Volume Cartographer is a toolkit and set of cross-platform C++ libraries for virtually unwrapping volumetric datasets. It was designed to recover text from CT scans of ancient, badly damaged manuscripts, but can be applied in many volumetric analysis applications.
New to Volume Cartographer? A great place to get started with virtual unwrapping is the tutorial put together by the Vesuvius Challenge.
You can also browse our application list for an overview of our available applications and utilities.
We provide pre-built binaries for our tools through our Homebrew Casks tap:
brew install --no-quarantine educelab/casks/volume-cartographer
Our binaries are signed with a generic signature and thus do not pass macOS
Gatekeeper on Apple Silicon devices without explicit approval. Since many of
our tools are run from the command line, we suggest installing with Homebrew's
The main VC.app
GUI will be installed to /Applications/
and the command line
tools should be immediately available in Terminal:
vc_render --help
We provide multi-architecture Docker images in the GitHub Container Registry. Simply pull our container and Docker will select the appropriate image for your host platform:
# Pull the latest release
docker pull ghcr.io/educelab/volume-cartographer:latest
# Pull the latest edge version
docker pull ghcr.io/educelab/volume-cartographer:edge
# Pull a specific version
docker pull ghcr.io/educelab/volume-cartographer:2.24.0
Tools can be launched directly using docker run
$ docker run ghcr.io/educelab/volume-cartographer vc_render --help
General Options:
-h [ --help ] Show this message
--cache-memory-limit arg Maximum size of the slice cache in
bytes. Accepts the suffixes:
(K|M|G|T)(B). Default: 50% of the total
system memory.
--log-level arg (=info) Options: off, critical, error, warn,
info, debug
To run the GUI tools, you must additionally set up X11 forwarding from the container.
This project is primarily developed and tested on macOS and Debian/Ubuntu systems. Though it should compile with any C++17 compiler using the Itanium ABI, this has not been tested on Windows. We are accepting contributions to explicitly support other platforms.
- C++17 compiler which uses the Itanium ABI
- CMake 3.28+
- OpenCV 3+
- Insight Toolkit (itk) 4.10+
- Visualization Toolkit (vtk) 7 or 8
- ACVD mesh simplification library
- libtiff 4.0+
- Eigen3 3.2+
- spdlog 1.4.2+
- Boost Program Options 1.58+: Required if building applications or utilities.
- Qt 6.5+: Required if building GUI applications or utilities.
- Boost Filesystem 1.58+
- This project will automatically check if the compiler provides
. If it is not found, then Boost Filesystem is required. This behavior can be controlled with theVC_USE_BOOSTFS
CMake flag.
- This project will automatically check if the compiler provides
- Doxygen: Required to build documentation.
- pybind11: Required to build Python bindings.
Homebrew can be used to install all of Volume Cartographer's dependencies. We
provide a Brewfile
to simplify this process.
cd volume-cartographer/
brew bundle
This project is built and installed using the CMake build system. If you have already installed the dependencies listed above, compilation should be as simple as:
git clone https://github.com/educelab/volume-cartographer.git
cd volume-cartographer
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/
Many volume-cartographer
libraries can be built in parallel, and compilation
times will be improved by running cmake --build build/ -j4
. Alternatively,
you can use CMake to generate Ninja build system
cmake -S . -B build/ -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/ # automatically builds in parallel with Ninja
To install the compiled software and libraries to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
run the install
cmake --install build/ # --prefix ~/custom/install/prefix/
To assist with installing dependencies, we have created the
vc-deps project. While this project can
be used on its own to install volume-cartographer dependencies to the system, it
is also available as a git submodule within volume-cartographer
. Note that
does not install CMake or Qt.
To build and link against the in-source vc-deps
libraries, run the following:
# Get the source code plus all submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/educelab/volume-cartographer.git
cd volume-cartographer
# If you already cloned volume-cartographer
# git submodule update --init
# (macOS only)
# brew install boost qt
# brew unlink qt
# Build vc-deps
cmake -S vc-deps/ -B vc-deps/build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # -DVCDEPS_BUILD_BOOST=OFF (if Boost already installed)
cmake --build vc-deps/build/
# Build volume-cartographer
cmake --build build/
It might be necessary to point CMake to your Qt installation. For example:
# macOS (Apple Silicon), Qt6 installed via Homebrew
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/lib/cmake/
# macOS (Intel), Qt6 installed via Homebrew
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt/lib/cmake/
# Ubuntu, Qt6 installed from source
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Qt-6.5.0/lib/cmake/
This project is instrumented with unit tests using the Google Test framework.
To enable test compilation, set the VC_BUILD_TESTS
flag to on:
cmake -S . -B build/ -DVC_BUILD_TESTS=ON
Tests can then be run using CTest or by running the test
# Print summary output with the test target
cmake --build build/ --target test
# Print verbose output with ctest
ctest -V --test-dir build/
Visit our API documentation here.
Library documentation is built using Doxygen and can be enabled/disabled by
setting the VC_BUILD_DOCS
flag. This requires Doxygen and optionally Graphviz.
This option is unavailable if Doxygen is not found. Documentation will be
installed with the install
target if the VC_INSTALL_DOCS
flag is enabled.
We currently maintain limited Python binding support through pybind11. They are a work-in-progress and should not be used in production code.
Bindings can be built and installed by setting the
To use these bindings in Python after installation, import from the
import volcart.Core as c
import numpy as np
vpkg = c.VolumePkg('/path/to/package.volpkg')
vol = vpkg.volume()
r = vol.reslice(np.array([0,0,0]))
NOTE: Python modules are built as shared libraries, regardless of the
flag set by this project. This can cause problems if the
Volume Cartographer dependencies are not built as shared libraries. Either
install the shared versions of these libraries (preferred) or compile static
libraries with position independent code (PIC).
If using vc-deps
to build the dependency libraries, set the appropriate CMake
# Build shared libraries (preferred)
cmake -S . -B vc-deps/build/ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
# Build static libraries with PIC
Except where otherwise indicated, the software in this repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version.
This project incorporates software from many excellent external libraries and projects. Please see NOTICE for more information about the licensing terms of these projects.
Volume Cartographer and the project logo and banner graphics are trademarks of EduceLab.
If you use Volume Cartographer in your research, please cite this repository in your publication using our Zenodo record. For more information about the concepts of virtual unwrapping, please see the following publications:
- William Brent Seales et al. “From damage to discovery via virtual unwrapping: Reading the scroll from En-Gedi”. In: Science Advances 2.9 (2016). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1601247. [link]
- Clifford Seth Parker, William Brent Seales, and Pnina Shor. “Quantitative Distortion Analysis of Flattening Applied to the Scroll from En-Gedi”. In: Art & Archaeology, 2nd International Conference. 2016. [link]
- W Brent Seales and Daniel Delattre. “Virtual unrolling of carbonized Herculaneum scrolls: Research Status (2007–2012)”. In: Cronache Ercolanesi 43 (2013), pp. 191–208.
- Ryan Baumann, Dorothy Carr Porter, and W Brent Seales. “The use of micro-ct in the study of archaeological artifacts”. In: 9th International Conference on NDT of Art. 2008, pp. 1–9. [link]
- Yun Lin and W Brent Seales. “Opaque document imaging: Building images of inaccessible texts”. In: Computer Vision, 2005. ICCV 2005. Tenth IEEE International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE. 2005, pp. 662–669.
- W Brent Seales and Yun Lin. “Digital restoration using volumetric scanning”. In: Digital Libraries, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on. IEEE. 2004, pp. 117–124.