Scripts for monitoring/trending wireless connectivity using Raspberry PIs.
- Record wireless stats to Splunk (via syslog)
- Monitor wireless connectivity and reset wireless interface when needed
- Record wireless interface reset events to Splunk (via syslog)
- Record ping response time and DNS lookup times to Splunk (via syslog)
- Central configuration (configuration.yml) with per host override
- (optional) Notification for network initialization and changes in IPs
- (future) HTTP response time and speedtest metrics using Selenium
- Raspberry PI 2/3 (Raspbian OS)
- Syslog server with Splunk forwarder
- Wired and wireless connectivity
- (optional) 5ghz Wireless USB Adapter
- Create user 'raspi' and create directory '/home/raspi/wireless-test'
- Copy files from this repo into the '/home/raspi/wireless-test' directory
- Configure preferences in 'configuration.yml'
- wired and wireless interfaces
- wireless_ips
- wired_ips
- ping_sites
- dns_sites
- (optional) email recipients
- Configure rsyslog to forward messages to your Splunk forwarding server
- Setup user 'raspi' crontab using entries in the 'crontab.txt' file in repo
- Create Splunk dashboard referencing 'splunk-dashboard.xml' file in repo
- Static routes are setup for wired and wireless IPs (set-routes.rb)
- Pings sent to routed IPs across wired and wireless interfaces to test connectivity (
- Continual capturing of wireless interface metrics (
- Continual capturing of ping response time and dns lookup time metrics