZG-1862] - infinite loop with named solution set
* [BLZG-1875] - RDR UPDATE Problems
* [BLZG-1876] - Lucene TokenStream contract violation: close() call missing
* [BLZG-1877] - GASProgram should be able to vote to halt via nextRound() regardless of whether there are vertices in the frontier
* [BLZG-1883] - Blazegraph RPM and Debian Deployers do not follow Unix Standards
* [BLZG-1884] - RWStore ASYNC IO fails to make progress (apparent deadlock)
* [BLZG-1888] - Custom Prefix Declarations does not properly handle end of file
* [BLZG-1889] - ArrayIndexOutOfBound Exception
* [BLZG-1892] - Suspected wrong visibility scoping for named graph-valued variables.
* [BLZG-1893] - Problems with Fulltext Index
* [BLZG-1897] - Distance between point and itself is not zero
* [BLZG-1899] - NotMaterializedException caused by HTree hash index
* [BLZG-1913] - DELETE + WHERE or INSERT + WHERE cause NPE in BTree while DELETE + INSERT + WHERE does not
* [BLZG-1929] - presigned s3 url of *.gz will not get load
* [BLZG-1943] - Custom geo serializer

** Improvement
* [BLZG-1848] - inCircle geosearch returning also distance from center
* [BLZG-1944] - Support GZIP Compression for INSERT REST API

** New Feature
* [BLZG-1936] - UUID Suffix Inline URI Handler
* [BLZG-1937] - Hex-based UUID URI Handler
* [BLZG-1938] - Support Multiple Inline URI Handlers for a given namespace
* [BLZG-1945] - Freebase Custom Vocabulary

** Task
* [BLZG-1922] - Code review and merge of concurrent checkpoint by level set of the index
* [BLZG-1924] - Benchmark 2.1.1 Release

** Sub-task
* [BLZG-618] - Allow aggregates in ORDER BY and HAVING clauses
* [BLZG-1946] - Inline URI Handler for Freebase MID and GUID formats


08 Apr 17:59
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Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.1.0 provides major new features and upgrades as well as bug fixes for the 2.0.0 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.1.0. See

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

Starting points:

Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:
Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_0 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_1_0

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_1_0

** Bug
* [BLZG-1200] - REGEX not working for string literals with language tags
* [BLZG-1708] - DataLoader fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [BLZG-1716] - SPARQL Update parser fails on invalid numeric literals
* [BLZG-1755] - Date literals in complex FILTER not properly resolved
* [BLZG-1773] - Extending the set of pre-defined prefixes
* [BLZG-1785] - Wrong result from FILTER expression with || and NOT IN
* [BLZG-1787] - Query Explanation Should Provide File Based Download
* [BLZG-1788] - Typed literals in VALUES clause not matching data
* [BLZG-1792] - Minor cardinality estimation bug in ASTDistinctTermScanOptimizer
* [BLZG-1793] - Startup Script Doesn't Set $JAVA Correctly
* [BLZG-1795] - badly incorrect estimated cardinalities with VALUES
* [BLZG-1812] - Overriding the Executable Jar Port doesn't reflect in the welcome message
* [BLZG-1813] - Concurrency hole in StatementBuffer can cause load to stop progress when queueCapacity != 0
* [BLZG-1814] - DataLoader -namespace argument is not working
* [BLZG-1816] - Setup Default Configuration to Avoid Queues for Concurrency Avoidence
* [BLZG-1835] - Failed to create debian package
* [BLZG-1839] - Report of out of memory error during bigdata-core compile
* [BLZG-1874] - The memory manager should not block when configured in a non-blocking mode

** Improvement
* [BLZG-1328] - Update lucene version
* [BLZG-1619] - Support Sesame2 repository queries Timeout parameter
* [BLZG-1767] - Fix DSI Utils pom.xml as dsiutils-1.0.10 download URL is no longer active
* [BLZG-1817] - Reordering problem for complex subqueries
* [BLZG-1854] - Move to Lucene 5.5.0

** New Feature
* [BLZG-1017] - Support JSON LD
* [BLZG-1727] - Allow snapshot policies with standalone installs (Online Backup REST API)
* [BLZG-1780] - Create Query Hint to Automatically Add the str(...) function for SPARQL REGEX
* [BLZG-1820] - Add MapgraphServlet API Methods to the RemoteRepositoryManager

