- Prepare development environment
- Available scripts
- Prepare new device/edit existing 3.1 Required keys 3.2 Additional keys 3.3 Text object basics 3.4 Features
- Example
- Testing json file
- Additional notes
- Important notes
Install dependencies
npm install
This will update husky ( git hooks ), which run after commit, cleaning your app from possible eslint errors and breaking commit process if any error occur
npm run prepareHooks / yarn prepareHooks
chmod +x .husky/pre-commit
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3005 to view it in the browser.
Lint project with eslint, to find possible errors
Build production ready version of this app
Json files location is in `src/devices/"
If you want to add new device, create new json file with data, then import it in controller.ts file in the same location.
This page renders devices, based on json. Json require this keys
"name": "Device name",
"category": "Device category",
"code": "Device code"
This example represents required keys. Those elements are required. Let's break this down
Device name, rendered under device icon and on top of "1 device page"
Device category, which applies device to available categories
Available categories are:
- Official
- Community
- Potential
Device code represents its codename. Its used as device id in url. For example, url for sargo will look like
this /devices/sargo
Additional keys are
- description
- *
You can add device description like this
"description": {
"links": [
"Links in string"
"data": "Device description"
Data is device description you want to provide, where links are links, you want to place in this string. More on links in next points
Any other key you provide will be rendered as 1 in point 3.3
If you want to provide new elements to devices page, you can add new key with data like this
"notes": {
"Before you proceed": [
"type": "string",
"data": "Device has to be downgraded to stock Android 9 (PQ3B.190801.002) before installation"
As you can see, you have to provide key, which in this case is "notes", with embedded keys. First key ( notes ) is category header, where nested keys are "subCategory headers". Each subCategory header have object with data inside. Let's break this down:
"type": "string",
"data": "Device has to be downgraded to stock Android 9 (PQ3B.190801.002) before installation"
Type is data type. It specifies, how data should render. Available types:
- list
- string
- header
type require data to be typeof array. Providing data as string, will render it as string. Example:
"type": "list",
"data": [
"This is list element",
"This is another list element"
You can also nest lists like this
"type": "list",
"data": [
"This is list element",
"This is another list element",
"type": "list",
"data": [
"This is sublist element",
"This is another sublist element"
"And another list element"
In theory, you can nest as deep as you want, but after x'th level, ui might not scale properly
type requires data to be typeof string. Providing list with type string, will join all elements from list with
space. Example usage:
"type": "string",
"data": "This is string example"
type will be rendered the same way, as string is, but as you probably guessed, text will be rendered as header,
instead of string. Example:
"type": "header",
"data": "This is string example"
Additional key, you can provide in text object is links
. Example usage
"type": "string",
"links": [
"to": "https://devices.droidian.org/",
"text": "link",
"id": 1
"data": "This #{1} will go to https://devices.droidian.org/"
This block will return This link will go to https://devices.droidian.org/
, where "link" will be clickable link
Make sure to match link id. If link will be nested in string, but not in "links", you will get red text saying link does not exist
Features is element, which has specified requirements unlike notes and other data. Example object
"features": {
"Camera": {
"partly": [
"Switch camera",
"notWorking": [
"Sound": {
"working": [
"Volume control"
"Sensors": {
"untested": [
Features has keys, which specify element category. For example, "camera". Each of those elements has key, which specifies state, of elements. Each state is list of elements, which should include elements with this conditions. Lets break it down:
There are 4 states of elements
- working
- partly
- untested
- notWorking
means, that feature is working.
means, that feature is partly working. Feature might be crashing, working incorrectly, etc.
means, that feature did not get tested. It might or might not work.
means, that feature does not work.
Example json, for sargo
config. Written: 12.07.23. It might or might not be up-to-date
"name": "Google pixel 3a/xl (sargo)",
"category": "official",
"code": "sargo",
"description": {
"type": "string",
"data": "Device description is being rendered here. It says something about device itself."
"features": {
"Camera": {
"partly": [
"Switch camera",
"notWorking": [
"Sound": {
"working": [
"Volume control",
"Sensors": {
"working": [
"Brightness control",
"Auto brightness",
"Network": {
"working": [
"Flight mode",
"Telephony": {
"working": [
"Battery percentage",
"SD card",
"partly": [
"Carrier info"
"notWorking": [
"Dual sim",
"untested": [
"notes": {
"Before you proceed": [
"type": "string",
"data": "Device has to be downgraded to stock Android 9 (PQ3B.190801.002) before installation"
"Device preparation": [
"type": "header",
"data": "Save your apn"
"type": "list",
"links": [
"to": "http://apn.how/",
"text": "apn.how",
"id": 1
"data": [
"The Access Point Name or APN can be found in the Settings menu of Android",
"Take a piece of paper or a text editor, and write down everything that you see on that screen",
"These are likely to include a URL (e. g., internet.carrier.net), a username, and possibly a password",
"APN settings can also be found at #{1}"
"type": "header",
"data": "Unlock the bootloader (using a computer)"
"type": "list",
"links": [
"to": "https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/",
"text": "LineageOS wiki",
"id": 1
"to": "https://forum.xda-developers.com/",
"text": "xda-developers",
"id": 2
"data": [
"Refer to the instructions provided by the device manufacturer",
"Other useful sources include the #{1} and #{2}"
"Droidian installation": [
"type": "header",
"data": "Installation"
"type": "list",
"data": [
"Extract the downloaded zip file",
"Boot to fastboot (or fastbootd in TWRP or any recovery for Samsung devices) and run flash_all.sh to flash the image to your device. To flash each partition manually",
"type": "list",
"data": [
"Check the list of images in data/ and flash each image manually like so: fastboot flash partition_name partition_name.img",
"The following images might be included: boot.img, dtbo.img, vbmeta.img, userdata.img."
"Default password": [
"type": "string",
"data": "The default password is 1234."
"APN": [
"type": "string",
"data": "Mobile data needs an APN to be set up from Settings -> Mobile Network -> Access Point Names."
"Camera": [
"type": "string",
"data": "Camera is currently only usable in Waydroid sudo apt install waydroid -y"
"Applications": [
"type": "string",
"links": [
"to": "https://linuxphoneapps.org",
"text": "LinuxPhoneApps",
"id": 1
"data": "You can find a list of mobile-friendly Linux applications at #{1}"
"Credits": [
"type": "string",
"data": "Contributors"
"type": "string",
"data": "User #{1} is tester for #{2}, who is also a tester",
"links": [
"to": "https://github.com/fakeshell",
"text": "FakeShell (Bardia Moshiri)",
"id": 1
"to": "http://droidian.org/",
"text": "Droidian project",
"id": 2
This app has hidden route "/test". You can access it and provide json file with devices data. Page will try to load it and render data, based of it. Keep in mind that refreshing the page will wipe data from page. Move to home page, by using droidian logo inside navbar ( left top corner )
Data on "1-page device" will always render in this order:
- Device name
- Device description
- Device features
- Everything else, sorted by order in json
Keep in mind that this app uses "device codename" as url path for that device. Each device requires UNIQUE codename without spaces in name