Fyyur is a musical venue and artist booking site that facilitates the discovery and bookings of shows between local performing artists and venues. This site lets you list new artists and venues, discover them, and list shows with artists as a venue owner.
Set-up a virtual environment and activate it:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
You should see (env) before your command prompt now. (You can type deactivate
to exit the virtual environment any time.)
Install the requirements:
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize and set up the database:
dropdb fyyur
createdb fyyur
flask db upgrade
Make sure you are in the virtual environment (you should see (env) before your command prompt). If not source /env/bin/activate
to enter it.
Usage: flask run
Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program
Fyyur is licensed under the MIT license.