** Task
* [BLZG-1510] - Develop guidelines for loading pubchem.
* [BLZG-1565] - Document the blazegraph workbench
* [BLZG-1791] - AST Deferred Resolution Caching Code Review
* [BLZG-1824] - 2.0.2 Benchmarks
* [BLZG-1836] - Document changes in the REST API concerning preparation of inherited properties.
* [BLZG-1850] - Ease use of geospatial
* [BLZG-1851] - Remove non-conditional logging in AbstractTripleStore
* [BLZG-1853] - Benchmark 2.1.0 Release

** Sub-task
* [BLZG-1229] - SPARQL* not parsed in SPARQL UPDATE
* [BLZG-1267] - Unable to bind result of EXISTS operator
* [BLZG-1466] - Queries in Explain mode are run twice
* [BLZG-1479] - Generalized version of GeoSpatial feature
* [BLZG-1621] - Test Cases for rebuildTextIndex
* [BLZG-1622] - Data migration scripts for 2.0 release
* [BLZG-1623] - Include data migration instructions in release notes.
* [BLZG-1637] - REST API method to rebuild the text index.
* [BLZG-1638] - Add ability to rebuild the text index to the workbench
* [BLZG-1714] - Document the data loader REST API capability on the wiki
* [BLZG-1722] - Document procedure to rebuild the text index
* [BLZG-1779] - Add full test coverage for RDF* and SPARQL UPDATE
* [BLZG-1822] - Test cases for generalized version of GeoSpatial feature
* [BLZG-1823] - Documentation for generalized version of GeoSpatial feature
* [BLZG-1830] - Code review on critical things related to geospatial issue
* [BLZG-1833] - geo:locationValue should use default type or specified query type
* [BLZG-1841] - Support extraction of complete GeoSpatial literal in geospatial SERVICE

Blazegraph 2.0.1

25 Feb 05:35
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Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a minor release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.0.1 provides bug fixes for the 2.0.0 release. It is recommended that all users upgrade to 2.0.1.

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

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Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:
Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_1 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_1

Release Notes - Blazegraph Database - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_0_1

** Bug
* [BLZG-1736] - Remove Junit 3 Dependency
* [BLZG-1738] - Inconsistent update with INSERT/DELETE
* [BLZG-1739] - blazegraph-artifacts pom not published to maven central
* [BLZG-1740] - Queries that fail to evaluate are not finalized.
* [BLZG-1747] - Persistent "Unknown extension" issue in WIkidata Query Service
* [BLZG-1748] - Regressions in date comparison
* [BLZG-1753] - Insert problem using subqueries and having clause
* [BLZG-1768] - DataLoaderServlet Needs to Use submitApiTask pattern
* [BLZG-1770] - DataLoaderServlet has incorrect error handling pattern
* [BLZG-1777] - DataLoader should improve Gzip and Zip processing configuration options

** Improvement
* [BLZG-1732] - Improve SnapshotTask GZIP Configuration

2.0.0 Release!

26 Jan 15:14
Choose a tag to compare

Blazegraph™ Database is an ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository:

Blazegraph Features (

2.0.0 has significant performance improvements for query optimization, geo spatial searching, load improvements and many new features. The artifacts now include a Debian Deployer and RPM. See

Sign up to stay in touch with Blazegraph:

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Blazegraph Wiki:
Blazegraph Blog:
Blazegraph JIRA:
Blazegraph Support:

Public Code Samples:


Blazegraph TDF Server:

Python Client:

DotNetRDF Client:

Download Blazegraph now:

Checkout the latest source code:

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_0 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_0

