go-smtp v0.14.0 This release adds server support for the BINARYMIME and CHUNKING extensions for more efficient message submission. Additionally, connections with too many client errors will now be closed. The client now has timeouts (with reasonable defaults) and allows users to retrieve per-recipient status for LMTP sessions. This release also contains a set of bug fixes. Max Mazurov (1): Add Client.LMTPData method with ability to retrieve per-recipient status Nathan Smith (1): server: Improved error handling (#116) Simon Ser (9): readme: update CI badge to only show status for commits Fix RFC list formatting in docs Reference RFC 8689 instead of draft-ietf-uta-smtp-require-tls-09 client: remove mention of net/smtp server: return listener errors in Server.Close server: prevent panic on double-close server: improve Server.Close docs Remove executable mode from README.md and server.go cmd/smtp-debug-server: new utility fox.cpp (12): Consume message body properly on size limit hit server: Log TLS handshake errors server: Implement CHUNKING extension (BDAT command) server: Add BINARYMIME support server: Prohibit invalid commands during BDAT message transfer Linting, style changes Fix parsing of enhanced codes in multiline responses Replace net/textproto DotReader with custom implementation to avoid CRLF->LF rewrite server: Fix \r\n\r\n being mangled into \r\n\n in message body server: Remove unnecessary stateCR transition from dataReader.Read server: Add a test to verify that <LF>.<LF> is not recognized as a message end client: Implement command timeouts proletarius101 (1): fix: int64 converted to string with unclear type