This package makes migrating Cisco Catalyst switches to Meraki Dashboard much easier. #merakicat
This Python app can be run in Webex Teams Bot mode or in command-line mode. It can also be called from shell scripts for bulk-mode.
Below is the list of configurations the tool can currently translate:
- Hostname
- Spanning Tree RSTP
- Stack
- Static Routing
- Port Description
- Port Status
- Port Speed
- Port Duplex
- Port Type
- PoE Enabled
- Allowed VLANs
- Data VLAN
- Voice VLAN
- Private VLAN
- Layer 3 Interface
- STP RootGuard
- STP Loop Guard
- STP BPDU Guard
- Etherchannel LACP
- NM Ports
Once installed, you can print the entire index of the feature encyclopedia, or to print the index based on either supported and translatable items or both, enter:
cd src/merakicat
python mc_pedia [support] [translatable]
If you don't already have a Webex Teams account, go ahead and register for one. They are free.
You'll need to start by adding your Bot to the Webex Teams website.
Click Create a New App
Click Create a Bot.
Fill out all the details about your Bot. You'll need to set a name, username, icon (either upload one or choose a sample), and provide a description.
Click Add Bot.
On the Congratulations screen, make sure to copy the Bot's Access Token, you will need this in a second.
Python 3.11+ is recommended.
- Clone the github repository and install the requirements
git clone
cd merakicat
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
The easiest way to use this module is to set a few environment variables
Note: As an alternative, you may edit the variables in Although more convenient, it is less secure.
# These exports are used for Webex bot mode: export TEAMS_BOT_TOKEN=<your bot's token> export TEAMS_BOT_EMAIL=<your bot's email> export TEAMS_BOT_APP_NAME=<your bot's name> export TEAMS_EMAILS=<a comma delimited list of email addresses the bot will respond to> # These exports are required regardless of mode: export IOS_USERNAME=<the ssh username for the Catalyst switches> export IOS_PASSWORD=<the ssh password for the Catalyst switches> export IOS_SECRET=<the CLI secret password for the Catalyst switches> export IOS_PORT=<the ssh port number for the Catalyst switches - usually 22> export MERAKI_API_KEY=<your meraki dashboard API key> export MERAKI_ORG_NAME =<your meraki organization name>
In addition to these settings, various debugs and a choice of PDF vs. DOCX report format can be enabled in the file.
> Note: For PDF report generation, MS Word must be installed on the host with merakicat.
To run merakicat as a Bot, just start it without any parameters:
cd src/merakicat
Bot commands include the following:
Check a Catalyst switch config for both translatable and possible Meraki features:
check [host <FQDN or IP address> | file <filespec>] [with timing] [with details]
Check one or more Catalyst switch config files for both translatable and possible Meraki features:
check <drag-and-drop files> [with timing] [with details]
Check the configs of cloud monitored Catalyst switches for both translatable and possible Meraki features:
check network <Meraki network name> [with timing] [with details]
Register a Catalyst switch to the Meraki Dashboard:
register [host <FQDN or IP address>] [with timing]
Claim Catalyst switches to a Meraki Network:
claim [<Meraki serial numbers>] [to <Meraki network name>] [with timing]
Translate a Catalyst switch config from a file or host to claimed Meraki serial numbers:
translate [host <FQDN or IP address> | file <filespec>] [to <Meraki serial numbers>] [with timing]
Migrate a Catalyst switch to a Meraki switch - register, claim & translate:
migrate [host <FQDN or IP address>] [to <Meraki network name>] [with timing]
Create a demo report for all features currently in the feature encyclopedia:
demo report
To run merakicat from the command-line (or from a shell script), enter any of the following:
Check a Catalyst switch config for both translatable and possible Meraki features:
cd src/merakicat
python check host <FQDN or IP address> | file <filespec> [with timing] [with details]
Check the configs of cloud monitored Catalyst switches for both translatable and possible Meraki features:
cd src/merakicat
python check network <Meraki network name> [with timing] [with details]
Register a Catalyst switch or stack to the Meraki Dashboard:
cd src/merakicat
python register host <FQDN or IP address> [with timing]
Claim Catalyst switches to a Meraki Network:
cd src/merakicat
python claim <Meraki serial numbers> to <Meraki network name> [with timing]
Translate a Catalyst switch or stack config from a file or host to claimed Meraki serial numbers:
cd src/merakicat
python translate host <FQDN or IP address> | file <filespec> to <Meraki serial numbers> [with timing]
Migrate a Catalyst switch to a Meraki switch - register, claim & translate:
cd src/merakicat
python migrate host <FQDN or IP address> to <Meraki network name> [with timing]
Create a demo report for all features currently in the feature encyclopedia:
cd src/merakicat
python demo report
To run merakicat in bulk-mode, create a shell script to call merakicat in command line mode. Example scripts included in the repo are:
Generate Check config reports for a list of Catalyst switches, 20 switches at a time, until the entire list is exhausted. The list is provided in an input file, one hostname/fqdn/IP address per line:
cd src/merakicat <input file>
Migrate a list of Catalyst switches to a Meraki network, 20 switches at a time, until the entire list is exhausted. The list is provided in an input file, one hostname/fqdn/IP address per line:
cd src/merakicat <input file> <Meraki network name>
If you found this repo to be useful, please consider donating to Life Decisions, Rockford, IL through a purchase from the Merakicat store.
This project is heavily based on the work of others:
by Fady Sharobeem.
by Fady Sharobeem.
The bot functionality is using webex_bot
by Finbarr Brady.