Release Notes - Blazegraph (by SYSTAP) - Version BLAZEGRAPH_2_0_0

** Bug
* [BLZG-611] - Mock IV / TermId hashCode()/equals() problems
* [BLZG-1023] - SystemProperty vs Property
* [BLZG-1218] - Strange error when using INSERT DATA
* [BLZG-1227] - SPARQL Update does not work with RDR
* [BLZG-1236] - Recycler error in 1.5.1
* [BLZG-1414] - New site redirects interfere with maven builds
* [BLZG-1415] - Blueprints Test Failures
* [BLZG-1418] - Property path operator is not interrupted by query deadline or query cancellation
* [BLZG-1430] - NanoSparqlServer doesn't start for benchmarks
* [BLZG-1433] - bigdata-jini compile errors in post-maven eclipse IDE
* [BLZG-1441] - log4j "No appenders found" under eclipse.
* [BLZG-1447] - NSS test suite does not run under Eclipse (post-maven)
* [BLZG-1463] - BINDINGS clause in 1.5.2
* [BLZG-1464] - QueryCancellationHelper refactor is broken in StatusServlet
* [BLZG-1498] - hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" ignored for Property Paths
* [BLZG-1499] - Maven Build for jini-test fails if Zookeeper is not installed
* [BLZG-1504] - OS Performance counter utilities are not sufficiently robust to changes in the record format.
* [BLZG-1520] - Create Wiki Entries for New Blazegraph-samples
* [BLZG-1542] - MINUS/OPTIONAL semantics are lost when sub-SELECT is rewritten into a NamedSubquery if sub-SELECT was the only node in the join group
* [BLZG-1567] - Shell scripts must quote environment variables
* [BLZG-1571] - Blazegraph produces NPE when unknown service is invoked
* [BLZG-1585] - Blazegraph SERVICE call uses the non standard BINDINGS keyword instead of the finally accepted values clause
* [BLZG-1591] - NotMaterializedException with ORDER BY clause
* [BLZG-1592] - ConcurrentModificationException in MathBOp when using expression in BIND
* [BLZG-1600] - IllegalStateException for analytic mode query
* [BLZG-1627] - minus fails when preceded with property path
* [BLZG-1629] - Whitelisted service get rejected
* [BLZG-1643] - DELETE does not delete properly with Wikidata Query service
* [BLZG-1644] - EXPLORE functionality in Blazegraph Workbench broken
* [BLZG-1648] - Proper FILTER handling in merge join
* [BLZG-1654] - 2.0.0 Benchmarks
* [BLZG-1658] - MemoryManager should know when it has been closed
* [BLZG-1659] - OPTIONAL fails to return values when / is used
* [BLZG-1683] - Required property relationName for HTreeDistinctBindingSetsOp
* [BLZG-1693] - Performance regressions through counters
* [BLZG-1696] - Inline IPv4 Regression
* [BLZG-1699] - getURICount() and friends fail with IllegalStateException if blobs index does not exist.
* [BLZG-1702] - GPU initialization in AST2BOpContext should be cached
* [BLZG-1711] - ASTEvalHelper.optimizeQuery out of date
* [BLZG-1720] - Classpath Issue with Blazegraph RC1 war file

** Improvement
* [BLZG-1304] - Symmetric hash join operator (non-blocking)
* [BLZG-1320] - Optimization of FILTER NOT EXISTS + LIMIT
* [BLZG-1377] - Update the service endpoint to be blazegraph
* [BLZG-1396] - IPv4AddrIV Inline URI does not support Endpoint Notation
* [BLZG-1400] - Blazegraph Distribution should allow configuration of runtime user
* [BLZG-1429] - Create run-time jar with Blazegraph-only artifacts
* [BLZG-1488] - Advancer pattern should be called in hasNext()
* [BLZG-1594] - Cluster: Setting 'stop' to state kills all java apps
* [BLZG-1595] - DTEExtension for compressed timestamp
* [BLZG-1608] - Analytic version of PipelinedHashJoin
* [BLZG-1609] - Test case for service whitelist
* [BLZG-1633] - System parameter & query hint to disable default graph filter
* [BLZG-1703] - ASTDeferredIVResolution
* [BLZG-1733] - Change default to blazegraph.jnl from bigdata.jnl

** New Feature
* [BLZG-190] - Workbench must provide editable window to configure/clone namespace
* [BLZG-344] - Mavenization of bigdata
* [BLZG-697] - Manage truth maintenance in SPARQL UPDATE
* [BLZG-1164] - Support TinkerPop3 APIs
* [BLZG-1176] - SPARQL Parsers should not be db mode aware
* [BLZG-1181] - Consequently exploit new built-in projection capabilities of HashIndexOp
* [BLZG-1388] - xsd:date function
* [BLZG-1588] - DTEExtension.COMPOUND
* [BLZG-1713] - Add DataLoaderServlet to NSS

