A fairly versatile turmite generator
Uses opengl to simulate turmites.
Screenshot (2-state Golden Spiral from experiment.ini):
Screenshot (40-state Rule 110 simulation. Rule110.ini with companion Rule110_GridConfig.ini):
The reason the aspect ratio is 2:1 is because two pixels were used to encode data horizontally:
- 00 = 0
- 11 = 1
- 01 = START
- 10 = END
Also the grid config was added to prevent having to hard code it.
To use:
- Then
./main [ini file]
. Choose an .ini file as input. - Watch your turmites go!
- To spawn a new one in, click at a spot to copy an existing turmite.
- If you have more than one turmite in your ini file, you can select it using the mouse wheel (see terminal output for the name).
- To speed up/slow down, press
respectively. - To quit, press
. - To pause, press
. - I've provided a couple ini files for you in
. - Also, you can generate an automaton file. Check out
. - When you hit the Generate button, it will print the INI file code to stdout, so you can redirect the output.
The turmite ini file is structured as follows:
# This signals the start of an automaton. (More than one is ok per file.)
[Name] "name goes here surrounded by junk characters"
[Color] red green blue
# Values provided on a scale of 0-1 (floats)
[Start] xpixel ypixel statenumber orientation
# xpixel - the starting x pixel value
# ypixel - starting y pixel value
# statenumber - the index of the starting state (see below)
# orientation - N S E or W (short for North South East West). Abbreviation only.
#Push state onto state vector:
[State] offnext onnext offturn onturn offpaint onpaint
# offnext - next state if current cell is off
# onnext - next state if current cell is on
# offturn - L R N U (short for Left Right None U-turn). Abbreviation only. Where to turn if cell is off
# onturn - Where to turn is cell is on
# offpaint - 1 or 0. Turn cell on (1) or off (0) if cell is off.
# onpaint - 1 or 0. Turn cell on or off if cell is on.
# Issue [State] again to push another state
#Turn on debugging output
#Finally, finish constructing the turmite. To construct another, simply copy an [Automaton][/Automaton] block.
The grid configuration ini file is structured as follows:
[Color] red green blue
# From 0-1
# Specify a range of cells to turn on. You can define a rectangle this way:
[Rect] x y w h