🔭 Currently working on: Building interactive and user-friendly web applications using Ruby on Rails + React.js.
🌱 Currently learning: Exploring advanced Rails patterns and best practices.
💬 Ask me about: Anything related to Ruby on Rails and full-stack development. I'm always up for a coding discussion!
📫 How to reach me: Feel free to [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I love experimenting with new technologies and also enjoy a good cup of coffee while coding!
- Backend: Ruby on Rails
- Frontend: React, Redux
- Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
- UI Design: CSS, Sass
- Version Control: Git
- Deployment: AWS, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Netlify
📢 Feel free to follow me for updates on my latest projects and coding adventures! Let's connect and learn from each other. 🤝