** Task
* [BLZG-23] - Create DEB Packages for Bigdata Delivery
* [BLZG-38] - Mavenization (was trac #168)
* [BLZG-175] - Create RPM Packages for Bigdata Delivery
* [BLZG-1422] - Mavenized overrides JAVA_OPTS
* [BLZG-1423] - Why is GROUP_COMMIT enabled in mavenized version?
* [BLZG-1471] - Convert QueryEngineFactory to use getInstance() and public interface for accessor methods.
* [BLZG-1497] - ConcurrentWeakValueCache and com.bigdata.cache should be separate artifact.
* [BLZG-1501] - Investigate removing LRUNexus
* [BLZG-1565] - Document the blazegraph workbench
* [BLZG-1566] - As a user, I am annoyed when maven takes forever to recompile blazegraph
* [BLZG-1575] - Small slot optimization meta-ticket
* [BLZG-1601] - PGP Signing for Deployers and Maven Central Deployment
* [BLZG-1607] - Document the whitelist feature on the blazegraph wiki
* [BLZG-1662] - Document ?uuid request for REST API
* [BLZG-1668] - The solutions trace log and SPARQL query log examples need to be present (but not activated) in the default file.
* [BLZG-1688] - Export Github Commit ID in the BuildInfo class
* [BLZG-1707] - Review Recent Wiki Page Updates for 2.0 Release
* [BLZG-1724] - CI Needs to deploy snapshots with Maven Central
* [BLZG-1726] - Benchmark 2.0.0 Release

** Sub-task
* [BLZG-36] - bigdata_maven CI failures (branch BLZG-1269)
* [BLZG-37] - CI failures in bigdata-jini (start/stop zookeeper)
* [BLZG-46] - Review maven-based CI job dependency triggers
* [BLZG-201] - Examine interaction of small slots optimization and group commit.
* [BLZG-1204] - Publish Blazegraph Artifacts to Maven Central
* [BLZG-1262] - Create test-only artifact containing reused data files
* [BLZG-1269] - Converge bigdata/blazegraph core projects on version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT (not 1.0)
* [BLZG-1270] - CI failures in bigdata-jini (bigdata-client version)
* [BLZG-1271] - bigdata-client should not depend on bigdata maven project
* [BLZG-1272] - bigdata-gas must not use anything from bigdata.
* [BLZG-1277] - Maven complains about junit3 vs junit4
* [BLZG-1278] - Implement maximum waste policy for small slot allocators
* [BLZG-1291] - Blazegraph dotnetrdf client support
* [BLZG-1292] - Blazegraph Python Client Support
* [BLZG-1302] - DumpJournal should provide metadata about the deferred deletes
* [BLZG-1324] - BigdataSailFactory must be split into remote client and embedded client classes
* [BLZG-1370] - bigdata shouldn't depend on the bigdata-jini artifact.
* [BLZG-1378] - Decouple bigdata-jini from bigdata-ha
* [BLZG-1428] - Split out bigdata-rdf tests
* [BLZG-1435] - Integrate Maven Release Plugin to Mavenized Version
* [BLZG-1442] - javacc Generation of Sparql Grammar
* [BLZG-1448] - Maven Artifacts for Tar.gz Deployers
* [BLZG-1472] - Pull out com.bigdata.zookeeper and com.bigdata.quorum.zk into their own module
* [BLZG-1478] - Interleaved querying of GeoSpatial index
* [BLZG-1480] - Exhaustive set of test cases for GeoSpatial feature
* [BLZG-1481] - GeoSpatial service quads mode support
* [BLZG-1486] - Benchmark branch before merge to master.
* [BLZG-1503] - Avoid exception when querying for values outside range min
* [BLZG-1507] - Implement support for DTE extension types for URIs
* [BLZG-1519] - Refactor test suite to remove tight coupling with IVs while checking up parsed queries
* [BLZG-1522] - RDF Parser and index writers should overlap
* [BLZG-1531] - Add option to make the DataLoader robust to files that cause rio to throw a fatal exception
* [BLZG-1534] - Poor person's durable queues pattern for DataLoader
* [BLZG-1536] - Update DataLoader documentation on the w...

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Blazegraph 2.0.0 RC1

22 Dec 22:04
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Blazegraph™ is our ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

This is a major release candidate of Blazegraph™. The official release is now made into the Git repository.

2.0.0 has significant performance improvements for query optimization and new features. See

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