is a simple AWS helper plugin that can do the following:
- Show the version of AWS CLI currently installed
- Display the region currently configured (in the current aws cli profile)
- Show the status of the selected CloudFormation template (WIP).
The prerequisites for this tmux
status indicator to work is that you have the
To use this plugin, clone the repo into the $HOME/.tmux
directory. This does
nothing on its own, so you need to add some things to your tmux configuration.
There are three options currently available to be displayed in tmux:
- AWS Region
- AWS CLI version
- CloudFormation stack status
If you are using TPM just add the
following line to the plugin section of your .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'darko-mesaros/aws-tmux'
Reload your tmux configuration and update your TPM plugins (Prefix + U), and you should have aws-tmux available. 🚀
Clone this repository in your $HOME/.tmux/
git clone $HOME/.tmux/plugins/aws-tmux
Add the following line to the bottom of your .tmux.conf
run $HOME/.tmux/plugins/aws-tmux/aws.tmux
You can add those things to your status bar configuration like so:
set-option -g status-right "#[fg=colour239, bg=colour221]CFN: #{aws_cfn_status} #[fg=colour239, bg=colour214] CLI: v:#{aws_version} Region: #{aws_region} "
But you are free to arrange these as you please!
Note: to make sure that the status is kept up-to-date automatically, add the
following to your ~/.tmux.conf
(here: refresh every 5 seconds):
tmux set status-interval 5
To get the information on the status of your CloudFormation stack (eg. has it
deployed successfully) you need to first select the cloudformation template.
This will be saved in a configuration option @aws-cfn-stackname
To select the stack, use the default key binding Prefix + u
If you wish to change this, add this to your .tmux.conf
set -gq @aws-cfn-list 'YOURKEY'