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Releases: chelsea6502/BeebEater

v0.9 - Major refactoring of LCD & Keyboard, utilising WDC65c02 Instructions

03 Dec 07:12
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Made major rewrites of code in preparation for v1.0, especially the LCD & Keyboard routines. This reduces the lines of code from 1000 to about 850! I promise this will be the last major rewrite.

Fixed issues found such as:

  • INPUT causing a lock up
  • The shift/release flags for the keyboard getting set at boot
  • Double triggering of escape/enter keys on the keyboard.

Comments and formatting is still WIP, but I'd like to get the code out there so it can get properly tested by people.

As always, let me know of any issues you may run into using the 'Issues' tab in GitHub. Thanks!

v0.4.2 - Majorly simplified boot sequence + minor cleanups.

15 Nov 09:27
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In this release, the boot sequence has been drastically simplified and improved. If you had trouble booting BeebEater before, try this one.

Also, removed a great deal of instructions that were found to be unnecessary. Very special thanks to JG Harston for going through my code and making corrections!!!

v0.4.1 - Revised LCD and RAM initialisation

11 Nov 04:16
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I've revised the routines for the LCD reset sequence and the RAM wiping routines.

This results in a much more predictable and stable boot and reset.

v0.4 - LCD

09 Nov 06:55
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v0.4 - LCD Pre-release

This is a big one: We finally have LCD support!

Here's what's implemented:

  1. Printing of ASCII characters.
  2. Clearing display with the escape key.
  3. Printing a new line with the enter key.
  4. Display shifting when cursor is out of view.

Together with LCD and the PS/2 keyboard, we now have a fully independent, self-programming computer that doesn't require a connection to a serial terminal! This was my original goal, and I'm very proud of getting to this point.

The next version will be v1.0. It will be mostly focused on commenting, code layout cleanups, fixes and optimisations. If you are experiencing any bugs, please let me know in the 'issues' tab of this GitHub repo. Thanks!

v0.3.1 - Fixed 'Z' key

06 Nov 23:07
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Fixing a quick bug where the 'Z' key wasn't capitalised when typed. Whoops!

v0.3 - Keyboard

06 Nov 06:16
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v0.3 - Keyboard Pre-release

Fully implemented PS/2 Keyboard handling! It assumes you have the PS/2 scancode stored in PORTA as per the Ben Eater videos.

Here's what's implemented:

  • Standard ASCII characters
  • Shift
  • Enter
  • Backspace

Currently there is no support for any 'extended scan code' keys such as the arrow keys, CTRL, and especially not the Pause/break key. Anything outside the supported range will show up as a '?'.

v0.2.1 - Wipe RAM & 6502 on boot

28 Oct 10:15
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Reset routine now wipes all the registers, status flags & RAM at boot.

This fixes a couple of funky issues that I ran into.

v0.2 - Escape, Timers, Boot CLS

24 Oct 10:22
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Version 0.2 now released! Featuring new goodies such as:

  • Escape key handler: The escape key now also works while a BASIC program is running. This means you can now leave infinitely running programs without a hardware reset.
  • Timer support - Use the TIME command to get the number of 'centiseconds' since boot. You can use this to write time-based BASIC programs.
  • Clear screen on boot (CoolTerm only) - The boot sequence now send the "Form Feed" ASCII character, which CoolTerm can interpret as a signal to clear the screen.
  • More annotations - Done a hell of a lot more annotations in BeebEater.asm to explain more of what's going on for you.

Thanks everyone for the initial support! I only have 1 build to test with, so let me know of any issues you run into via GitHub.

Please consider this a BETA release until version 1.0. Thanks!

BeebEater v0.01

15 Oct 04:59
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BeebEater v0.01 Pre-release

Delete Basic432.src